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Thread: ot jeremy corbyn

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    I'm struggling to think what utterly fantastic state secrets Mr Corbyn could have passed on as a opposition back bencher facing down a tory government under Thatcher every day .

    Even chuffin Thatcher herself wouldn't have known half of what was going on at that time within MI5 never mind a labour backbencher in opposition .

    Maybe he got wind that George Graham was to become the new Arsenal manager in 1986 at best .

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Breaking news, i've just seen Jeremy Corbyn with a boat load of KFC chicken...

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by great_fire View Post
    Not worth arguing with these Corbynista zealots.

    They wouldn't have had a bad word said against Stalin when he was murdering millions.

    "Left good, Right bad", that's all that goes through their heads.

    Would be more productive arguing with a watermelon.
    Don't you worry fire , the revolution is coming , this time next year Scargill will be home secretary and Mogg will be on trial for his life charged with treason .

    The only cars on the road will be Trabants , although there won't be any petrol to put in them and failure to salute Comrade Corbyn when he appears daily on state television will be 30 years hard labour .

    Elections will be a thing of the past and our only trade will be with North Korea , Cuba and Venezuela .

    I'd get out whilst you can before the wall goes up and become a refugee seeking political asylum .
    Last edited by animallittle3; 20-02-2018 at 11:48 PM.

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Yet another Corbyn lie in his statement today:

    "A free press is essential for democracy and we don't want to close it down, we want to open it up."

    When in fact they are going ahead with the second part of Leveson and will get the Sun, Mail, Express shut down if they can.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    Would you accept then that the owners of most national newspapers are likely to be very wealthy so are very unlikely to support any left leaning party? Why would they want Corbyn to get in? Probably for the same reason as you they dont want to be hit in the pocket.

    I'm glad you agree we dont have a fair press? How can you say that doesn't have an effect on how people vote? How many national newspapers come out and say they support Corbyn? Is there any national newspaper that supports Corbyn ?

    Its all to do with power reations. Study a bit of sociology owd lad. The people with theb most power have the loudest voice thats why they get heard most.

    What would you say if the boot was on the other foot and all the newspapers supported Corbyn?Would you accept that because by your own argument that would mean you would be intolerant of others views yoursejf if you didnt.
    I missed this post in all the excitement of you deciding that answering the points that I made was a wee bit too difficult for you and coming up with a silly excuse not to do so

    The Guardian and Independent are both left leaning. I haven't read the Mirror in years (who has?), but that was certainly Left leaning when it was run by Maxwell (former Labour MP and certainly wealthy - particularly after he had taken cash from the Mirror Group Pension fund).

    I haven't agreed with you that we don’t have a fair press. I was pointing out that you were wrong when you claimed that I previously said that we did. Talking about a fair press is a ‘how long is a piece of string’ point. The press is not an amorphous mass and is capable of being fair at times and unfair at others. I suspect that members of Heath’s family will feel their treatment of him – printing details of allegations against him that he can’t address – is particularly unfair. The Great Leader had the opportunity to address the Czceh spy allegations and the MSM printed his denials as per the article that animal linked to.

    As for my point about the limited effect of media bias, consider this: how often do you read the Daily Mail and would it turn you into a right winger if you did?

    I’m really not sure where you are going with the ‘if all newspapers supported The Great Leader’ point? How does that hypothetical argument help? Not all newspapers support May (very few do) and so it is as unrealistic as it is hypothetical. As for my views, have you heard me complain that the media are biased because The Guardian is pro-Labour? I don’t think you have. That’s the difference between you and me on this point. I accept that a free press means freedom for proprietors and editorial teams to hold and express views, irrespective of whether I agree with them.

    As for me not wanting to be hit in the pocket, you should read my posts. What I object to about the current Labour Party is that it is proposing to hit everyone in the pockets by re-running the failed, inflation and unemployment creating policies of the 70s. I also object to it proposing to buy middle class votes with a policy that is likely to reduce the quality and availability of university places in this country.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    I'm struggling to think what utterly fantastic state secrets Mr Corbyn could have passed on as a opposition back bencher facing down a tory government under Thatcher every day .

    Even chuffin Thatcher herself wouldn't have known half of what was going on at that time within MI5 never mind a labour backbencher in opposition .

    Maybe he got wind that George Graham was to become the new Arsenal manager in 1986 at best .
    What a good point, animal. I wish I'd made it... oh, I did.

    As I said above, I think it far more likely that the Czech spy and The Great Leader were talking about their common belief in the advancement of World Socialism, because that ideology was working out so well for the Czech people at the time.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by great_fire View Post
    Yet another Corbyn lie in his statement today:

    "A free press is essential for democracy and we don't want to close it down, we want to open it up."

    When in fact they are going ahead with the second part of Leveson and will get the Sun, Mail, Express shut down if they can.
    Wow, and we'd all miss that high quality journalism (LOL!). Phew, what a scorcher and a pack of lies - as per usual.
    Which conspiracy theory website with links to the far right did you get that from.... or , let me guess...it was "on Twitter"?
    Last edited by mikemiller; 21-02-2018 at 07:44 AM.

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    No Mike miller, remove the "ter" off the end and you'll be about right.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Still absolutely no proof about Corbyn's alleged links to the pira then Kerr....it's like you're dodging it or summat....

    As for the 'free press' thing, what's happening right now is nothing to do with free press and everything to do with control, and how these people can call themselves journalists is beyond me.

    Your views on what the labour party policies would do to the country? You mean actually fund the NHS properly, and the schools, and the welfare state, you mean stop unscrupulous employers squeezing every inch out of the zero hour paid staff? You've got your head in the sand, the ordinary folk of this country is being shafted massively by your beloved tories.
    Your jibe about uni education also shows your snobbery, claiming the quality of education would be reduced, pathetic that.
    Do you wanna post some proof about the czech spy meeting then Kerr? I think you'll struggle with that one also.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    As crap as May is, Corbyn is not going to get elected.

    Even with the dumbed-down education system we have, run by Marxist teachers, people are not that stupid.

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