Quote Originally Posted by MadAmster View Post
At Amazon and other online stores and probably at your local computer/electronic store, you can buy Andriod boxes which you can programme to pick up any station you want. BBC, ITV/Channel4-5, Sky, BTSport, foreign stations etc etc etc. Prices from around £40 to a couple of hundred. Over here the local Computer shop will also programme it for you for around £50 if you think that might be a difficult task.......

..... not that I am trying to persuade anybody into any shady action
We had this discussion way back, maybe before your entrance to the forum, and I stay (broadly) on the right side of the law on this, a bit sensitive to the whole issue due to previous aggro regarding musical copyright theft. To each their own.

Ironic story on the general them of copyright theft, I had a run-in with a 'professional photographer' (ie a guy with a camera who calls himself professional on facebook) who recently threatened to take me to court re a photo I used in my magazine - he later agreed that copyright rested with the photo's subject matter, a rock band he'd done a shoot with. Anyway, the irony is that despite now having a notice on his fb page that he will sue anyone using his photos, he has put a request out for anyone who will 'lend' him a photoshop installation CD because the PIRATED version of photoshop he has is no longer working....pot kettle black blah blah