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Thread: O/T Would You Welcome Another Referendum On Brexit ?

  1. #181
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    Fun though it might be, we're going a bit off topic now, but I'm very curious

    You suggest that I lack sympathy or empathy without producing any evidence to demonstrate that and yet it's you who steadfastly tried to ignore the potential impact of Brexit on the poorest in society and, when pressed, essentially said 'fuq em - there's nothing I can do'. And then you go on to weaponise what happened at Oakwell. That's pretty cold, Exile. In fact, it's positively callous.

    Yes indeed you are
    The reason I can't produce any evidence of your sympathy / empathy is because there isn't any

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    How odd that you think it shameful of me when you accuse me of "weaponiising" about the unfortunate event at Oakwell then proceed to do exactly the same about Kevin Beattie [a thread that I missed btw]
    Of course you missed it Exile. After all, this is such a busy site that it would only have been on the front page for three or four days.

    Strangely, after having the thread drawn to your attention, you havien't added a meaningless RIP to show what a caring person you are.


    You are missing the point, Exile. I have weaponised nobody's death or illness. I have pointed out the foolish and hypocritical nature of your argument that it is necessary to send good wishes to complete strangers who will probably never be aware of them being sent in order to show that one cares

  3. #183
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    Ok. So let’s explore that. Are you saying that since your postings of 2nd and 16th September some people at your place of work have been given notice of redundancy and because of that you fear that you might have to pay the price of Brexit as opposed to someone else? On that basis, can I assume that your position prior to the redundancies was one of ‘I’m alright, Jack’ insofar as the consequences of Brexit were concerned?’

    Your response to the redundancies is interesting too. You suggested sourcing goods from cheaper suppliers, which, as the modicum of imagination would have told you, meant sourcing from people who pay their staff less. Another example of ‘I’m alright, Jack’.

    If Brexit is making you worry about your job, you must be bricking it about what would happen if Labour got into power and imposed the anti-business taxes they are proposing. There’s a reason why Labour governments have always left power with higher levels of unemployment than when they entered it.

    If it’s a good idea as a Labour Leader to listen to the membership, why doesn’t Corbyn? The week started with a campaign by the Remainer membership for the party to adopt a policy of having a further in/out referendum. After a lengthy meeting with their TU masters, what the party actually gave them was a fudge of a motion to ‘leave all options on the table’ which might mean a further referendum, which might be an in/out one, depending upon whether you believe the McDonnell or Starmer factions.

    Why wouldn’t you worry about going into General Election if you think it could ‘possibly the last thing the country needed right now’? You are not making sense on that point. I think you might also find large numbers of the people who supported the party in 2017 will rediscover their fondness for UKIP and the Tories in the aftermath of this week.
    Are you there, animal? Hello? Hello?

  4. #184
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    Of course you missed it Exile. After all, this is such a busy site that it would only have been on the front page for three or four days.

    Strangely, after having the thread drawn to your attention, you havien't added a meaningless RIP to show what a caring person you are.


    You are missing the point, Exile. I have weaponised nobody's death or illness. I have pointed out the foolish and hypocritical nature of your argument that it is necessary to send good wishes to complete strangers who will probably never be aware of them being sent in order to show that one cares
    This is not about a "meaningless" RIP as you so callously put it in spite of you trying to shift the thread that way & divert attention from you & your lack of sympathy/empathy
    RIPs btw are a method of expressing sadness of someones passing
    I was sad at the passing of Robin Williams Gene Wylder & quite a few others whom I did not know but doesn't stop me from expressiing my regret
    This is about a man that suffered a cardiac arrest at our football ground
    Read the notes from his family if you require any further proof how important it is to receive well wishes even if some of them are from people you don't know
    If ever you spend any time in hospital you would come to realise [or in your sad case perhaps not] that such messages of support albeit spiritual tend to give you a lift even if only a small one
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 28-09-2018 at 07:34 AM.

  5. #185
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    This is not about a "meaningless" RIP as you so callously put it in spite of you trying to shift the thread that way & divert attention from you & your lack of sympathy/empathy
    RIPs btw are a method of expressing sadness of someones passing
    I was sad at the passing of Robin Williams Gene Wylder & quite a few others whom I did not know but doesn't stop me from expressiing my regret
    This is about a man that suffered a cardiac arrest at our football ground
    Read the notes from his family if you require any further proof how important it is to receive well wishes even if some of them are from people you don't know
    If ever you spend any time in hospital you would come to realise [or in your sad case perhaps not] that such messages of support albeit spiritual tend to give you a lift even if only a small one
    So why haven't you put up a RIP for Beatty then? Having missed the thread, you have now been told about it, so why haven't you taken the opportunity to express sadness at his passing? For that matter, as a caring person, why don't you peruse the obituary column of your local rag and then start RIP threads for other people who you didn't know?

    What do you see as the value of a public expression of regret? What do you think you are achieving?

    I don't know the chap who had the heart attack at Oakwell. I'm sure it was a terrible and frightening experience for him and his family, which is why I think it shameful that you use the incident to try to score points. You need to calm down for ten seconds, stop doing your angry Jack Russel impression and think for a moment about what you have been posting. If you do that, you should be ashamed of yourself, but I'm not holding my breath given your -oh so apparent - lack of any self awareness.

    And none of this takes away for you 'fuq you' message to the poorer people in society who are likely to be disproportionately affected by and negative consequences of Brexit.

  6. #186
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    May 2012
    Never heard of Beatty as in your haste to score points you can't even get his name right Now who's the Jack Russell?
    Never said "fuq you" that's your spin on my remarks which were that "there's bugger all that you or I can do about the effects of Brexit
    Not the same thing is it?
    Just what do you intend to do about it?
    It seems that when it comes to sympathy /empathy it's one of lifes lessons that have passed you by

    You're still logged on BTW & it's now almost 10 !0am
    Now haven't you got any work to do?
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 28-09-2018 at 09:09 AM.

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Sorry, I neglected to log off again. Working from home today - a reading day for a big job that starts on Monday.

    You are right, not knowing or having much interest in him, I used the more usual spelling for Beattie to once again give you an opportunity to score points from what would have been a tragedy for his family and friends.

    The import of your words about the impact of Brexit on the less well off are clear; no sympathy - not your problem.

    I have explained what you can do - speak to animal -a Labour and Momentum member - and ask him to press for the party to drop their plan to vote against any deal that May brings forward. Write to your MP too (but try to stay calm and not salivate onto the letter). Small steps, I know, but animal says that Labour listens to its membership and, let's be honest, pursuing one of your endless message board feuds isn't achieving a lot, is it?

    Logging off now. Ciao.

  8. #188
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    Sorry, I neglected to log off again. Working from home today - a reading day for a big job that starts on Monday.

    You are right, not knowing or having much interest in him, I used the more usual spelling for Beattie to once again give you an opportunity to score points from what would have been a tragedy for his family and friends.

    The import of your words about the impact of Brexit on the less well off are clear; no sympathy - not your problem.

    I have explained what you can do - speak to animal -a Labour and Momentum member - and ask him to press for the party to drop their plan to vote against any deal that May brings forward. Write to your MP too (but try to stay calm and not salivate onto the letter). Small steps, I know, but animal says that Labour listens to its membership and, let's be honest, pursuing one of your endless message board feuds isn't achieving a lot, is it?

    Logging off now. Ciao.

    Takes two to tango
    But because you have now admitted that I am right I will strike a deal with you for a cessation of correspondence the terms being offered as follows
    1 You agree to stop telling lies about me
    2 I agree to stop telling the truth about you

    So just closing your browser isn't working then?
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 28-09-2018 at 02:23 PM.

  9. #189
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    Takes two to tango
    But because you have now admitted that I am right I will strike a deal with you for a cessation of correspondence the terms being offered as follows
    1 You agree to stop telling lies about me
    2 I agree to stop telling the truth about you

    So just closing your browser isn't working then?

    Didn't bother telling us all what you you intend to do about the poor & Brexit effects

    BTW when you mention feuds you don't seem to do bad yourself in carrying on your feud with Ragingpup on Millers board
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 28-09-2018 at 02:45 PM.

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