I don't know about anyone else but I'm totally pissed off with so few English/British players getting an opportunity in the Premier League and Championship. I find it really difficult how anyone could support a club in the Premier League or even the likes of Wolves who really represent nothing about the place the team is from.

There is no evidence whatsoever that the mass import of overpaid foreigners has lifted the skills and ability of English players to compete at the International level. In fact I'd suggest the opposite as a lot now don't have the hunger given there pockets are filled with millions and lets face it most Pro's aren't exactly articulate.

Brexit will mean that European players will have to obtain a work permit to play for English clubs. My view is this:

Every club should be limited to a maximum of 6 players on a work permit.
A team cannot field more than 3 players on a work permit at ANY stage in a game.

Yes this will reduce TV revenue's and hit the big boys but it's my opinion that this will be better for English football and provide an opportunity to develop OUR talent to the net benefit of the National team.