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Thread: ot jeremy corbyn

  1. #51
    Clearly not.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Would you accept then that the owners of most national newspapers are likely to be very wealthy so are very unlikely to support any left leaning party? Why would they want Corbyn to get in? Probably for the same reason as you they dont want to be hit in the pocket.

    I'm glad you agree we dont have a fair press? How can you say that doesn't have an effect on how people vote? How many national newspapers come out and say they support Corbyn? Is there any national newspaper that supports Corbyn ?

    Its all to do with power reations. Study a bit of sociology owd lad. The people with theb most power have the loudest voice thats why they get heard most.

    What would you say if the boot was on the other foot and all the newspapers supported Corbyn?Would you accept that because by your own argument that would mean you would be intolerant of others views yoursejf if you didnt.
    Last edited by rolymiller; 20-02-2018 at 09:26 PM.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    I dipped out of this thread when it descended to the usual circular hate-fest (with the exception of John's contribution) between the usual suspects, but I'll come back in for this.

    I don't think I've ever said that we have a fair press, but you'll doubtless correct me if I'm wrong about that. I've certainly said that we have a free press and long may that continue. A free press inevitably means that different newspapers etc. will hold editorial viewpoints that reflect those of their owners and editorial teams. How could that not be the case? What is the alternative? A state controlled media? That would hardly be unbiased, so what are you proposing?

    I've also said that I don't believe that the media has much of an influence on voting habits, because people choose their news sources to suit their own views, by which I mean that not many members of Momentum will be regular readers of the Daily Mail, whilst hard-core Tories probably don't nip out to get their copy of The Guardian every morning.

    That second point it, I think, neatly demonstrated by some of the posts on this thread. You posted a link to an article from The Independent (a member of the ‘mainstream media), because it suited your purposes, as did animal. And because it suited your purpose you are willing to accept it and hold it out as fact, whereas anything that is critical of The Great Leader is dismissed as smear or unbelievable, untrue and scurrilous accusations and insinuations (although MMM seemed to struggle a little when asked for examples of that). Guardian articles are regularly held out as indisputable fact by those with an inclination to the Left of politics.

    Again, you will doubtless correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall you complaining about press bias against the Tories when the media ran stories about Cameron’s alleged activities with pig heads or allegations of child abuse against Heath or of **** being found on Damien Green’s computer. animal certainly posted about Cameron and Heath on Tyke’s Mad without even a hint of the indignation or scepticism that he seems to feel when the press runs stories that suggest that The Great Leader is anything other than perfect and the saviour in waiting.

    You say that the Czech spy story is made up nonsense, which may be your opinion, but you cannot state is as being fact, can you? As I understand it, a former member of the Czech secret service is saying that The Great Leader was recruited by them in the 80s. What are you saying? Should the press have refused to print the story because it might upset you and others who hold your political stance? If so, why were you not onto the press over Cameron, Heath and Green?

    As it happens, I am of the opinion that the Czech story is probably nonsense. What secrets would he have been able to pass in the 80s? His recipe for compost as I, mentioned above, or perhaps details of the winners in the North London Labour Party Christmas raffle? I think it more likely that they swapped views about their shared hopes for World Socialism until the Czechs got bored and went looking for someone more interesting.

    Think about it, Roly . When you talk about media bias, is the factual position simply that you are intolerant of people holding and expressing views that you don’t agree with? You certainly give that impression on here. Read more Orwell would be my suggested antidote. He was, of course, a person with deep Left leanings who became disillusioned with the intolerance of that wing of politics.
    I don't struggle with anything you post to be fair, because it's usually full of deflection and clever use of words that lawyers use, doesn't make you right because you can dress up your words kerr.
    I reckon just lately you'd be far more use as the editor of the daily fail, have you answered any of the questions yet about ypur ascertion about Corbyn and the pira?? Nope, you havent because you know you're wrong, alongside the rest of the shyte posted about Corbyn.
    Come back when you want to be honest about stuff rather than continuing this absurd media con trick against Corbyn, pathetic kind of sums it up.

  4. #54
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    Attachment 8631

    For someone who works in the legal system you have a strange view of what a level playing field is kerr. The rich and powerful are the ones kicking downhill by the way.The poor and underprivileged are the ones kicking uphill. Things against them? Education/ health/ housing/ life chances/ career opportunities -yeah I know you were working class made good.. I can go on.

    Can't get the evidence for you at the moment but why is it that if your born into the middle classes your children are I believe 10 times more likely to become middle class themselves than someone born into a working class family. Yeah fair right.
    Last edited by rolymiller; 20-02-2018 at 09:43 PM.

  5. #55
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    I have a sneaky feeling we might be being conned by another kempo incarnation by the way MMM. Something you said on an earlier post about Kerr on the piste could be a load of balls made me think this. It makes sense. There is no way a Doctor is going to come on here giving advice about medical problems because it would compromise him professionally. Likewise there is no way someone from the legal trade would come on here arguing from a biased political standpoint because that would too be professionally compromising. It would be very naive if they did. If Kerr is that Smart he just wouldn;t get involved in football messageboard arguments. Look at Poddington. Admits he's a teacher but just keeps low key- hardly posts now. That makes sense though. It wouldnt look good if a teacher got involved in slanging matches on here or became abusive etc not that I am suggesting Pod would but you know what I mean.I'm Convinced now Kerr aint real. We have been had and fallen for it. One of your best ones yet Kemps.
    Last edited by rolymiller; 20-02-2018 at 10:11 PM.

  6. #56
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    Dec 2006
    "Red scare" stories are nothing new . Same thing happened in the 1960s/70s with members of the British secret service "dirty tricks" department feeding lies to the Daily Mail, etc , about Harold Wilson being a Russian spy. Of course, the press printed them without worrying about checking what evidence there was... some things never change

    By the way, Kempo has previously said several times, that KerrAvon is a fake... he could actually be telling the truth (for once) as a double-bluff
    Last edited by mikemiller; 20-02-2018 at 10:08 PM.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda_Hugg_n_Kiss View Post
    Clearly not.
    Clearly not what? What is the point you are seeking to make?

  8. #58
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    Attachment 8631

    For someone who works in the legal system you have a strange view of what a level playing field is kerr. The rich and powerful are the ones kicking downhill by the way.The poor and underprivileged are the ones kicking uphill. Things against them? Education/ health/ housing/ life chances/ career opportunities -yeah I know you were working class made good.. I can go on.

    Can't get the evidence for you at the moment but why is it that if your born into the middle classes your children are I believe 10 times more likely to become middle class themselves than someone born into a working class family. Yeah fair right.
    Well that's great (by which I mean the usual empty rhetoric), but what about the points that I made? Where are your posts about the press treatment of Cameron, Heath and Green? Where was the level playing field for them? Was the media being biased against Labour when they ran those stories?

    Were the press wrong to run stories about them in the way that they ran the Greater Leader/Czech spy story? ‘Tic toc’ as you have taken to saying.

    As I say, you confuse bias with people printing things that you don’t agree with.

    I went to South Grove. Not many 'middle class' there, but what is that to do with your views on media bias?

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Nice one Mr Kempo. You have been exposed at last...

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mikemiller View Post
    "Red scare" stories are nothing new . Same thing happened in the 1960s/70s with members of the British secret service "dirty tricks" department feeding lies to the Daily Mail, etc , about Harold Wilson being a Russian spy. Of course, the press printed them without worrying about checking what evidence there was... some things never change

    By the way, Kempo has previously said several times, that KerrAvon is a fake... he could actually be telling the truth (for once) as a double-bluff
    Same question to you as the ones that Roly has side stepped with all the guile and trickery of Gijsbert Bos on an off day. What of the Cameron, Heath and Green stories? How do they fit with the notion of one way traffic in the media?

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