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Thread: The way forward

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    The way forward

    I suppose the question is is there anybody currently that has come through the academy going to be worth a few quid, and I think the honest answer is no, therefore you should surely be asking yourselves how much longer this can go on, I know that the people who support the academy point to the fact that it has more than paid its way in the past, but that is where it is in the past. I don’t think Crewe are getting the boys at the academy with the natural talent as they did in the past and I think this is starting to show, the current crop are not good enough to shine in what is a truly woeful first team squad, they are playing poorly and are in and out of the squad any scouts that are at games are surely going away with the comments along the same line. So what is the purpose of the academy now ? surely a basic academy should be the plan one we can afford with the clubs budget that still will produce 1 or 2 players to supplement the first team.

    I am trying to understand what the supporters of the current academy model see what they see different to me, what am I missing ? Surely as fans we can’t be happy with what we are currently being given and happy to except it, the Hassall issue aside with him out of the way that will still not change the failing academy model.

    The whole club is slipping back to the dark days where re-election was the clubs motto but ony this time re-election does not exist and neither will this club if they carry on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Wartman View Post
    I suppose the question is is there anybody currently that has come through the academy going to be worth a few quid, and I think the honest answer is no, therefore you should surely be asking yourselves how much longer this can go on, I know that the people who support the academy point to the fact that it has more than paid its way in the past, but that is where it is in the past. I don’t think Crewe are getting the boys at the academy with the natural talent as they did in the past and I think this is starting to show, the current crop are not good enough to shine in what is a truly woeful first team squad, they are playing poorly and are in and out of the squad any scouts that are at games are surely going away with the comments along the same line. So what is the purpose of the academy now ? surely a basic academy should be the plan one we can afford with the clubs budget that still will produce 1 or 2 players to supplement the first team.

    I am trying to understand what the supporters of the current academy model see what they see different to me, what am I missing ? Surely as fans we can’t be happy with what we are currently being given and happy to except it, the Hassall issue aside with him out of the way that will still not change the failing academy model.

    The whole club is slipping back to the dark days where re-election was the clubs motto but ony this time re-election does not exist and neither will this club if they carry on.
    Happy Christmas everyone and Hope the New year sees us improving. The problem is, us older ones who have witnessed both good and bad over the last 50-60 years are accused of seeing things through rose tinted specs asd we tend to do and so dwell on the better times we have in our lives. That's natural. In those far off days before academies were even thought of we had two teams, the first team and a reserve team, where the pitch was played on weekly and there were some great matches too. People say todays players are fitter and quicker and that may be true but to play 90 mins on heavy pitches was no pick nick and no subs to come on either. The plain fact is no club NEEDS an academy, they are nice to have IF you can afford them. Like the PL but its also a FACT that 90% of L1 and L2 clubs don't have Cat2 and some not even Cat3. Its arguable that the difference between the National League and L2 is negligible and yet we read that some players there get more wages than we can afford and so somebody must be paying them. None will have official academies but almost all of them will have facilities for there local youngsters to go along to see if they are good enough. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to provide academies and facilities and coaching staff for 5-10 year olds when nobody can foresee their development both physical and mental at 20? We say our academy players need a hundred league games to see and then some. Barcelona and ManU/ManC can afford it yet less than 5% of their academy players make the grade and that should tell us something.

    There are literally hundreds if not thousands of players available in the UK and worldwide now that would jump at playing for lower league and National league clubs but we can't sign them as we have too many of our own. I always say when we we have played non league, how many of our players are better than theirs? That surely is the measure. It could be my age but can't get much pleasure from games where we now see two or three goal scoring chances a game in 90 odd minutes. That surely is NOT how the game should be played with all the coaching they get costing hundreds of thousands and why we seem to see mostly foreign players in the PL nowadays. I wonder if natural talent has anything to do with it?

    The Board has a choice. They keep the Cat2 academy at 760K per season or they downgrade and maybe even getting rid of the academy altogether like some clubs have done while still recruiting a few kids on the books to train with us is a far better alternative. The principle should be that the gate money and other monies from the FA should cover the costs of the players wages plus all the other costs and that seems sensible at our level anyway. To have a model that depends on 500,000 pounds a season on transfer income was OK at a time when that worked. I don't subscribe to the idea that it would cost more for amateur incoming players and other Pro's from other clubs. And why we NEED to continue with our model. But then the board will know but the real pain for fans is none of them tell us what their longer term plan is...ie they should be in the business of growing mushrooms!

    Happy new year all..

    Last edited by MikeSB; 23-12-2018 at 05:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I ask this, we shut the academy, how much will that save? How much would we have to pay for a new training ground to replace RH?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by out0lunch View Post
    I ask this, we shut the academy, how much will that save? How much would we have to pay for a new training ground to replace RH?
    What did we do in the old days? Many gyms have indoor facilities to play football now and have showers and other stuff. In the spring and summer and autumn, we should play on the Gresty Road pitch. Indeed how they used too when there was a game each week not once a fortnight like now. Think it was Thordasson who said running up Mow Cop with a 20 pound weight on your back will get the players fit.

    What do National league clubs have?
    Last edited by MikeSB; 23-12-2018 at 05:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    When I was a student at Shavington school the first team trained there, I used to watch them. We don’t need RH to train there are football pitches all over the shire and gyms to go with them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by out0lunch View Post
    I ask this, we shut the academy, how much will that save? How much would we have to pay for a new training ground to replace RH?
    I ask this retain the academy in its current form and how much longer before we go bust ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    It is very interesting to take a look at our near neighbours Wrexham, their accounts reported a loss of 1 million pounds when they crashed out of the football league ! In a report compiled by the club the biggest impact on the revenue generated by the club was the performance of the first team which reduced gate receipts and sponsorship money. I would say that is akin to what we are seeing at Crewe with dwindling attendances.

    It is also interesting that the academy model Wrexham have, which attracts players released from premier league and football league teams who train at the clubs academy and study at Glyndwr university. I guess I am saying there are other ways and options available to our club all it needs is somebody with the foresight to make it happen, the stumbling block is that our decision makers are stuck with the one model and one model only irrespective that it is plain to see by almost everyone that it is completely and utterly failing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Wartman View Post
    I ask this retain the academy in its current form and how much longer before we go bust ?
    Will someone please answer my question instead of waffling around it or do you not know the answer?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I think in some of the other posts a figure of in excess of £700000 is spent by the club each year on the academy so that must be a starting point, from my memory we have a facility down the road at Shavington that could be used ? also as I have said they could use school playing fields for some training maybe travel around how better away to get the youngsters of Cheshire interested in the club once more instead of training behind the giant conifer trees at RH. If you are an academy fan out0lunch and I will not criticise you for that but as I said above what am I not seeing, what am I missing what does the academy give to the club now ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    No figures then !!! Why don't you take into account the subsidy from the FA?
    How much will these training facilities that you mention cost?

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