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Thread: O/T:- Withdrawal Agreement - 'Peace in our time'

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    What we had was the Little Englanders' vote. Now people are better informed, it would be a true people's vote.

    Not patronising at all

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by forwardmagpie View Post
    Not patronising at all
    Don't forget it is Syd

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    Depends what you are voting on.
    All the above are in the black as far as EU payouts are concerned.Would you turn down a free meal.

    The point was democracy.
    Ireland Treaty of Lisbon rejected- Few paragraphs of re wording about abortion and neutrality to con them, sorted. (a vote we as a nation was denied)

    Denmark- Maastricht treaty . Rejected monetary union. Given a reprieve for now(watch this space) . The plan is to integrate all members into the EURO by 2025, look it up.

    Holland-Rejected the ever growing european constitution. The suck us together plan.

    FOR THE LAUGH -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd9rsmD4HiM

    So I'll ask you out right. Did you or your parents vote for a United Europe state in 1972 or a free trade market?
    Are you yearning to become a superstate drone?
    I don’t know why you use language like drone.

    I’m no trade expert but every one I’ve read tell me that no deal will be a disaster. The government and most politicians think no deal will be a disaster. The EU know that no deal will be a lot worse for us than them. This has severely limited our leverage in negotiations. Hence any deal that can be negotiated is and will be significantly worse than the one we have at the moment. No deal or a worse deal will make most people poorer.

    More of the population is aware of all this than 2 years ago. Which is why there should be another vote. Better informed people tend to make better decisions.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post
    Don't forget it is Syd
    Are you storking me, big bird?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    Are you storking me, big bird?
    Don't think I would have a leg to stand on

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    I don’t know why you use language like drone.

    I’m no trade expert but every one I’ve read tell me that no deal will be a disaster. The government and most politicians think no deal will be a disaster. The EU know that no deal will be a lot worse for us than them. This has severely limited our leverage in negotiations. Hence any deal that can be negotiated is and will be significantly worse than the one we have at the moment. No deal or a worse deal will make most people poorer.

    More of the population is aware of all this than 2 years ago. Which is why there should be another vote. Better informed people tend to make better decisions.

    You didn't answer the question.

    Do you yearn for a superstate, that will run this country from Brussels? Run by a committee you cannot oust or change?
    Do you want your rights to chose removed from you?

    Did you or your parents ever vote for this?

    Over to you Jabba.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    You didn't answer the question.

    Do you yearn for a superstate, that will run this country from Brussels? Run by a committee you cannot oust or change?
    Do you want your rights to chose removed from you?

    Did you or your parents ever vote for this?
    You seem to spend every waking hour worrying about this 'Superstate'. Relax, it won't happen whether we're in or out.

    If you want to don your tights and go Morris Dancing on the village green on a Sunday afternoon how are they going to stop you?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    Was it the “EU Bureaucrats” and the civil service who called and campaigned for a leave vote? I’m sure they’d prefer to be talking about something rather more constructive.
    No, it was David Cameron who called the referendum, despite being a Remainer himself and thinking he would win it easily, but the turnout, not to mention the outcome, showed that the public were ready to be asked the question. Unfortunately, where logic dictated that we then needed a strong-willed 'Leaver' as Prime Minister to carry that message through swiftly and with purpose, we actually got a Vote Remainer masquerading as a (kind of) 'Leaver' who tried to appease both sides primarily to protect her own career as PM. The civil servants and bureaucrats are past masters at exploiting such situations for their own benefit.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    And Have the likes of Davis, Fox, Johnson, and Raab been spending their own money for the last two years flying around the world to achieve absolutely nothing?
    No, and by the way it isn't for me to defend them or their actions just because they are ostensibly 'Leavers'. It's quite possible they have been happily riding the gravy train for two years despite knowing this could and should have been resolved at a very early stage by putting a "take it or leave it" offer to the EU. Sadly, there's barely a politician left at the top table these days who I believe has a genuine ideology they would lay down their career for. I see Boris Johnson as the classic modern day opportunist who will say whatever he thinks will serve his own career, and I certainly didn't vote Leave because he joined the bandwagon. Raab I think has more genuine credentials as a Leaver, but it would be naive to think that his resignation the other day didn't have as much if not more to do with his own career ambitions than his principles. Fox doesn't seem to know what to do now, and yet he surely cannot support May's proposals if his own 'Leave' credentials are genuine. Davis at least did resign at a slightly earlier stage and has more of a record for taking stands on principle, but he too has a supersized ego and I don't doubt there's an element of "look at me" in many of the things he does. Backbencher John Redwood for me has been one of the few whose line of argument has been consistent from day one, but that's easy from the back benches. The test of his integrity would have been if he'd been in the Cabinet at the start of the process. Would he have called Theresa May's bullsh*t when he saw it and walked away early, or would he have compromised to enjoy the trappings of power longer? I'd like to think the former, but who knows.
    Last edited by jackal2; 17-11-2018 at 01:11 PM.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    What we had was the Little Englanders' vote. Now people are better informed, it would be a true people's vote.
    A bit like the Scots next vote? Are they better informed 3 years on? Not really. They just didn't like the result of the first one so they will keep going until they get what they want. If you keep rolling the dice eventually you get a 6.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    What we had was the Little Englanders' vote. Now people are better informed, it would be a true people's vote.
    61,936 votes in Swansea as they win the vote to leave the EU. Are they the Little Welsh , or honorary Little Englanders ?

    They do tend to be of smaller stature though .

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