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Thread: It's not turned out too bad for Eniola Aluko

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    For the other reasons i mentioned mellowmiller.
    If a football message board only exists because of debates about something posted by a person who "never talks or joins in discussions about the Millers" then it can hardly be called a football message board can it?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You've lost me on that one owd lad.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    One for mr barsteward and the righties methinks:

    [I]UCFB’s Chief Marketing Officer Sharona Friedman commented: “UCFB is committed to inclusion and diversity within the football industry at all levels, so we’re delighted to be able to partner with Kick It Out to offer this incredible scholarship opportunity. The recipients of this award will not only receive a first-class education to begin their career in the football industry, but the opportunity to represent Kick It Out and UCFB around the country is truly a one off experience that shouldn’t be missed.”


    Roisin Wood, Chief Executive at Kick It Out, added: “Kick It Out and UCFB are dedicated to educating the leaders of tomorrow in the importance of diversity and a level playing field at all levels and in all sectors of the game. This unique scholarship, which covers 100% of tuition fees, is the perfect way to promote inclusion and help spread the word on diversity in football.”

    2 points to make from this:

    1. ... importance of diversity and a level playing field at all levels and in all sectors of the game. Think Miss Aluko could come into that category.

    2. Don't you think its a bit sad that Kick it out has been going for 25 years and STILL we have a need to ensure fair treatment and recognition of diversity in football. I would suggest the views of blinkered idiots (similar to the ones who infest this site ) is one reason why nowt ever changes...
    Last edited by rolymiller; 25-06-2018 at 03:25 PM.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mellowmiller View Post
    So why do people keep responding to someone who "never talks or joins in discussion about the Millers?"
    If you keep feeding his vanity he'll keep coming back. He's probably having a good laugh about how easily he can get the usual suspects fired up just by making a simple statement.

    Would that were so Mellow! But if you follow Stardson (and his other incarnations) he does get lured into debates on occasion and it's no surprise that he has exactly the same views as the other reactionary posters whom he sets up to spout on with his opening posts.
    There’s only a handful and most are of what I would call the obsessive ‘Guido Fawkes’ movement… very similar right wing, reactionary VERY anti left/labour and generally quite anti what they say are ‘progressive’ movements in society.

    You think that if no one opposed these posts, Stardson would stop posting. I disagree. I deliberately held back from commenting initially as the initial post, as you say, wasn’t in itself making any statements about Aluko and if you were a bit thick you could be excused for thinking that Stardson was simply making an observation that Aluko had done well for herself, and well done her. But then what quickly followed, as always, were the next 10 posts in which we were informed:

    • That women’s football is no better than pub football (love to see a match between the England Women’s 11 and the County Borough!)
    • That a lot of women footballers are lesbians
    • That TV companies don’t select pundits on any merit whatsoever, they are selected purely on their race/***/orientation
    • Aluko only has this position because of this criteria, thereby discrediting her opinions and ability to do the job based on her being black and a woman.

    All this was put over in despite there being no posts arguing contrary to the original post.

    These posters are obsessive and contrary to what you think, deeply believe in their politics. How many times have they expressed these same views? And as with people newly committed to a political cause (lots on both right and left since the referendum but only the right seem intent on repeatedly starting posts where they can incessantly confirm their views with one another) are completely willing to ram it down our throats. They will do it regardless of whether anyone responds in argument.

    I’m not pretending there’s any chance of changing their opinions or stopping them, but am just tired of seeing such views on my footy team’s message board, representing my town that already has a negative rep.

  5. #55
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    Aug 2005
    • That women’s football is no better than pub football (love to see a match between the England Women’s 11 and the County Borough!)
    • That a lot of women footballers are lesbians
    • That TV companies don’t select pundits on any merit whatsoever, they are selected purely on their race/***/orientation
    • Aluko only has this position because of this criteria, thereby discrediting her opinions and ability to do the job based on her being black and a woman.

    Yep and all from the posters on here he entices out to forward his real views. And like I have previously posted, its the same old gang that voice his real opinion as they give theirs.. IBS puts the poison into the glass, the gang deliver it to the recipient ie the rest of us on millersmad. ..all very spy like and quite fitting for a Russian World Cup campaign perhaps. Its nowt new though he does this all the time.

    It's also worth commenting that IBS never distances himself from posts like the above eg "you are misinterpreting what I have said" or "you are quoting me wrongly". What IBS SHOULD do is come out and clearly state the views of the gang to startr with because at least then we have some honesty from him but that's not his way as I have just illustrated.
    Last edited by rolymiller; 25-06-2018 at 04:26 PM.

  6. #56
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    Aug 2005
    ...the gang by the way are unaware that they are delivering the poison because they ain't that smart but they are not bothered in the end because they agree with his line of thinking..

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    IBS must have a keep net the size of the Isle of Wight and, judging by some of the comments on here he's soon going to need an even bigger one.
    Anybody know if the Millers have signed anybody yet? Sorry to mention our club on this message board but that's actually the main reason I look/contribute on here ☹

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ...think its a bit more sinister than IBS trying to catch fish Mellow. If he wanted to do that he would be using a bigger net to trap right wingers as well as left and everyone in between...there have been plenty of fishermen on here in the past eg Gino but his net was for everyone whatever their opinion...IBS obviously has an agenda...

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    ...think its a bit more sinister than IBS trying to catch fish Mellow. If he wanted to do that he would be using a bigger net to trap right wingers as well as left and everyone in between...there have been plenty of fishermen on here in the past eg Gino but his net was for everyone whatever their opinion...IBS obviously has an agenda...
    Gino was a master of the wind up but I think most of his one liners were about matters to do with the club. I wish he'd come back.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mellowmiller View Post
    IBS must have a keep net the size of the Isle of Wight and, judging by some of the comments on here he's soon going to need an even bigger one.
    Anybody know if the Millers have signed anybody yet? Sorry to mention our club on this message board but that's actually the main reason I look/contribute on here ☹
    If that's the case, why does IBS get sucked into the debates and cries like a big old Jessie when even slightly taxed: "why can't I say what I think! Waaaahhh!"

    Bit the behaviour of a simple wind up merchant is it? Of course that pretence will be kept up, by him and others who agree with his views (you too uh? :-) ) as it keeps the appearance that they aren't just forcing their views down footy fans throats! Let's not pretend eh?

    Think there's a thread ongoing about Millers signings. Don't click o/t if not interested in topic etc etc

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