I read somewhere that Zero Mostel, the actor, was called zero because he never got any marks for any exam at school. You wont remember him, because most of you are young. He came to mind because you still have zero wins, and scored zero on saturday.
And its nearly October. If Notts zero County was a person, who sadly expired today, your opponents, including Cambridge would remember you fondly. My attempt at gaiety would be to bury you in a stripey shroud, and bury you in a y shaped coffin, as you must surely have been born with your legs wide open. In a footballing sense.

County playing even moderately competent football is like a dog walking on its hind legs. Its not done well, but is surprising that its done at all. I am sure Crewe will look forward to the game saturday, with the expectation of being flogged with a warm lettuce.
Anyway, i am going to find myself a cold damp grave and sit in it. I bet when i get there, i will meet you lot. Cambridge are no better.
I am feeling nauseous at your relegation. Surely the oldest club in the world cant be cast into the dungeon of non league hell. You will be a carcass, roasting on the fires at Solihull Boro, while Cambridge escape by a hairs breath, at your expense.......

As flash as a rat with a gold tooth. Roger in Amber and Black.