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Thread: O/T The Price Of Coal 1977 BBC Drama

  1. #191
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    Yes but he'll even pick holes when there are no holes to be picked, just to be contrary
    He could start an argument in a phonebox
    I'd go along with the lack of his own ideas, illustrated by the lack of threads he's started, ever. 2 in total ever, which I think speaks volumes
    If there are no holes to be picked you have nothing to be worried about, do you?

    I could start an argument in a phonebox? Many of your posts are a source of delight to me, but your contributions on this thread are easily my favourite:


    raging barely avoided you going into full stalking mode!
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 22-10-2018 at 10:46 AM.

  2. #192
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    Ok, as i pointed out in my previous reply, where are the nottinghamshire miners now? where are any of the scabby turncoats now? i'll tell you where, not working down the pit, not earning more bonuses than most other miners because they had favourable conditions, in short their pits got shut just like ours, so, who was right kerr??? was it scargill, the man who stated from the off the plans were to shut 70 pits, they said 22....who was lying, who will be proved right historically Kerr?? i'll tell you who, Scargill, and me, and the other 120K who stayed solid, scabs will forever be scabs, shatting on their own kind, the lowest of the low, regardless of what you think, i couldn't care less fella.
    As I've said, you probably shouldn't care what I think, but we are over thirty years on and we are well overdue for a rational discussion about the strike and about the way the NUM betrayed it's members and the union movement in general.

    Was Scargill right? No he wasn't. How could it be right to set one working man against another? How could it be right to ride roughshod over the rights of the NUM members who were paying his wages? If you think there was anything remotely 'right' about that, it merely demonstrates the extent to which the unions had lost their way in the 60s and 70s.

    How is it right for you to believe that your opinion upon whether to strike had more value than a NUM member who chose not to?

    The Notts miners moved to other jobs or retired as economics and the move away from coal caught up with their pits. Ironically, if any were still working, you'd be a supporter of them being put out of that work on environmental grounds.
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 22-10-2018 at 10:49 AM.

  3. #193
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    Has the hysteria died down? Is it safe for me to come out now?

    raging, I will deal with the 10% asset grab when I get home as the response will take more words than I am willing to do on a 'phone. Suffice to say, it's funny to see you describing me as lacking imagination when it is you that slavishly follows a political party that leaves you having to try to polish it's turds.

    Roly, you call me a fascist for making a suggestion of a way in which you could actually contribute towards the fight against climate change, but then call for me to banned for, in essence, declining to agree with your political outlook....

    Welcome back

    I haven't slavishly followed a political party - I voted Green in the later Blair years.

    I would say that at least I am supporting a party that at least has some ideas for tackling some of the ills that you as well as I accept that there are in the world around us.

    I ask again, which party do you think offers the best solutions? What policies would you like to see put in place that would help solve some of the challenges we face?

  4. #194
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    As I've said, you probably shouldn't care what I think, but we are over thirty years on and we are well overdue for a rational discussion about the strike and about the way the NUM betrayed it's members and the union movement in general.

    Was Scargill right? No he wasn't. How could it be right to set one working man against another? How could it be right to ride roughshod over the rights of the NUM members who were paying his wages? If you think there was anything remotely 'right' about that, it merely demonstrates the extent to which the unions had lost their way in the 60s and 70s.

    How is it right for you to believe that your opinion upon whether to strike had more value than a NUM member who chose not to?

    The Notts miners moved to other jobs or retired as economics and the move away from coal caught up with their pits. Ironically, if any were still working, you'd be a supporter of them being put out of that work on environmental grounds.
    Who was right again?? Scargill, and the rest of us, knew the programme, flannel the weak with bull, you know "we're closing the uneconomic mines, 22 in total" many swallowed it...most didn't, Scargill said at least 75 were on the hit list.......tell me again, how many deep coal mines are left in the country??
    tell me again, who was right?

    We all knew what the real fight was, and whatever you think of scargill, myself and the many thousands of other miners who fought the state remember this fact, we didn't strike for pay, we didn't strike for conditions, we didn't strike for better pension arrangements,we struck for our futures, for our communities, for our kids and grandkids, look around you right now in the UK, communities smashed, youngsters getting paid fack all and exploited with zero hour contracts left right and centre, health service in dissarray, a gov't determined to further punish the disabled, the old and infirm, don't tell me Kerr i was wrong, just don't.

    Your last sentence about notts miners.....what do you think i did then, and the rest of the miners? moved on, i have never been out of work Kerr, never, ironically you mention "moving away from coal" wow, you're an advocate of fracking fella, a backward step if ever there was one in terms of the environment.

    Seems to me the only one to have moved on here is myself, i fought long and hard for the coal industry, big style, my pit shut i moved on, i can also accept what the reality of burning fossil fuels is for the planet, and i'm happy to tell you we should end deep coal mining for good, across the planet, you however are still chasing the buck of cheap and dirty fracking and you should be ashamed of yourself for it, there's absolutely no need for fracking except to line the pockets of the few, the elite few who still control us to this day, you're part of that because plainly you'll believe owt they tell you, gullible is not the word, get back to the 70's Kerr, it's where you belong.

  5. #195
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Kerr, while ever you are talking unfounded tripe about the miners/ labour party etc you might as well be banned because what you say
    has no value to your readers. Its bull what you put on here and you know full well it is just a means to wind folks up IBS style. You should be on the stage...maybe an actor is your true profession.
    Last edited by rolymiller; 22-10-2018 at 01:58 PM.

  6. #196
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    If there are no holes to be picked you have nothing to be worried about, do you?

    I could start an argument in a phonebox? Many of your posts are a source of delight to me, but your contributions on this thread are easily my favourite:


    raging barely avoided you going into full stalking mode!

    I recognised shortly after that I had misjudged raginpup & apologised on here to him which unlike you I am prepared to do when I realise I am wrong
    Perhaps raginpup would be prepared to confirm this
    You were obviously looking for something negative to say but couldn't be arsed to post my apology which by the same token you would have found easily & that just about sums you up
    Humility & you are strangers
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 22-10-2018 at 03:34 PM.

  7. #197
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    I recognised shortly after that I had misjudged raginpup & apologised on here to him which unlike you I am prepared to do when I realise I am wrong
    Perhaps raginpup would be prepared to confirm this
    You were obviously looking for something negative to say but couldn't be arsed to post my apology which by the same token you would have found easily & that just about sums you up
    Humility & you are strangers
    Yes, you did Exile. Thought it was a bit weird Kerr bringing that up...

  8. #198
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    Who was right again?? Scargill, and the rest of us, knew the programme, flannel the weak with bull, you know "we're closing the uneconomic mines, 22 in total" many swallowed it...most didn't, Scargill said at least 75 were on the hit list.......tell me again, how many deep coal mines are left in the country??
    tell me again, who was right?

    We all knew what the real fight was, and whatever you think of scargill, myself and the many thousands of other miners who fought the state remember this fact, we didn't strike for pay, we didn't strike for conditions, we didn't strike for better pension arrangements,we struck for our futures, for our communities, for our kids and grandkids, look around you right now in the UK, communities smashed, youngsters getting paid fack all and exploited with zero hour contracts left right and centre, health service in dissarray, a gov't determined to further punish the disabled, the old and infirm, don't tell me Kerr i was wrong, just don't.

    Your last sentence about notts miners.....what do you think i did then, and the rest of the miners? moved on, i have never been out of work Kerr, never, ironically you mention "moving away from coal" wow, you're an advocate of fracking fella, a backward step if ever there was one in terms of the environment.

    Seems to me the only one to have moved on here is myself, i fought long and hard for the coal industry, big style, my pit shut i moved on, i can also accept what the reality of burning fossil fuels is for the planet, and i'm happy to tell you we should end deep coal mining for good, across the planet, you however are still chasing the buck of cheap and dirty fracking and you should be ashamed of yourself for it, there's absolutely no need for fracking except to line the pockets of the few, the elite few who still control us to this day, you're part of that because plainly you'll believe owt they tell you, gullible is not the word, get back to the 70's Kerr, it's where you belong.
    I'm not sure that it is possible to determine who was wrong and who was right in the way that you are trying to.

    For the reasons that I have explained, I think the strike was possibly ill conceived, but certainly disastrously executed and handled in a way about as from TU principles as it was possible to be. More importantly for the purposes of this thread, it changed everything.

    Any notion of unity had been thrown away when working miners found that their voices counted for nothing within the NUM and, worse still, they found themselves the victims of intimidation that was organised by the very union that was supposed to protect and support them. It was hardly surprising that the UDM was formed and with the miners split in that fashion, the government had a free hand to do what it wished.

    The strike had also damaged the market for British Coal as customers established alternative supplies. The attempt by the NUM to, once again, turn out the lights also provided the government to look at how electricity was generated and I think it no coincidence that the 'dash for gas' quickly followed.

    In other words, I think the strike hastened the end for the mining industry and took away any possibility of the unions being able to influence what followed.

    I don't think that makes Scargill right.

    I have never suggested that you struck for money or failed to move on.

  9. #199
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I'd like to know if Kerr had been in this position how would he have conducted himself when faced with losing his livelihood & in many cases along with many others seeing the break up of his family
    would he have said to the Nottinghamshire,Leicester miners et al Yes I understand your position so it's ok with me for you to continue to work while the rest of us are driven to seeing our families kids etc go without I really don't think so

    Come on then Kerr tell us what you would have done
    not criticising what others did
    What would YOU have done?
    It's a very straight forward question

  10. #200
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    Kerr, while ever you are talking unfounded tripe about the miners/ labour party etc you might as well be banned because what you say
    has no value to your readers. Its bull what you put on here and you know full well it is just a means to wind folks up IBS style. You should be on the stage...maybe an actor is your true profession.
    I'm not sure that it down to you dictate what has or hasn't value to anyone who posts on here.

    If you don't want to read my stuff, you really don't have to. What you have to understand, however, is that this message board is not an echo chamber where you are only going to hear your own or similar opinions recited back to you.

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