Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
Attachment 8631

For someone who works in the legal system you have a strange view of what a level playing field is kerr. The rich and powerful are the ones kicking downhill by the way.The poor and underprivileged are the ones kicking uphill. Things against them? Education/ health/ housing/ life chances/ career opportunities -yeah I know you were working class made good.. I can go on.

Can't get the evidence for you at the moment but why is it that if your born into the middle classes your children are I believe 10 times more likely to become middle class themselves than someone born into a working class family. Yeah fair right.
Well that's great (by which I mean the usual empty rhetoric), but what about the points that I made? Where are your posts about the press treatment of Cameron, Heath and Green? Where was the level playing field for them? Was the media being biased against Labour when they ran those stories?

Were the press wrong to run stories about them in the way that they ran the Greater Leader/Czech spy story? ‘Tic toc’ as you have taken to saying.

As I say, you confuse bias with people printing things that you don’t agree with.

I went to South Grove. Not many 'middle class' there, but what is that to do with your views on media bias?