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Thread: Ardley, 4-4-2 and 'back to basics'

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Ardley, 4-4-2 and 'back to basics'

    Firstly I was unable to attend last night so cannot comment on the performance but based on the comments on here and Twitter it seems it was much of the same.

    Reading back through comments regarding Ardley it seems he will look to play a combative, direct and organised 4-4-2 which I personally feel is exactly what is needed to get us out of this mess and as the thread title says get 'back to basics'.

    With this in mind where does that leave Ardley with the squad he will inherit? There will be so many that will need to be shipped out come January if we are to find the kind of players he needs to fulfill his footballing mantra.

    I think we all agree we need full backs who can put a tackle in and stop crosses. We need midfielders who are prepared to put the hard yards in in the middle of the park, get a tackle in, be first to the second ball, track back and cover when needed as well as being creative going forward. Finally we need forwards who know where the onion bag is but they need the service first.

    So with this in mind what would be Ardley's first starting eleven in a 4-4-2 with the players currently at his disposal and assuming they are all fit?

    I have to say I'm struggling, the only players I feel should definitely start are Fitz, Turley, Ward, Enzio and one other of Stead, Hemmings and Dennis. The rest worry me greatly.

    If everyone was fit I would probably go as follows but please feel free to fill in the blanks!

    Turley- Hall - Ward - ?????
    ????? - Hewitt - Milsom - ?????
    Stead - Enzio

    Enzio would have to play up top because regardless of his talents going forward he offers next to no cover for the full backs. I tend to think he would play well picking up off Stead or Hemmings who can both cause problems with their backs to the goal.

    We currently have no one to replace Hewitt and Milsom in the middle and the flanks perm any one from Aless, Thomas, Hawk, Kellett etc.

    I would prefer eventually to see Toots back to his best with Turley back in the middle with Ward, unfortunately I can't see that in the short term so would leave Turley at RB for now. Jones and Evina to scrap it out for LB, they're as bad as each other, maybe Kellett worth a try?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    You named Dennis as a player you'd definitely start and then didn't pick him in your team, going with a winger in his place

    Tootle - Turley - Ward - Jones/Evina (I think they're both as average as eachother)
    Enzio - Hewitt - Milsom - Kellett
    Stead/Hemmings - Dennis

    I think Enzio will be out for a while injured so realistically we're more likely to see Patching or Thomas there for the forseeable future.

    The 4231 looked good while we had the players fit to play it with

    Enzio - Allessandra - Hemmings

    --------- Stead

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DelroyFacey22 View Post
    You named Dennis as a player you'd definitely start and then didn't pick him in your team, going with a winger in his place

    Tootle - Turley - Ward - Jones/Evina (I think they're both as average as eachother)
    Enzio - Hewitt - Milsom - Kellett
    Stead/Hemmings - Dennis

    I think Enzio will be out for a while injured so realistically we're more likely to see Patching or Thomas there for the forseeable future.

    The 4231 looked good while we had the players fit to play it with

    Enzio - Allessandra - Hemmings

    --------- Stead
    Erm, no I didn't. I said one other of Stead, Hemmings or Dennis.

    In my defence I also gave a reason why I would play Enzio up top.

    Finally the thread is about Ardley's desire to play 442 and how would we set up with the current players we have, not changing to other formations.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Not sure why you would limit yourself to only picking 1 of those 3 when you could easily fit in at least 2 of them and keep our best player in his best position though, his work rate defensively is absolutely fine, while Kewell was here and against Cheltenham he worked harder than just about anyone in the team.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DelroyFacey22 View Post
    Not sure why you would limit yourself to only picking 1 of those 3 when you could easily fit in at least 2 of them and keep our best player in his best position though, his work rate defensively is absolutely fine, while Kewell was here and against Cheltenham he worked harder than just about anyone in the team.
    There is that, maybe alongside a covering centre mid and with a decent full back behind him he would be free to do what he does best, I suppose it depends how narrow Ardley will want to play his 442 formation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I was struggling to understand last nights formation... was it 4-5-1... 5-4-1... 9-1? It was appalling.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GranthamPie View Post
    I was struggling to understand last nights formation... was it 4-5-1... 5-4-1... 9-1? It was appalling.
    Exactly they don't know what they are doing some people will tell you they have all played at the highest level of the game so they deserve respect, well they are getting none from me as they have done nothing for us.

    I mean when Crossley took over for a game he put Hawkridge at right back they are clueless.

    MOST fans perhaps can't do the tactics side but i'd guess MOST could put a stronger team out to win a game.

    I mean we played FOUR centre backs in one game at home and still got hammered by Cheltenham like others this could be the year we drop out the league disgraceful stuff especially from the man at the top boasting about our squad at the start of the season.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Play to the strengths of those you have. If Ardley is a ‘direct’ style and 4-4-2 tactic, something needs to give.
    You can’t make players do things not in their character or style. Vaughan could never go in to a 50-50 blood and thunder challenge, in fact I could have named any player. It’s not in there DNA.
    Our strengths are our forward players. Those that have been alienated by ****e tactics and poor performances from behind.
    With the players we have I would be looking to play 4-3-3 if I was Ardley. Assuming they are all fit, the 3 up front would be two of Hemmings, Dennis or Enzio with Stead as the ‘target man’.
    Alles would make my 3 man midfield. More out of acknowledgement of his performances so far. He can pick up the pieces.
    I would then look at seeing who my 2 blood hounds or bash brother could be. Ahhh to have Ravenhill n Bishop.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GranthamPie View Post
    I was struggling to understand last nights formation... was it 4-5-1... 5-4-1... 9-1? It was appalling.
    4-5-1 (or 4-4-1-1 but basically the same thing) with Husin having a free role behind Dennis but basically playing as another central midfielder and leaving Kristian on his todd. Not sure why you struggled with it, they kept their shape very well, albeit we defended quite narrowly (or Davies did) but that was probably by instruction and in the grand scheme of things it worked pretty well in restricting Carlisle to shooting from distance and rarely seriously troubling Fitz other than the goal and a shot he saved at the near post in the second half.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    The Don's fans says he favours a 4.4.2 formation.

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