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Thread: Qualifications

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    You lads have earned from your school days .

    For me I went to St Peters RC School they wanted high pass rates back in the day
    So they'd only let you sit an O'level if they'd thought you'd pass .

    Zero qualifications for me then.

    What about you lads have you any .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    5 2's and 2 3's

    Now I'm a beach bum in Spain.

    Just goes to show, if you work hard anyone can be a idle lay about.

    EDIT: Got my cycle proficiency to, even with a warning for over taking.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Six 2s (PE, French, Graphic Com, Maths, English, Art)

    Two 3s (Biology and Modern Studies)

    I didnt apply myself at school. Could have done better if i gave a sh@te. It wasnt untill i left i realised i needed to get stuck in a bit more. Grafted at college as an apprentice. Grafted with putting myself through courses. Everything career wise has been through my own hard work and not one funny hand shake involved.

    I also have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge these days. Football, the World Wars, Other cultures. I definatley enjoy learning more now

    But back to school, if id applied myself and went further i wouldnt have got into rotating equipment. Then i wouldnt be where i am today. Too be honest im glad i didnt give a f@ck about school because i very happy with where i am in life in general at 35.i would have been in a different position now

    Also i have never been to france since leaving school so that was a waste of time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Poor honours degree from a poor university doing to me no help in my useless 'career' thus far. Just got rejected at an interview in my latest seemingly futile attempt to escape my dead end job yesterday.

    Super glad this thread has been started...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Higher skiving

    O level
    English - B
    Arithmetic - B
    Modern Studies - C

    Which is nae bad for someone who only went into school to tick his name off of the football team list.

    Been to France loads so regret not being a wizard with languages.

    However I can order beer and say " you are very beautiful " in ump**** languages and that has seen me through.

    44 years this week since I officially left school and started in optics.
    Last edited by donsdaft; 10-01-2019 at 09:50 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by mondo_notion View Post
    5 2's and 2 3's

    Now I'm a beach bum in Spain.

    Just goes to show, if you work hard anyone can be a idle lay about.

    EDIT: Got my cycle proficiency to, even with a warning for over taking.
    Where in Spain are you Mondo

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by StandfreeFM View Post
    Poor honours degree from a poor university doing to me no help in my useless 'career' thus far. Just got rejected at an interview in my latest seemingly futile attempt to escape my dead end job yesterday.

    Super glad this thread has been started...
    What degree did you do standfree I would say getting to uni is an achievement on its own.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Honours degree from Edinburgh uni which sounds useful (and I suppose it looks good on a CV) but honestly I found university to be absolutely grim. Edinburgh in particular had a very laissez faire attitude to study (at least in my chosen degree) and I just couldn't motivate myself and most of the work I did was crammed into the month before exams. With the benefit of hindsight I probably should have changed degree but I came out with OK marks in the end.

    I obtained a Masters studing part time over four years which was challenging while working a full time job but I found it far more rewarding and put a lot more into it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ragnarok View Post
    Honours degree from Edinburgh uni which sounds useful (and I suppose it looks good on a CV) but honestly I found university to be absolutely grim. Edinburgh in particular had a very laissez faire attitude to study (at least in my chosen degree) and I just couldn't motivate myself and most of the work I did was crammed into the month before exams. With the benefit of hindsight I probably should have changed degree but I came out with OK marks in the end.

    I obtained a Masters studing part time over four years which was challenging while working a full time job but I found it far more rewarding and put a lot more into it.

    Well done on your hard work after you left uni . Well deserved .

    Be good if you lads added the degree yous worked hard for.im a nosey auld bass.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Disco Buc View Post
    What degree did you do standfree I would say getting to uni is an achievement on its own.
    BA Public Admin which you would think would be helpful in Local Govmt but not in the section I'm currently in. Uni was ok. The year I was in was pretty sound (few dandies on the course) but it hasn't done me any good and feels like a waste of time.

    Oversharing today as you can see. just venting my disappointment I guess.

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