The things that have been reported on regarding charities and the people working for them has sent shivers down my spine.

The people in charge have been using *** workers which I must admit isn't overly bad because that is the way the prostitutes make a living. It has been reported that underage girls have been supplied to other people and driven to parties on demand.

There are a few things in this that aren't right as I'm sure you'll agree.
This has been going on for years and the charity sector have known about it and have paid people up to protect the charities good name.
The people who have been dismissed from their post or have been paid up have easily found jobs with other aid charities giving them access and freedom to do the same again whenever they get opertunity.

It seems like the charity sector is a havon for péodos from all over the world. These aren't just british scum taking advantage of angel status they're from all over the place. Even in Syria where there are pockets of people needing aid the people that are employed by the charities (because it's too dangerous to go there themselves) are bribing the women and children with the free aid they should be given!

The big Charities like Oxfam, Red Cross unicef and many more are a saviour for desperate people all over the globe. We hear of corruption, bribes and theft surrounded by the gifts we have been paying for for years. There needs to be a big change in the way they operate.

I will not be giving to these big charities again until they are sorted out will you?