Esther McVey rumoured to be resigning from the cabinet , possibly tomorrow , no loss there then .

10 other members signed the deal off but didn't like it , possibly because it doesn't matter anyway as it won't get through parliament .

Corbyn and May meeting right now , feck knows what that's about , Corbyn hasn't a clue either , Starmer may have been her better opposition man as he actually knows Labour's position , mind you he's the only one that does .

DUP dont like it , SNP don't like it , remainers don't like it , brexiters don't like it .

Humiliating defeat for May when it gets voted down I guess .

Tory whips might flip a few rebels with the it's this or a marxist government line but it possibly still won't be enough .

Can't see her surviving much longer to be honest , untenable position .

What next ?

Who knows , if the DUP walk away from the supply and confidence deal then that weakens the tory government even more .

A General Election ?

I don't think anyone will command a majority , The DUP won't back up the Tories and it's hard to see anyone siding with Labour whilst ever Corbyn is leader .

It aint good chaps .