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Thread: US Gun Crime

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ragnarok View Post
    Pretty much everything that happens in US national politics is mental and a total sideshow. Both sides of the spectrum are dominated by lobbying and interest groups.
    I dont doubt it but nobody needs an assault rifle. There’s an open goal for starters.

    This might sound daft but I’ll ask anyway. Could they not just make the ammunition illegal without affecting their constitutional rights to own the guns?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ragnarok View Post
    I always wonder why so many non Americans care about US gun laws. It's a bit weird really. You don't see the same level of obsession over the homicide rate of Mexico (over 3 times that of the US) or Brazil (over 5 times that of the US). I suppose it does give people an opportunity to express a sense of indignation and smug superiority.
    My brother and sister in law bring that up. They are right wing ultra religious nuts though. What makes it weirder is that she's half Mexican.

    Anyway, places like Honduras for example are ridiculously poor and more importantly lawless. I'd expect it to be going tits up there when some people have absolutely nothing to lose.

    The issue I'd suggest is more to do with the type of murders. A whole drug gang getting wiped out in rural Mexico doesn't quite have the same impact as dozens of young, innocent kids that are in their school.

    The one thing I do kind of understand is the paranoia that forces you into getting a gun. The other problem though is that it doesn't quite end there. You don't end up buying a hand gun, you get the whole modern warfare arsenal then become defensive about your rights.

    Sandy Hook as Stupie said should have changed the culture the same way that Dunblane had. It's not going to stop, ever.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    They claim they have the right to bear arms for (self) defence/protection , but most deaths by guns are attack and not defence.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
    I dont doubt it but nobody needs an assault rifle. There’s an open goal for starters.

    This might sound daft but I’ll ask anyway. Could they not just make the ammunition illegal without affecting their constitutional rights to own the guns?
    Or like Chris Rock once said, make guns free, but bullets cost $1,000,000 each. That way when you see on the news that someone has been shot you would say "damn he must have done something wrong before someone put a million dollar cap in their ass"


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    I quite like his take on religion too, then again he does chose to live there.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    I always remember my American brother in law looking at me incredulously when I told him I didn't have a gun. He asked how I was going to protect my family if anyone broke in. I suggested that families being attacked during a housebreaking didn't really happen. and if I did wake up and hear somebody down stairs I would probably just let them help themselves and claim it on the insurance rather than risk things escalating by confronting them. I've also got a dog so that would probably deter burglars anyway.

    I read that American gun related deaths is 25 per cent higher than any other western society. And not just blacks shooting blacks as good old boy trump likes to put it.
    Last edited by kigoretrout; 16-02-2018 at 03:26 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ragnarok View Post
    How so? I lived there for years and listen to people who've never even been there pontificating about things they barely understand.

    I don't particularly fall onto either side of the debate - I'm broadly supportive of gun rights but also agree that there should be sensible checks restrictions. But the depth of insight I usually hear is along the lines of "dumb hick Americans love their guns".

    The reality is that in most parts of the country with lax gun laws gun crime is low. The US has some horrendous crime hot spots concentrated in urban areas and the vast majority of gun crime is committed with illegal firearms. Mass shootings trigger an emotional response because the crimes are so horrific and are usually committed by disgruntled white guys with legally acquired firearms. But they are statistically insignificant (that's not to say I think they should be ignored or shouldn't warrant some kind of response). If you want to be shocked then do some research into the demographics of the US cities with the highest crime rates. That's where you'll find the real tension at the heart of US society.
    That is a very insular view and illustrates the complete blind spot that Americans have when it comes to gun control.
    However, you are right about Mexico - a barbaric place. Best build a wall, eh?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2016
    The other problem that nobody has mentioned so far is drugs. All these shooters are druggies which makes them mentally ill and then kill a lot of people. I bet this guy is the same.

    And those muslims who blow themselves up are also druggies.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DonUnder View Post

    I quite like his take on religion too, then again he does chose to live there.
    The funny thing about that clip is ive heard all that sh@t from the Yanks i work with. My room mate for example Jerry, hes from Huston and last trip or the trip before someone shot up the church in Huston. So i said, "ooof a bit close to home Jerry min" and his retort. "wouldnt have happened if everyone in the church had a gun". Thats the moronic kind of people america has in it

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Too many people have guns for anything to be done about it now. If any president tried, there would be a civil war.

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