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Thread: September 11th 2001 Recollections

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I was in the lab when it came on the radio, that a plane had crashed into one of the towers - someone said it was a fighter plane and an accident. Someone else I worked with said 'we should rebuild the tower out of Palestinian bones' not politically correct at all.

    One of my relatives in New York didn't go into work in one of the towers that morning because of child care arrangements - and missed the whole thing luckily. Another was climbing the stairs out of the subway when tower 1 was coming down and legged it. Life is precious, you really have to appreciate that.

    I also came through Logan Airport two years previously, and the security was shockingly poor - so no surprise that several of the attackers used it as a point of entry.
    Last edited by Hairdrier; 12-09-2018 at 07:24 PM.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hairdrier View Post
    One of my relatives in New York didn't go into work in one of the towers that morning because of child care arrangements - and missed the whole thing luckily. Another was climbing the stairs out of the subway when tower 1 was coming down and legged it. Life is precious, you really have to appreciate that.

    I also came through Logan Airport two years previously, and the security was shockingly poor - so no surprise that several of the attackers used it as a point of entry.
    There would have been so many near misses that day. Mark Wahlberg and Seth McFarlane both had tickets for Flight 11. McFarlane actually missed the flight because he turned up late. There was also a guy who missed Pan Am Flight 103 because he was drinking at the bar in the airport and lost track of time.

    McFarlane has been pretty philosophical about it. You could walk outside and narrowly avoid being hit by a bus or you could almost have a high speed collision. People have near misses all the time - his near miss was just a mass casualty event forever etched into the national consciousness.

  3. #53
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    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ragnarok View Post
    There would have been so many near misses that day. Mark Wahlberg and Seth McFarlane both had tickets for Flight 11. McFarlane actually missed the flight because he turned up late. There was also a guy who missed Pan Am Flight 103 because he was drinking at the bar in the airport and lost track of time.

    McFarlane has been pretty philosophical about it. You could walk outside and narrowly avoid being hit by a bus or you could almost have a high speed collision. People have near misses all the time - his near miss was just a mass casualty event forever etched into the national consciousness.
    Johnny Rotten and his wife were also booked on Pam Am Flight 103 but cancelled in the afternoon of the flight.

    Christian Panucci, the manager of Albania on Monday night and goalscorer of the Italian winner at Hampden in 2007, had a near miss in 1996 when flying home injured from the Atlanta Olympics. He was booked on TWA Flight 800 that crashed in the Atlantic Ocean with no survivors but had been held up at Atlanta Airport and changed flights.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ragnarok View Post
    There would have been so many near misses that day. Mark Wahlberg and Seth McFarlane both had tickets for Flight 11.
    Mark Wahlberg missing the flight was a near miss for Big Mo Atta and the lads because he would've stopped them and landed the plane safely. He said so in an interview.

  5. #55
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    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by StandfreeFM View Post
    If you want to read the NIST report into why WT7 collapsed, here it is. https://www.nist.gov/publications/fi...?pub_id=861610 If you have any issue with it, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to defend it as I am not a structural engineer. I merely send you the link in case you think it didn't exist.

    You saying the Bin Laden flight was nonsense doesn't stop with it being repeated ad nasuem. To leave out any mention would surely invite Truthers to go "...and notice they didn't mention anything about the Bin Laden flight in the official report, fu(kin telt you it's a conspiracy..."

    As for Donald Rumsfeld out on the lawn picking up fragments, I've never heard that one before. Full Quote:- ""I wanted to see what had happened. I wanted to see if people needed help. I went downstairs and helped for a bit with some people on stretchers. Then I came back up here and started – I realized I had to get back up here and get at it." Again, probably just chalk it up to confusion/chaos in the immediate aftermath of an extraordinary event. tbh, wish he'd stayed a fu(kin stretcher bearer than going around starting wars in countries that had nowt to do with it.
    I stand corrected with regards the NIST report and I shall read it too, despite not being a Structural Engineer either...

    I'm disinclined to dismiss things to confusion on this particular day due partially because of my mistrust of politicians, partially because people in power always consider how they can use situations to their benefit (remember Labour press officer Jo Moore's memo stating that was "9/11 was a good day to bury bad news", and partially because I don't think confusion covers the action of some on 9/11).

    An example would be the NYC mayor at the time, Rudy Giuliani. Why did he say months after the event that they evacuated the Emergency Room he had specifically created in WTC7 for events like 9/11 because they had been informed that the towers going to collapse in a TV interview? No-one knew the first tower (the South I think) was going to collapse until it did. A slip of the tongue perhaps or false memory but why then avoid responding to questions about those comments from that day hence?

    No wonder wild conspiracy theories appear online when those in power tend to be evasive when people query them...
    Last edited by BogBrush1903; 13-09-2018 at 11:18 AM.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I'm sure one of the creators or producers of Cheers and Frasier died on the Washington DC flight.

    EDIT - David Angell did indeed die but on one of the twin tower flights. He was a writer on Cheers and co-created and produced Frasier.
    Last edited by Aldo1983; 13-09-2018 at 12:01 PM.

  7. #57
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    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo1983 View Post
    I'm sure one of the creators or producers of Cheers and Frasier died on the Washington DC flight.

    EDIT - David Angell did indeed die but on one of the twin tower flights. He was a writer on Cheers and co-created and produced Frasier.

    Correct, and Anthony Perkins (Hitchock's Psycho) widow also died on the same flight as Angell, who always reminds of the Fast Show...

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hairdrier View Post
    I also came through Logan Airport two years previously, and the security was shockingly poor - so no surprise that several of the attackers used it as a point of entry.
    Considine Airport even worse apparently

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by redstarfk View Post
    Considine Airport even worse apparently
    Post of the year

  10. #60
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by redstarfk View Post
    Considine Airport even worse apparently

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