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Thread: sign the petition

  1. #261
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    And your argument isn’t about the money when you refer to the number of billionaires and suggest that the less well off need more? That’s as silly a point to make when you did it as when Roly did.

    Ok. So your first link indicates that the number of billionaires in the UK is growing primarily because of the arrival of entrepreneurs from outside the UK. What would you like to do – ban them? One assumes that having arrived they at the very least employ local people and consume within the UK such as to generate tax revenues. Abramovitch, who is mentioned in the article, is a case in point. You may not like what he is doing at Chelsea (or Chealsea as the proof readers at The Guardian would have it), but the fact remains that he is injecting cash into the club, which then goes on to employ people.

    James Dyson is mentioned in the article. I don’t believe that he had a particular privileged upbringing and recall reading that he had to re-mortgage his house and live on his wife’s salary from teaching whilst he developed the vacuum cleaner that made him rich. He came up with a good idea and took a risk to develop and sell it. What do you want to do? Take his wealth away.

    Of course, other people’s wealth has risen through the rise in property prices and the rise in other asset values that has been driven by Quantitative Easing. As a house owner you will have benefitted from the former and as a person with an interest in a pension fund, you will have benefitted from the latter. It remains open to you to give both away if you feel that the growth in your wealth is wrong.

    And what is Labour would do about the growth in billionaires? I don’t think nationalising the Royal Mail or the tuition fee bribe is going to have any particular effect upon them (save, of course, that injecting a minimum of £176bn into the economy by way of nationalisations will further drive up asset values).

    Did you actually read the second article that you linked to? It explodes some of the common myths surround tax and benefit enforcement, including the notion that tax avoidance is a huge problem within the UK.

    The article suggests that HMRC has 300 or so people working in its Affluent Compliance Unit – investigating people earning £150 000 plus. The fact is that you don’t need many people doing that work, because they aren’t many people earning such amounts. In addition, if you set aside your prejudiced assumptions for a moment , it’s not clear that there is a significant problem within the £150 000+ earning group; the major route of tax evasion is by the non-declaration of earnings. Yes, some of that might well fall within the £150 000+ group, but it has to be equally likely to arise through plumbers, taxi drivers, builders and the like not putting work through their books (which, by the way, is devilishly difficult to prove).

    Benefit fraud, on the other hand, is committed by a larger number of people (that must be the case given that the amounts involved are often relatively small and yet £1.2bn per year is going down the tubes) and so a larger number of investigators is required. You may be happy with the notion of this sort of thing not being investigated, but I don’t think may people would agree with you: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-...wales-31837534

    The notion that you could swap the benefit investigators into high end tax investigations is slightly bonkers by the way. The skills required are very different – high end tax investigation will require forensic accountants and lawyers.

    The tuition fee bribe is a bribe no matter how you dress it up. I’m guessing that the ‘major wrong’ you are talking about is that people used to get free tuition, whereas now they don’t? That ignores the fact that far more people go to university now than used to (in part, because the income from tuition fees makes it possible to offer more places). And if it is a ’major wrong’ for people to be treated differently why is Labour so vague about what it will do about pre-existing student loans (saying hat it would be ‘dealt with’ during the election campaign, but then being ever so coy afterwards about what that actually meant).

    And if Labour is so keen to address ‘major wrongs’ through different generations being dealt with differently, why is it proposing to impose VAT on private school fees? Wouldn’t it be a ‘major wrong’ that parents of children attending such schools would have to find 20% more after a Labour election victory than parents of children who had been privately educated in the past?

    You missed my question by the way: What are your views on Labour planning to spend billions on the bribe and nationalisations whilst declining to reverse the benefits cap on the grounds of cost? Put another way, how do you think a food bank user would feel about Labour rejecting the notion of lifting the benefits cap on cost grounds whilst planning to give £7bn a year to predominantly middles class kids to go to university? Do you think he might consider that a ‘major wrong’?
    Once again you mis represent, as lawyers do, it's what you're very good at, very low to be honest, but whatever floats yer boat..
    I don't want to ban anyone, anyone who brings wealth to our economy, by the same token, i want those same folk to pay their fair share, something i assume you don't agree with given the amount of times you seem to defend them, once again, that's the difference, not that you care at all.

    James Dyson didn't have a particularly priveleged upbringing? no i suppose attending boarding schools and the Royal college of Art is something we all did then, what a pathetic statement that is, to add, there you go again, mis representing, pathetic,i don't want to take his wealth away, i want him to pay his dues, you want him to continue to amass wealth, i don't really understand how any patriotic Brit could support someone like him, gained his wealth on the back of British worker's then shipped his factory's off to Malaysia for the cheap wages and conditions, a pure money grabbing tosspot.

    The very fact you have mentioned how highbrow and forensic it is to investigate top end fraud to support your view kind of suggests that there's many more doing it, and using more specialist accountants to dodge...how anyone could support that is beyond me.

    As far as the tuition fee thing,dress it up however you like, you learnt your waffle through free uni education, why should Joe Blogg's daughter learn the same? double standards at best, shocking hypocrisy at the worst,you pick which one you are.

    Given that many of those children have been getting bursaries regardless of their parent's total incomes then i'd say it would make for a fairer system, wouldn't you?

    You know how i'd feel if i was a food bank user, i'd feel that the NHS is safe in the Labour party's hands, i'd feel that my kids would maybe get a decent education and the chance to go to higher education without the threat of massive debt (like your parents got), i'd that the welfare state would once again be something of a safety net, rather than a tool to punish.

  2. #262
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Dyson reckons a,shortage of engineers is the biggest barrier to growth in the UK.

    Quote..... “If you export, you can only export better technology and better engineering,” said Sir James. “So you have to develop products much more rapidly than you have historically. Britain is not geared up for that and I don’t think the Government understands it.”

    He said Britain “produced 12,000 engineering graduates a year – and there are currently 54,000 vacancies. It’s predicted that in two years time there will be 200,000 vacancies. India produces 1.2m engineering graduates a year. The Philippines produces more than us, so does Iran, so does Mexico. It’s not a sustainable situation.”.....

    So back to the original point. Who pays for training these engineers?

  3. #263
    Quote Originally Posted by WanChaiMiller View Post
    Dyson reckons a,shortage of engineers is the biggest barrier to growth in the UK.

    Quote..... “If you export, you can only export better technology and better engineering,” said Sir James. “So you have to develop products much more rapidly than you have historically. Britain is not geared up for that and I don’t think the Government understands it.”

    He said Britain “produced 12,000 engineering graduates a year – and there are currently 54,000 vacancies. It’s predicted that in two years time there will be 200,000 vacancies. India produces 1.2m engineering graduates a year. The Philippines produces more than us, so does Iran, so does Mexico. It’s not a sustainable situation.”.....

    So back to the original point. Who pays for training these engineers?
    Well, certainly not Dyson

    As for India, that's one of the places we still send foreign aid to. Regardless of the fact that they can fund a nuclear deterrent

  4. #264
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    Once again you mis represent, as lawyers do, it's what you're very good at, very low to be honest, but whatever floats yer boat..
    I don't want to ban anyone, anyone who brings wealth to our economy, by the same token, i want those same folk to pay their fair share, something i assume you don't agree with given the amount of times you seem to defend them, once again, that's the difference, not that you care at all.

    James Dyson didn't have a particularly priveleged upbringing? no i suppose attending boarding schools and the Royal college of Art is something we all did then, what a pathetic statement that is, to add, there you go again, mis representing, pathetic,i don't want to take his wealth away, i want him to pay his dues, you want him to continue to amass wealth, i don't really understand how any patriotic Brit could support someone like him, gained his wealth on the back of British worker's then shipped his factory's off to Malaysia for the cheap wages and conditions, a pure money grabbing tosspot.

    The very fact you have mentioned how highbrow and forensic it is to investigate top end fraud to support your view kind of suggests that there's many more doing it, and using more specialist accountants to dodge...how anyone could support that is beyond me.

    As far as the tuition fee thing,dress it up however you like, you learnt your waffle through free uni education, why should Joe Blogg's daughter learn the same? double standards at best, shocking hypocrisy at the worst,you pick which one you are.

    Given that many of those children have been getting bursaries regardless of their parent's total incomes then i'd say it would make for a fairer system, wouldn't you?

    You know how i'd feel if i was a food bank user, i'd feel that the NHS is safe in the Labour party's hands, i'd feel that my kids would maybe get a decent education and the chance to go to higher education without the threat of massive debt (like your parents got), i'd that the welfare state would once again be something of a safety net, rather than a tool to punish.
    You expressed concern about the growing number of billion/millionaires in the economy and then put up a link that attributes much of that growth to foreign entrepreneurs coming to the UK. Why wouldn’t I ask if you were suggesting that such people be banned, given that is probably the only way to address the issue that you were raising? Perhaps you should have been more explicit about the point you were seeking to make?

    Your point now seems to be: i want those same folk to pay their fair share, something i assume you don't agree with given the amount of times you seem to defend them. What a ridiculous thing to say. Defend them against what? Your point seems to be based upon an assumption on your part that wealthy people don’t ‘pay their fair share’. I’m sure that some don’t, just as some plumbers don’t put all the work they do through the book and some manual workers do ‘cash in hand’ work. Nobody likes paying tax, but most people just get on and do it, with there being no reason to assume that the wealthy are any more or less likely to do it than anyone else.

    This country taxes income, not wealth (although Inheritance and Council Taxes are indirectly liked to wealth) and it is entirely possible that a person coming to the country has only a limited taxable income here, but such people would still contribute through consumption taxes and by employing people, which is the point that I was making.

    I have seen nothing to suggest that James Dyson had a privileged upbringing. I think there are plenty of people around who would say that attending a boarding school is not a privilege. As for attending the Royal College of Arts, I would assume that he is good at art, applied for a place as anyone can, and got one. The point is that his considerable wealth comes not from a ‘silver spoon’, but instead from him coming up with an idea, developing it and bringing it to the market, all at his own risk.

    Again, you appear to be implying that Dyson does not ‘pay his dues’ Is that evidence based or another manifestation of prejudice upon your part? I have no knowledge about his tax affairs and no reason to believe that he doesn’t pay every penny that is due from him. Do you?

    As for him being a 'money grabbing tosspot', I don’t know the bloke, but I do know that the James Dyson Foundation gave £8m to establish a technology hub at Cambridge University, £12m to Imperial College to support their school of design engineering and provides teaching materials to schools to promote engineering. He also partially agrees with you on tuition fees and provides supported places for students at the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology in Wiltshire:


    I suppose where he goes wrong for you is that he isn’t a keyboard warrior who endlessly sits on his backside whilst pontificating about equality.

    When you say that he gained his wealth on the back of British worker's. I assume that you mean that he provided employment and paid wages to people? That he later moved production to Malaysia is an example of what happens when the cost of operating in the UK becomes unattractive or non-viable , which, you may recall, is the point I made to you several times earlier in the thread in relation to Labour’s plans to increase the rate of corporate taxes, the minimum wage (without a compensating reduction in corporate taxes) and the number of public holidays.

    I am not sure what point you are trying to make in respect of the question that I asked you about Labour’s plans to impose VAT on private school fees (which would, of course, price many parents out of that choice and increase the burden on state education). Do you seriously believe that many private school pupils receive bursaries? Where do you think the bursary money comes from? The fact of the matter is that policy would create exactly the same inequality that you rail against on tuition fees, but you can’t bring yourself to admit it due to yet another prejudice that you hold.

    So you reckon the food bank user would rejoice at the NHS being safe in Labour’s hands. Why on earth would he think that when their manifesto proposes nationalisations costing a minimum of £176bn, a tuition fee bribe costing £7bn per year and yet only £6bn per year for the NHS and social care – about £16bn per year short of what the NHS alone is said to need. You also haven’t addressed how he would feel about the fact that they rejected doing anything about the benefit cap on cost grounds whilst pledging to spend the amounts I’ve described above.
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 23-07-2018 at 07:29 PM.

  5. #265
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    This POST is why people leave,this post started on topic yet the same few take it o/t by at least 240 posts.Go on & on about the same old thing nothing to do with the original post.When this post was on there was at least 17 posts on the same page about football yet a few on here never posted once.All consumed in their own little world.They where called taproom political twohats at one time.

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