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Thread: OT: So here's why the BBC and the Guardian kept quiet about Tommy Robinson

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jacobncfc View Post
    Why did he plead guilty, then!?!

    We don't fully know what went on yet. I think it's a case of allowing the story to develop and we maybe, just maybe one day get to the full truth behind this Orwellian conviction.

  2. #22
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jacobncfc View Post
    Why did he plead guilty, then!?!
    Probably because firstly he saw the set up for what it was, knew the verdict was a foregone conclusion and knew the kangaroo court would give him a longer sentence if he pleaded not guilty.
    Let’s assume for a moment the misdemeanour was worth the arrest. It’s the lightning speed with which he was whisked off to prison and how the speed of that contrasts with the years it has taken for the groomed and raped children to obtain justice that is infuriating to many. Infuriating to over half a million at least as that is the number that have signed the petition for his release up to now.

    The anger so many feel and the fact Robinson is a focal point is simply a symptom of the utter cowardice the authorities have shown for decades in dealing with this issue.
    Last edited by AltyPie; 31-05-2018 at 08:47 AM.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by AltyPie View Post

    The anger so many feel and the fact Robinson is a focal point is simply a symptom of the utter cowardice the authorities have shown for decades in dealing with this issue.
    Absolutely spot on.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagpieTony View Post
    Absolutely spot on.

  5. #25
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    I can understand peoples’ anger about the original issue, but can’t get my head around why anyone would support Robinson in this. He was expressly told that doing exactly what he did could lead to a mistrial and the defendants potentially getting off on a technicality. Why would you then do it again, unless you actually wanted them to get away with it?

    I would suggest because he cares more about his own profile and online earnings than about *****philes getting just convictions.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacobncfc View Post
    I can understand peoples’ anger about the original issue, but can’t get my head around why anyone would support Robinson in this. He was expressly told that doing exactly what he did could lead to a mistrial and the defendants potentially getting off on a technicality. Why would you then do it again, unless you actually wanted them to get away with it?

    I would suggest because he cares more about his own profile and online earnings than about *****philes getting just convictions.
    I don't believe anyone is supporting Robinson Jacob.
    What they are simmering at, is the huge underhanded actions of the establishment in trying to hush him up.
    Think about it.
    Muslim grooming gangs were known about a long time ago.
    The Police/Councils/Social services hushed it up and tried to ignore the problem.
    One man takes it upon himself to expose it all. I don't agree with his methods, but the way he has been hounded since is out rageous for a British citizen.
    He has been threatened with arrest whilst out with his family. He has been arrested in his own house and held in a cell with out charge to stop him attending rallies. People who have come interview him, deported and the use of terror laws has been outrageous.
    He and his family have received death threats, assaults and no one has been dragged in over it.

    The is supposed to be a free state and free speech. Yet it appears an agenda to suppress that is in progress if it doesn't suit a narrative.
    What that is yet is still in debate, but it doesn't look good.

    All I will say to you is, if the roles were reversed and it was a muslim being treated like this, after white grooming gangs had targeted Asian girls. What would the police have done?
    I abhor ***ual exploitation of any children. I worked in the jails for 9 years. I know how much convicts detest scum like this as well.
    If we truly live in a free world, ask yourself why double standards are being introduced under an Orwellian system.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacobncfc View Post
    I can understand peoples’ anger about the original issue, but can’t get my head around why anyone would support Robinson in this. He was expressly told that doing exactly what he did could lead to a mistrial and the defendants potentially getting off on a technicality. Why would you then do it again, unless you actually wanted them to get away with it?

    I would suggest because he cares more about his own profile and online earnings than about *****philes getting just convictions.
    I actually have a lot of respect for TR. He is a rough diamond trying to do his best to confront a situation of extreme injustice which more capable people in positions of power and influence have cowardly turned a blind eye to. It is those politicians, judges, police officers, social services and news agencies who should be feeling the wrath and contempt of fair minded citizens of this Country for their inaction which in my view makes them complicit with the crimes. Is TR perfect? No. Does he go about things the wrong way sometimes? Yes. But, when you see injustice and have seen friends suffer and those with the power and responsibility do nothing but turn a blind eye it takes courage and commitment to try and take on the corrupt establishment to provoke them into action. The likes of TR unfortunately have become the last hope for many ordinary people who feel hopeless and powerless to affect the inertia of the establishment. Many have wrote to or talked to MPs and feel that they have been totally ignored. What options have they got? TR embodies, if not perfectly, the frustrations of many as shown by the number who have petitioned for his release. Direct your anger at the cause of the problem and not the effect, if of course you are angry at what has been happening to the children of this Country and not just wanting to have a cheap pop at someone you regard as just another racist, far right numbskull who ought to keep his gob shut for the sake of diversity.

  8. #28
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    The Quilliam report in 2017 reported there had been 58 grooming gangs prosecuted since 2005 consisting of84% Asians and targeting mainly young white girls.The media is either choosing to,or being to not report the majority.Tommy Robinson it seems was the only one trying to highlight the fact that 29 individuals were being charged with 174 crimes against 18 girls.Surely those of us with young female offsprings have a right to know what's going on

  9. #29
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by gozzie321 View Post
    The Quilliam report in 2017 reported there had been 58 grooming gangs prosecuted since 2005 consisting of84% Asians and targeting mainly young white girls.The media is either choosing to,or being to not report the majority.Tommy Robinson it seems was the only one trying to highlight the fact that 29 individuals were being charged with 174 crimes against 18 girls.Surely those of us with young female offsprings have a right to know what's going on
    If you're stats are correct, it's clearly being supressed.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacobncfc View Post
    I can understand peoples’ anger about the original issue, but can’t get my head around why anyone would support Robinson in this.
    Let me try to explain why I think TR might be a focal point and why it seems so many people support him:
    This is a section of the police officer’s oath:
    “I do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will serve the office of constable with fairness, integrity, diligence & impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people … & prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold said office I will discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.”

    These are sections from The Code for Crown Prosecutors, January 2013:
    “It is the duty of prosecutors to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence & to bring offenders to justice wherever possible.”
    “Decisions are to be taken fairly, impartially and with integrity to help to secure justice for victims & the public.”
    “Prosecutors must ensure that the law is properly applied.”

    Now while you’re reading the next few paragraphs remember that many of the protestors, the families of the people raped, & the half a million plus who have signed the petition for his release will be tax payers who pay for people to uphold the above pledges.

    Space is limited on NCM so here are just a few of the things that people will be angry about:

    The Communications Act Sec 127 is the main tool being used to undermine freedom of expression in the UK. In 2016, 3300 people were questioned using its powers. Around half of these cases were dropped before any prosecution. I obviously have not looked at all the cases but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say a large proportion of the arrests were for criticising Islam. This angers many as they see this as a sinister attack on their freedom of expression while they have the privilege of paying for the people doing the enforcing.

    Of course the most notorious case was the Count Dankula “Hitler Dog” case which would be funny if what it symbolised wasn’t so sinister. What is most terrifying about this case is that the judge said “context and intent are irrelevant”. A judge we pay for.
    (To calibrate where we are on this, in 1941 a German vice consul in Nazi-friendly Finland reported a suspicious act: a dog had reportedly mocked the Führer. Tor Borg was called in for questioning & asked if it was true his dog had, upon hearing the word “Hitler,” made a mockery of the chancellor by performing a Nazi salute? The case collapsed due to lack of witnesses. “Considering the circumstances could not be solved completely, it is not necessary to press charges,” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-12139150 )

    So our authorities now prosecute stuff even the Nazi’s did not.

    Now contrast the Count Dankula case with the Munroe Bergdorf (black trans model) case. MB posted this on Facebook, “I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes, all white people…” The BBC aired a piece in which Bergdorf stated, “the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on earth.” People reported these statements but were met with guess what? Official indifference.

    How much do you think the official double standards demonstrated by the Dankula & Bergdorf cases angers people?

    One of the bodies that reported anti-Islam “hate speech” for years was TellMAMA. People were reported by this group for “anti-Muslim hate”. After Lee Rigby was murdered, this group claimed there had been a “sustained wave of attacks and intimidation” against British Muslims and reported 193 “Islamophobic incidents”. What they failed to mention was that over half of these “incidents” were online posts and that many did not even originate in the UK. The media of course unquestioningly repeated these claims. This group received a total of £375,000 of taxpayer cash before it had its funding cut in 2013 by the Department for Communities and Local Government because its reporting was so dishonest. Dishonest about Islamophobia after Lee Rigby’s murder remember.

    Some will recall that Kevin Crehan was imprisoned for placing bacon outside a mosque. He turned up dead halfway through his 12 month sentence. Whatever else the authorities we pay for did, they failed to prevent his death.

    You can of course now be arrested for reading out Churchill’s words from the River War in public as Paul Weston’s arrest proves. He was apparently arrested for “racial harrassment” despite the fact Islam never has been, and never will be, a race.

    Contrast Crehan’s, Weston’s & Robinson’s treatment with the cover up of grooming gangs and ask yourself what reaction it might generate among many?

    Consider that in 2010, a group of Muslims protested returning soldiers and held up signs saying, “British Soldiers Go To Hell”. They were protected by the police. Also consider that Sharia patrols are now a thing on the streets of London that many are worried about and no longer trust the police to deal with.

    Now go back to the top of this piece and read the police officer’s oath and The Code for Crown Prosecutors’ extracts. Ask yourself if people should question whether the police act with “integrity, diligence and impartiality” & whether the CPS make decisions “fairly, impartially and with integrity”. Might they feel a little anger at the answers they arrive at concerning these people they pay for?

    It seems simple to me. The authorities have created Tommy Robinson all by themselves. He’s a totem for a section of society who feel angered and unrepresented. A section who have seen their democratic rights either being given away or trampled on and their freedom of expression destroyed. People have seen the most vulnerable members of their communities groomed & raped by gangs staffed mainly by Pakistani Muslims while the police covered it up. They have been called Racist, Islamophobic & Far Right for years, and criminalised for tweeting their complaints about Islam in what for some, is the only inelegant way they know how.

    How do you expect such people to relate to a figure they see as being the only person brave enough to call all this out on their behalf?

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