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Thread: O/T Would You Welcome Another Referendum On Brexit ?

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    How humiliated can it get , I've parked the political points scoring on this because you know what it aint worth the bother and it's not as if my own party have come up with anything remarkable .

    So Chequers is a lame duck , my gut instinct as a man who has played these shenanigans with management as a union man tells me they the EU are bluffing , could be wrong as I'm not as close to this gig obviously but ....

    Don't move an inch Mrs May , I'll never vote for you while ive an oyle in my @ss but ...

    They are more prepared for a no deal than we are according to the EU , feck off , I bet the hierarchy at BMW might think differently and other associated businesses that trade very well in the UK .

    Money talks , always has , always will and it's a big market is the UK .

    The EU like money to say the least , please do not offer this what ever it is in Brussels anything more or bend anymore which to be fair seems to be her position today .

  2. #92
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    How humiliated can it get , I've parked the political points scoring on this because you know what it aint worth the bother and it's not as if my own party have come up with anything remarkable .

    So Chequers is a lame duck , my gut instinct as a man who has played these shenanigans with management as a union man tells me they the EU are bluffing , could be wrong as I'm not as close to this gig obviously but ....

    Don't move an inch Mrs May , I'll never vote for you while ive an oyle in my @ss but ...

    They are more prepared for a no deal than we are according to the EU , feck off , I bet the hierarchy at BMW might think differently and other associated businesses that trade very well in the UK .

    Money talks , always has , always will and it's a big market is the UK .

    The EU like money to say the least , please do not offer this what ever it is in Brussels anything more or bend anymore which to be fair seems to be her position today .
    As I see it Animal Britain is leaving the E.U. not the E.U. leaving Britain so it's up the Maybot and her cronies to put forward a deal that is not dedriment to the people of these 4 states that make up Great Britain and they can't, remember the Scotish and Northen Ireland voted to stay in the EU . And if or when it goes tits up I can see one of these leaving the union.
    Maybot as told that may lies and put down that many red lines in trying to please her own party that she's lost the plot the people that will suffer the most the working class that voted to leave and also the remain team not the million hairs they can take the hit . "Job losses will be inevitable "

    I just can not understand what the working class of Britain will gain if we leave without joining the customs union and having free trade with the EU that would and is the only way to sort out the Irish border, but that will never happen as the rabid right of the Tory party and theTory press will never let that happen as for the money no matter how we leave Britain will have to cough up.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I can’t understand how it’s seen as a Tory thing to leave the EU when so many Labour towns voted to leave including our own by a massive majority. The Labour leader himself has always been anti EU and has always voted against in votes to accept more control from them.
    Tradesmen in particular have found it harder and harder to find work since mass immigration and open boarders started under Blair. Constantly under cut by cheap Eastern European labour they’ve seen the wages they get for any work found totally plummet. Factory work is the same with agency’s accitively only looking for workers from Eastern Europe cause they’re willing to work for peanuts .

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by EastStandRed View Post
    I can’t understand how it’s seen as a Tory thing to leave the EU when so many Labour towns voted to leave including our own by a massive majority. The Labour leader himself has always been anti EU and has always voted against in votes to accept more control from them.
    Tradesmen in particular have found it harder and harder to find work since mass immigration and open boarders started under Blair. Constantly under cut by cheap Eastern European labour they’ve seen the wages they get for any work found totally plummet. Factory work is the same with agency’s accitively only looking for workers from Eastern Europe cause they’re willing to work for peanuts .
    The Tories have fought like rats in a sack over the EU for years , Major referred to the Eurosceptics in his party as The Bstrds , kicked off within the party on many occasions over the years .

    Cameron offered up the referendum and now May is tasked with the brexit process so they do kind of own it in some respects .

    True the public decided on it so I take your point ESR .

    The reasons we are leaving are owned by Labour too from Blair's government .

    Lot's of moving parts as someone said recently .

    I changed jobs 18 months ago as I've mentioned , love the job and company , couldn't be happier , every washing machine we sell practically is made in the EU and we sell bloody hundreds every day , probably our top seller .

    At 56 years old and settled I'm obviously worried , with our margins and the competitive nature of electrical retailing we may not survive .

    Our competitors or one of them sell their machines at cost and make money on the warranty so we aren't the cheapest even in the EU .

    I don't want to be ruled by the EU and migration needs scaling down but I'd like to reach retirement age at my place of work .

    What a fecking choice to make .

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    As I see it Animal Britain is leaving the E.U. not the E.U. leaving Britain so it's up the Maybot and her cronies to put forward a deal that is not dedriment to the people of these 4 states that make up Great Britain and they can't, remember the Scotish and Northen Ireland voted to stay in the EU . And if or when it goes tits up I can see one of these leaving the union.
    Maybot as told that may lies and put down that many red lines in trying to please her own party that she's lost the plot the people that will suffer the most the working class that voted to leave and also the remain team not the million hairs they can take the hit . "Job losses will be inevitable "

    I just can not understand what the working class of Britain will gain if we leave without joining the customs union and having free trade with the EU that would and is the only way to sort out the Irish border, but that will never happen as the rabid right of the Tory party and theTory press will never let that happen as for the money no matter how we leave Britain will have to cough up.
    Because by remaining in the single market Mr C we have to accept the 4 freedoms so we are tied but without a voice and that's not great either .

    It should never have got to this , it was a trading agreement to begin with which was fine but now it's like The Hotel California , you can check out anytime but you can never leave The Eagles sang .

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Tha can see the role of the "free press" with PR headlines. Goat will tek lessons how to spin a story.

    "May's Finest Hour" invoking images of Churchill

    "The lady's not for turning" invoking images of Thatcher

    "Up EURS" with May on the cliffs of Dover in a Union Jack skirt

    May ez c0cked up big time. The cynic in me thinks it is all a big con. Both sides will come to an agreement at the last minute following "tough" negotiations. We will shell art £39 Billion, EU trade rules will apply, we will obey EU rules wi art evvin a vote, EU court rules will apply to us, no change on EU immigration, Ireland controls will be based away from the border but will still be applied.

    All sold as a "success".

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    Tha can see the role of the "free press" with PR headlines. Goat will tek lessons how to spin a story.

    "May's Finest Hour" invoking images of Churchill

    "The lady's not for turning" invoking images of Thatcher

    "Up EURS" with May on the cliffs of Dover in a Union Jack skirt

    May ez c0cked up big time. The cynic in me thinks it is all a big con. Both sides will come to an agreement at the last minute following "tough" negotiations. We will shell art £39 Billion, EU trade rules will apply, we will obey EU rules wi art evvin a vote, EU court rules will apply to us, no change on EU immigration, Ireland controls will be based away from the border but will still be applied.

    All sold as a "success".
    The far right will burn the country to the ground if that happens SB although you could well be right .

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    Here's my take on our current position

    May is a remainer at heart
    May is making a botch of things with the Tory Grandees pulling the strings
    Thatcher thought she was in control but in the end she wasn't
    May [& the nomark Gove] keep reiterating the mantra that accepting the peoples wishes must honoured
    There are forces at work promoting the idea that the people should decide on the outcome of the negotiations with the "EU" with a vote [referendum] on the outcome
    Options being
    accept the deal [whatever it is]
    accept no deal
    If by this means the vote is to remain, it will be the will of the people thus absolving our politicians of any responsibility which I believe is the end game
    It looks like those pesky Tory grandees get everywhere. I see that the Labour Party looks set to adopt the holding of a second referendum as their official policy.

    This is a classic example of a political party believing its own hype; in this case, the hype is that Labour didn't lose as badly as everyone thought they would in 2017, because they were offering something different. In reality, they avoided the wipe out because many of the traditional Labour voters who had switched to UKIP returned because they thought the job was done and they thought that they might get more money given to them under Labour.

    All good fun.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    As I see it Animal Britain is leaving the E.U. not the E.U. leaving Britain so it's up the Maybot and her cronies to put forward a deal that is not dedriment to the people of these 4 states that make up Great Britain
    This is the sort of fuzzy thinking that Leave used in their campaign - that the UK could simply decide upon a new relationship with the EU that would leave us better off. Agreement needs two sides and the EU has no intention of agreeing to that. They are offering two deals:

    1. EFTA membership - we pay in to the EU budget, agree to freedom of movement and comply with EU regulations without being able to influence their contents. The Norwegians call it 'membership by fax' as Brussels used to fax the directives through to Oslo. One would hope that they have moved on to email by now.

    2. A Canadian style free trade agreement. The problem with that is that Canada does not have a land border with the EU, whereas we do on the island of Ireland. Their proposal is that the six counties remain in the customs union – separate to the rest of the UK. In other words, they want us to tear up the Good Friday Agreement, under which all parties agreed that the North would remain a part of the UK as long as the majority of its population wanted that.

    I agree with May that we cannot sign up to either of the deals on offer. Either the EU shifts or it’s no deal.
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 23-09-2018 at 10:45 AM.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    The Tories have fought like rats in a sack over the EU for years , Major referred to the Eurosceptics in his party as The Bstrds , kicked off within the party on many occasions over the years .

    Cameron offered up the referendum and now May is tasked with the brexit process so they do kind of own it in some respects .

    True the public decided on it so I take your point ESR .

    The reasons we are leaving are owned by Labour too from Blair's government .

    Lot's of moving parts as someone said recently .

    I changed jobs 18 months ago as I've mentioned , love the job and company , couldn't be happier , every washing machine we sell practically is made in the EU and we sell bloody hundreds every day , probably our top seller .

    At 56 years old and settled I'm obviously worried , with our margins and the competitive nature of electrical retailing we may not survive .

    Our competitors or one of them sell their machines at cost and make money on the warranty so we aren't the cheapest even in the EU .

    I don't want to be ruled by the EU and migration needs scaling down but I'd like to reach retirement age at my place of work .

    What a fecking choice to make .
    The people who own Brexit are the people who voted for it, animal. People like you. To try to blame the Tories or Blair is laughable. You were given a choice and excercised it.

    What's the word coming out of Momentum? What are the instructions on how to spin the prospect of Labour signing up to a second referendum?

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