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Thread: O/T Would You Welcome Another Referendum On Brexit ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    O/T Would You Welcome Another Referendum On Brexit ?

    This campaign for another referendum seems to be growing by the day , Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is the latest high profile politician to throw his weight behind this and try to get Corbyn and Labour onside with the idea .

    I get the narrative the referendum had more than a hint of skulldugery at play , Leave especially but Remain weren't innocent either .

    I get the potential impact of leaving the EU on the people of this country wasn't there , due to the fact Remain fought a poor campaign or the information wasn't available then as it perhaps is now .

    The thing is if we have another referendum and Remain win then won't Leave then be entitled to campaign for a third referendum and make it the best of three , like a Lions tour to New Zealand perhaps !!!!! .

    I get the sentiment but another referendum will just create yet more splits in political parties which isn't great for democracy and anything other than another victory for Leave will enhance the popularity of the Far Right , not great either if you look at history .

    Leave of course could win again and then that will be that you would imagine but then again if it's with an even less winning margin than originally we are possibly back where we are now today .

    The only thing that would put this to bed forever is a comprehensive victory for Leave and that's not guaranteed either .

    A comprehensive victory for Remain wouldn't work in the same way as they lost the original referendum .

    What an absolute shambles we are right now as a nation , or should I say our politicians are and that goes for both the major parties .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Not sure what question/questions would be put to the electorate
    Two years have elapsed which means those who were not eligible to vote at 16/17 years would be able to vote but those at 16/17 if a further referendum was called wouldn't be able to vote so the only answer is to lower the voting age to 12 although the 11year olds might have something to say about that
    I watched Question time on Thursday & some young lass in the audience was bleating about not having the franchise at the last referendum hence my rant
    The two MP's Leslie & Stewart both academically qualified haven't a clue about what to do
    Stewart is happy to support May as she bungles her way to God knows where whilst Leslie is in favour of giving the electorate a vote on the final deal/no deal
    I think his view is a vote on accepting any deal reached, or no deal, ...or if not..... remain

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Comes down to honour. Soft/hard/lumpy brexit, these terms were made up soon as remain lost in order to subvert democracy.

    Whats next? Someone folk don't like gets in no10? So are they going to blame the ruskies and demand we do it again?

    Honour. And bein able to accept defeat graciously. This country is on a slippery slope if these simple principles of honour are not adhered to.

    We know what we voted for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    The politicians and MSM are tearing themselves apart to the point nothing credible seems to get done .

    The complexity of this issue is a significant factor to be fair , but because there are so many different agendas about what kind of brexit we should be obtaining it's stuck in the mud .

    In some respects just leaving without a deal would be best and let the chips fall wherever they fall and you start life outside the EU with a blank canvas .

    Then again if the right side of the tory party topple May then Johnson and Mogg's version of Brexit Britain fills me with dread , totaly unregulated free market capitalism with workers rights amongst other things torn up given half the chance , more fool me for voting leave you might say , a criticism I'd find hard to brush off .

    Trouble you just can't believe anyone with this thing none of it's credible because until we are further down the line nobody knows what the impact will be , project fear , they may well be right but then again they may not be .

    Of course there will be an impact but how strong is open to question .

    We have had tough times within the EU too as many of us know too well .

    If the politicians can't get it right at the point of exit then how can they be trusted to make a good go of it once we have left , me neither .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Another referendum is required to put right a great wrong that is going to happen. Any one who listens to idiots like Farage, the Baffoon Johnston, Gove, Fox, the far right of the Tory party and that idiot Mann a red parrot with a blue tail, are well and truly being duped.

    It will not affect me that much IF we leave, but it will my kids and grandkids in years to come.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I would be interested to learn what advantages you could name Mr C since we became members of the EU [by the back door I might add] or can you recall voting to become a member
    apart that is from seeing our manufacturing industry all but gone to make way for German,French,Italian car makers to sell their vehicles to us & don't forget we pay more in than we get out so the Germans, French Italians have more to lose than we have, a point we almost ignore
    During our membership don't overlook the enormous influx of Eastern European migrants & the rapid rise in ZHC's & the demise of our fishing industry
    Oh aye along with our farmers we're all doing well
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 16-09-2018 at 01:11 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    Another referendum is required to put right a great wrong that is going to happen. Any one who listens to idiots like Farage, the Baffoon Johnston, Gove, Fox, the far right of the Tory party and that idiot Mann a red parrot with a blue tail, are well and truly being duped.

    It will not affect me that much IF we leave, but it will my kids and grandkids in years to come.
    Well then democracy means nothing to you then. Affect your grandkids? Why stop there? Great great great grandkids eh? Yea this country and humankind that actually invented amazing things will take 50-100 years to sort out leaving a trading block. See how ridiculous that sounds.

    "Its too hard i don't wanna do it" . thats what i hear. What an attitude. Then this country and its people will never achieve anything. Because we have stopped trying to do hard difficult things. Wow. What a future.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    A serious election was won by a small margin, but it was won. The Democratic process spoke and we should honour the vote as the ability to hold such a vote and follow its result is what people died for in Wars.
    They didn’t ask for a second chance. Didn’t have an opportunity to “P!ss and moan” about what the future generation might have to suffer if they got it wrong, because they fought a HARD fight to ensure that this country amd it’s people through the democratic process had a say in its own future, good or bad.
    Back out now and hold another referendum and we dishonour the deaths of millions. This is Britain, not North Korea, or some African state whereby if the president loses the election he will call another

    I predict that within 10 years at least 4 or 5 other Nations will leave too. They will look at how this country either “Fights” , or “Fall on its Sword “ and decide wether to do the same or play the opposite way to what we have done.
    The point Bankend makes about giving in “Because it’s hard” just about sums this country up and why we have a future whereby the work ethic of many young immigrants which outshines our own communities efforts ( in general) will eventually mean that the people in charge of this country and it’s future will not be decided by indigenous people, as it’s youth in general just can’t be bothererd to fight, learn or work hard for what they want....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    no.... just that

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    I would be interested to learn what advantages you could name Mr C since we became members of the EU [by the back door I might add] or can you recall voting to become a member
    apart that is from seeing our manufacturing industry all but gone to make way for German,French,Italian car makers to sell their vehicles to us & don't forget we pay more in than we get out so the Germans, French Italians have more to lose than we have, a point we almost ignore
    During our membership don't overlook the enormous influx of Eastern European migrants & the rapid rise in ZHC's & the demise of our fishing industry
    Oh aye along with our farmers we're all doing well
    Exile, I voted NOT to join in the 1st referendum along with most left wing minded people, but as things stand today leaving would in my opinion would be a bad thing you will see the rich getting richer, workers will be worse off with zero hrs contracts and all that shyt, troubles in Ireland will start up again over the boarder situation.
    You can't blame the E.U. for the selling off and shutting down of our industries that's a Tory policy.

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