Today I made a brief visit to the S24 site to locate the goalkeeping thread (re Joe Hart) that Rod had referred to. I came across a thread called ‘Forums from days gone by’.

Bladesmad gets absolutely slated. If Roy was to do a ‘view from’ picking out the posts about us you wouldn’t be pleased. There is only Grayblade and Blade66 with anything good to say about us. Even the mods come in for criticism.

I accept that Foxy and Linzy have done an excellent job and they have far more traffic than us nowadays. After all we are a busted flush full of idiots and bullies according to them.

I’ve often muted the idea of an inter forum quiz. It seems even more of a good idea now so that they can tell us face to face what they think of us.

Their comments are somewhat disappointing and uncalled for - after all we’re all Blades aren’t we?