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Thread: Beggars

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by wbatillidie View Post
    Perhaps the government could do more if it didn’t waste millions on aircraft carriers. Spend it on creating wealth, not sailing the seven seas.

    Don't disagree but how would we defend ourselves with the ever threat from Russia? Why should Europe be reliant on the USA to police the World? I would have thought that all European Countries should be increasing their military power rather than cutting it!

    Perhaps savings should be made on Foreign Aid - giving millions to countries where the money could be better spent at home! Likewise, I have no problem of freedom of movement for skilled workers or labour we need! I do have a problem with boat after boat docking in and all these illegals making their way to the good old UK.

    When boats dock - a good meal - medication and clothing and turn them around! What do they say about bees and honey....

    Charity begins at home - elderly shivering in the cold - no stair lifts or showers installed - no free rides on ambulances to hospital appointments etc. Then a boat load of people get everything thrown at them - housing - schooling etc etc!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by baggieal View Post
    Don't think the Tories are any worse! Did Labour not have an open door policy and was the good Mrs Blair not defending all the illegals to help fill her own back pockets! Many on the streets are foreign beggars so why do we let them in? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against anybody who can support themselves and pays tax - if not throw them out if illegal!

    Charity does start at home and makes me sick that councils won't help the elderly with stair lifts/lifts to hospitals for appointments but then house illegals!

    As our Jeremy said he could fund all these university fees, perhaps he can find the cash to take all the beggars off the street - and buy himself a suit too, and a blow up doll which would be better than Diane Abbott!
    Lets be fair, we're in a complete political mess right now because of Brexit. That's something the last Tory PM decided would be good to have a vote on without any planning in the event of a 'Leave' result. Then the current Tory PM decided it would be a good idea to invoke article 50 without having any dialogue with the EU or even her own party.

    'Charity does start at home'
    Not for the Tories, who have cut every public service sector to the bone. They inherited an NHS with the lowest waiting on times on record and have crippled it. Likewise 22,000 police and 10,000 firefighters have been cut since 2010, cheers Theresa. Did you know 500 libraries have closed since 2010...I could go on.

    It begs the question, how do people keep voting for them. It appears its because Dianne Abbot fumbled over a sentence on bbc qt...

    Out of interest Al, did you look at the Tory manifesto costs in the last election? I doubt it, because they didn't cost ANYTHING. You can't criticise Corbyn's fiscal policy because he has never implemented it. He did have a way of costing it though, seems you must have preferred the uncosted model.

    I'm guessing you're also holding to account the Tory statements in the last couple of years, my favourite ones are

    "This will be the easiest deal to make in history" David Davies - Former Brexit Secretary talking about EU negotiations of course
    "The day after the referendum, we will start negotiating our own FTA's" Liam Fox, Trade Secretary
    "I didn't quite realise how dependent we are on the Dover-Calais crossing" Dominic Raab, Current Brexit Secretary
    "F*ck business" Boris Johnson, former Foreign Secretary
    "Strong and Stable" You know who...

    Out of interest, now this Tory govt have cut every public service to the bone, they're having a crack at our economy. Does anyone know how little foreign investment is being made in UK business right now, because of the uncertainty our government have created...this is hypothetical because its impossible to measure. Let me be clear, this is CRIPPLING business right now. And I know this from first hand experience, with major foreign owned UK based businesses. See above Boris Johnson statement for their reasons...

    I'm not advocating Labour. I think Corbyn has been smeared by our press disgracefully, but I have no sympathy with him because is also a self serving scumbag who cares only about having another general election. If he really cared, he would provide proper opposition to what can only be described as the worst government in my lifetime. How is it possible for Labour to be behind them in the polls. His Brexit position is an absolute mess as well. Having said that, our society would be better off with a Labour government, of that I have no doubt.

    It's time for these politicians to make way for a new crop. They've had their time now and they're collectively ruining us.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by WBA123 View Post
    Lets be fair, we're in a complete political mess right now because of Brexit. That's something the last Tory PM decided would be good to have a vote on without any planning in the event of a 'Leave' result. Then the current Tory PM decided it would be a good idea to invoke article 50 without having any dialogue with the EU or even her own party.

    'Charity does start at home'
    Not for the Tories, who have cut every public service sector to the bone. They inherited an NHS with the lowest waiting on times on record and have crippled it. Likewise 22,000 police and 10,000 firefighters have been cut since 2010, cheers Theresa. Did you know 500 libraries have closed since 2010...I could go on.

    It begs the question, how do people keep voting for them. It appears its because Dianne Abbot fumbled over a sentence on bbc qt...

    Out of interest Al, did you look at the Tory manifesto costs in the last election? I doubt it, because they didn't cost ANYTHING. You can't criticise Corbyn's fiscal policy because he has never implemented it. He did have a way of costing it though, seems you must have preferred the uncosted model.

    I'm guessing you're also holding to account the Tory statements in the last couple of years, my favourite ones are

    "This will be the easiest deal to make in history" David Davies - Former Brexit Secretary talking about EU negotiations of course
    "The day after the referendum, we will start negotiating our own FTA's" Liam Fox, Trade Secretary
    "I didn't quite realise how dependent we are on the Dover-Calais crossing" Dominic Raab, Current Brexit Secretary
    "F*ck business" Boris Johnson, former Foreign Secretary
    "Strong and Stable" You know who...

    Out of interest, now this Tory govt have cut every public service to the bone, they're having a crack at our economy. Does anyone know how little foreign investment is being made in UK business right now, because of the uncertainty our government have created...this is hypothetical because its impossible to measure. Let me be clear, this is CRIPPLING business right now. And I know this from first hand experience, with major foreign owned UK based businesses. See above Boris Johnson statement for their reasons...

    I'm not advocating Labour. I think Corbyn has been smeared by our press disgracefully, but I have no sympathy with him because is also a self serving scumbag who cares only about having another general election. If he really cared, he would provide proper opposition to what can only be described as the worst government in my lifetime. How is it possible for Labour to be behind them in the polls. His Brexit position is an absolute mess as well. Having said that, our society would be better off with a Labour government, of that I have no doubt.

    It's time for these politicians to make way for a new crop. They've had their time now and they're collectively ruining us.

    I agree with a lot of what you say! Personally, I think almost all Politicians are tossers who are only interested in their own views and what's in it for them. Many are also hypocrites - look at a certain Politician who was tragically killed in the North - she was more interested in helping the White Helmets but ignored a ***** gang on her own back door as it would cause conflict with many in the area she represented. It's not just Politicians - look at wasters like Prince Andrew who creams off many thousands ( if not millions )

    By the way - I hate Teresa May as she's too weak. My view rightly or wrongly, is if you are going to leave - then be the dominant one and pay what you want to pay and then put your middle finger up. I don't like Trump one bit - I do admire though he does not take any crap!

    Labour would possibly do well if they did not have a loony like Corbyn. Not smear tactics how Corbyn has luvvied up to terrorists, said he wants to disarm our forces/arms, and continually spouts drivel! How Diane Abbott is in that position to defies belief!

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by WBA123 View Post
    Lets be fair, we're in a complete political mess right now because of Brexit. That's something the last Tory PM decided would be good to have a vote on without any planning in the event of a 'Leave' result. Then the current Tory PM decided it would be a good idea to invoke article 50 without having any dialogue with the EU or even her own party.

    'Charity does start at home'
    Not for the Tories, who have cut every public service sector to the bone. They inherited an NHS with the lowest waiting on times on record and have crippled it. Likewise 22,000 police and 10,000 firefighters have been cut since 2010, cheers Theresa. Did you know 500 libraries have closed since 2010...I could go on.

    It begs the question, how do people keep voting for them. It appears its because Dianne Abbot fumbled over a sentence on bbc qt...

    Out of interest Al, did you look at the Tory manifesto costs in the last election? I doubt it, because they didn't cost ANYTHING. You can't criticise Corbyn's fiscal policy because he has never implemented it. He did have a way of costing it though, seems you must have preferred the uncosted model.

    I'm guessing you're also holding to account the Tory statements in the last couple of years, my favourite ones are

    "This will be the easiest deal to make in history" David Davies - Former Brexit Secretary talking about EU negotiations of course
    "The day after the referendum, we will start negotiating our own FTA's" Liam Fox, Trade Secretary
    "I didn't quite realise how dependent we are on the Dover-Calais crossing" Dominic Raab, Current Brexit Secretary
    "F*ck business" Boris Johnson, former Foreign Secretary
    "Strong and Stable" You know who...

    Out of interest, now this Tory govt have cut every public service to the bone, they're having a crack at our economy. Does anyone know how little foreign investment is being made in UK business right now, because of the uncertainty our government have created...this is hypothetical because its impossible to measure. Let me be clear, this is CRIPPLING business right now. And I know this from first hand experience, with major foreign owned UK based businesses. See above Boris Johnson statement for their reasons...

    I'm not advocating Labour. I think Corbyn has been smeared by our press disgracefully, but I have no sympathy with him because is also a self serving scumbag who cares only about having another general election. If he really cared, he would provide proper opposition to what can only be described as the worst government in my lifetime. How is it possible for Labour to be behind them in the polls. His Brexit position is an absolute mess as well. Having said that, our society would be better off with a Labour government, of that I have no doubt.

    It's time for these politicians to make way for a new crop. They've had their time now and they're collectively ruining us.
    er the following are all quotes from reputable financial organisations this year.

    The ONS also said British companies and investors saw the first net increase in their foreign direct investment since 2011 last year,

    The UK remains Europe’s top destination for inward investment

    Last year the UK attracted 6% more foreign direct investment (FDI) projects that the previous year, according to figures compiled by EY in a survey of 450 global investors,

    According to a new report by IBM highlighted by the Department for International Trade (DIT) Britain is fifth most favoured place in the world for FDI.

    We can make a success of Brexit or we can make a mess of it and see FDI fall. Where we probably do agree we have every chance of doing the later.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 9goals2hattricks3pen View Post
    er the following are all quotes from reputable financial organisations this year.

    The ONS also said British companies and investors saw the first net increase in their foreign direct investment since 2011 last year,

    The UK remains Europe’s top destination for inward investment

    Last year the UK attracted 6% more foreign direct investment (FDI) projects that the previous year, according to figures compiled by EY in a survey of 450 global investors,

    According to a new report by IBM highlighted by the Department for International Trade (DIT) Britain is fifth most favoured place in the world for FDI.

    We can make a success of Brexit or we can make a mess of it and see FDI fall. Where we probably do agree we have every chance of doing the later.
    Depends how you look at the figures, the weaker pound has brought in some Foreign investment. But overall this is not a good thing for us, because we are an importing nation and all its going to do is increase inflation because our goods and services will increase in price.

    The net increase is linked more to the global economy than our domestic economy. That same ONS report also said that FDI grew at its weakest in 2017 than since the global recession of 2009.

    Ultimately, foreign investment intentions in this instance is almost impossible to measure. Because the ONS, or any other body, cannot judge if a foreign owned business would or wouldn't have invested in the UK because of Brexit. Many of these businesses are hiding their true reasons for certain business decisions because they don't want the flak from the leave voters.

    I'm purely talking from personal experience. Just to clarify what I meant, I know several foreign owned UK Based companies who are placing major business decisions on hold until the outcome of the Brexit negotiations. This, in my opinion, is having a major negative affect on business.

    And getting back onto the subject of this God awful government, they are absolutely shocking at driving growth or innovation. We are literally being left behind by the world.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    This sort of thread just brings out the political zealots.....it’s always the same “cut and paste” merchants boring the pants off everyone.

    I just feel incredibly sad when I see someone living in a box or pushing their worldly belongings in a shopping trolley.

    Why is it that some people’s first instinct is the political agenda b o l l u x rather than the person living such a miserable existence??

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    The problem with Brexit is that it should not have been the job of the government of the day but a cross party group of people who wanted to implement what we voted for. Theresa May was a remainer and I think that this shows in how she is handling it, badly. I honestly haven't a clue how it will end. One thing I do know is that I will never vote again if we have a second referendum as I think that democracy will have 'gone out of the window' in this country.
    On the subject of Mr. Corbyn, he is the biggest drawback to Labour gaining power. Even if we had an election now, I'm sure the Tories would win, just! With a different leader I think that Labour would win quite comfortably. How someone could turn up at the centenary of the ending of WW1, a la Michael Foot is beyond me. That's not the only reason why he should not be PM of this country but it does show you the lack of respect that the man has.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    This sort of thread just brings out the political zealots.....it’s always the same “cut and paste” merchants boring the pants off everyone.

    I just feel incredibly sad when I see someone living in a box or pushing their worldly belongings in a shopping trolley.

    Why is it that some people’s first instinct is the political agenda b o l l u x rather than the person living such a miserable existence??
    A normal human being would have sympathy for these unfortunate souls and think there but for the grace of God go I, but I have seen yobs kick the "possessions" and shout abuse at them at treat them like they are filth on their shoes.

    There are true scum in our society and it isn't the poor folks sleeping in the doorways.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    This sort of thread just brings out the political zealots.....it’s always the same “cut and paste” merchants boring the pants off everyone.

    I just feel incredibly sad when I see someone living in a box or pushing their worldly belongings in a shopping trolley.

    Why is it that some people’s first instinct is the political agenda b o l l u x rather than the person living such a miserable existence??

    I agree! I spent 150 quid at Hull to see a pile of feckin crap! Can I lobby for a rematch? The pie in the Walton Club was warm and they used cheap meat - could I have spewed it up there and then and demanded my money back!

    What's the difference! People vote - what a load of bollox!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    If Brexit goes ahead, there will be more beggars on the streets than there are now. It is just ludicrous to go ahead with this shambles. As much as I dislike referenda, we badly need another vote to stop the madness. A general election would be a waste of time as both main parties are just as divided over the issue. Dump Brexit.

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