Quote Originally Posted by MadAmster View Post
I think we are all aware that the number of kiddy fiddlers in the UK is a number well above a 3 figure cypher but, and I think this was the point Rom was wanting to make, EIGHTY THOUSAND? That is an awful lot of KF's and, at first thought, more than I would have estimated.
Yeah in my anger, I forgot the comma. 80 bloody thousand! That's helluva lot. And might be more, these are the knowns, we don't yet know of the known unknowns or even worse, the real unknowns.

While not trying to make light of this troubling aspect in society, I must share a light moment yesterday between me and the wifey. She's the one that brought the subject up, something she heard on BBC World Service.

There I was appalled to learn of it, and then the wife says, 'Whatever it is, I know you can never be one of these perverts.'
So I said, 'I'm not sure whether it's right to take any compliment from such a dire situation, but all the same, thanks honey for the vote of confidence.'
She said,' Oh no, it's not a vote of confidence or even trust for that matter, although, I know you'll never stray into this horrible crime, it's more a statement of fact.' Still confused, I asked her to explain.

'Well, there's basically no chance of you getting it up, even with my best efforts and I'm experienced and know you well, there's no way an inexperienced kid will ever arouse you. I sometimes even wonder how we ever had 4 kids, given your underwhelming performance.' You are just like that football team of yours - can't score!'

Ouch that really hurt....