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Thread: Just A Small Issue Regarding Yesterday

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Marcelle07 View Post
    When a safety issue is in front of you and you know about it, the worst thing you can do is ignore it! You have to report it! Don’t take this the wrong way but the club may not know about it. Reporting it does us all a favour!

    We have at the club a Health & Safety Officer whose job it is to identify such possible dangers
    In H&S terms, risk assessment should be an ongoing task
    The club should know about it as they are the ones operating the site [not knowing is no excuse]
    With what Animal has highlighted the club should embark immediately on a full site risk assessment & if they are incapable get some company in who are capable
    We'll see what response Animal gets & see if the safety issue is ignored
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 24-09-2018 at 04:01 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    We have at the club a Health & Safety Officer whose job it is to identify such possible dangers
    In H&S terms, risk assessment should be an ongoing task
    The club should know about it as they are the ones operating the site [not knowing is no excuse]
    With what Animal has highlighted the club should embark immediately on a full site risk assessment & if they are incapable get some company in who are capable
    We'll see what response Animal gets & see if the safety issue is ignored
    Well I'm going to the Plymouth game next tuesday and I'll be more than curious exile to see if that gate is locked or not .

    It shouldn't be in my opinion but we will see .

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    Well I'm going to the Plymouth game next tuesday and I'll be more than curious exile to see if that gate is locked or not .

    It shouldn't be in my opinion but we will see .
    Thull ev to get it sorted surely. It's a genuine concern and hats off to thi fo tekkin time art to raise the issue directly with the club.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    Spoke to the lady on reception as the SO was not available and she said she would pass on my concern when he arrived back later this afternoon .

    The reason Exit Gate 6 was pad locked is because it is a designated unmanned gate , meaning no steward is in attendance at that gate , although I've yet to see this gate not manned as its the main exit gate for everyone coming out of the west stand lower , around 1500 fans I would hazard a guess at , Exit Gate 7 would be used for the upper west stand occupants and I can't say whether that is locked or manned because I never need to use it .

    The reason it's pad locked I gather is because some of our more enterprising fans open the gate inside Oakwell and let their mates in FOC .

    Well I said it was a ad hoc situation I'll admit but that's rather my point isn't it , an usual set of circumstances arose and nobody was around to open the gate with a key even though two stewards were standing at the side of Exit Gate 6 .

    She said I have a point and agreed it was an issue and as I say she will pass on my concerns to the SO in due course .

    Is gate 6 the one next to WSB Animal?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    Is gate 6 the one next to WSB Animal?
    Yes exile I believe it is , the one nearest the Ponty End .

  6. #26
    Issue regarding today if you ask me. Not one mention from any Barnsley fc fan about Tommy Wright and his alleged down pricing (price fixing ) of Barnsley fc players. Isn't this a talking point as this is happening today.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by theojustice View Post
    Issue regarding today if you ask me. Not one mention from any Barnsley fc fan about Tommy Wright and his alleged down pricing (price fixing ) of Barnsley fc players. Isn't this a talking point as this is happening today.
    fake sports writers and fans are the greatest allies of these price fixers and are obviously in control of these fan sites.
    Last edited by theojustice; 24-09-2018 at 10:07 PM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Animal - sorry I didn’t comment further. All this getting ready for tomorrow and keeping my day job is challenging 😉
    Nice one you reported it, shame it was a ‘let them know’. How does anyone know that it got back to the safety officer? Is there an email or recorded method so they have to action your sighting? I’d look out next home game, take pictures and report again. You can always go to the health and safety executive and they can do a spot check on the club. I know it might seem harsh but if they have nothing to hide then they would welcome it.
    Bet you can’t tell I work in construction ha ha.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I think that is exactly right Marcelle
    Without wishing to put on Animal any further I think it would be politic to confirm his visit with an E mail
    There are very few organisations that will follow his visit up & an E mail would leave a trail
    If the SO is worth his salt he will contact Animal assuming the lady on reception made a note of Animal's details
    I may be wrong but on that score I wouldn't hold my breath

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Bang on exile! It’s all hear say at minute unless there is a recorded method. In court or to the HSE it wouldn’t stand as it’s a ‘he said’ ‘she said’ - scenario.
    I really applaud animal for reporting it but as a company who have a safety certificate to accommodate 22k plus, they must record this and feed back to animal at least. I suggest people record this at each home game and if it repeats, report it again and tell them it’s been reported before! Failing that do it again and escalate it further.
    Send them to me if you want, I’ll take it on 😉

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