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Thread: No late deal info?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    Yes indeed dooali .

    Signings we'd be excited about wasn't it ?

    Conway's going to fit in quite nicely into the CEO role me thinks .

    The crumbs offered off the table will no doubt be gratefully accepted by the blind amongst us .
    Animal dunt let it get thee darn tha dunt seam same bloke that have known for all these years must be 12years thas always been cool and took things in thi stried nowts ever as bad as it looks, we are 1 point off the top 2 and DS id happy with what he has just wait and see how it progresses.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    Animal dunt let it get thee darn tha dunt seam same bloke that have known for all these years must be 12years thas always been cool and took things in thi stried nowts ever as bad as it looks, we are 1 point off the top 2 and DS id happy with what he has just wait and see how it progresses.
    Thanks for your concern colliers but just because we don't agree doesn't necessarily mean I've changed my personality .

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    Thanks for your concern colliers but just because we don't agree doesn't necessarily mean I've changed my personality .
    Animal its nice to disagree from time to time thats what these boards are all about but we are in a good position and the manager seams happy with what he as thats all im saying.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Looks like the Winnall loan deal to Sunderland didn't happen after all .

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    Animal its nice to disagree from time to time thats what these boards are all about but we are in a good position and the manager seams happy with what he as thats all im saying.
    Excuse me colliers it looks like to me stendel has no say in which players he wants and who can leave or is it my imagination I always thought goats been running the show

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DOOALI View Post
    Excuse me colliers it looks like to me stendel has no say in which players he wants and who can leave or is it my imagination I always thought goats been running the show
    Right you don't like GG so you'll be happy he left.I think in one post you called him a liar a bit over the top in my view considering you don't know the man.So who do you believe? In the past 2 weeks GG,Winkler and Stendal have all explained how the transfer system works at Oakwell.Stendal himself said that he is involved in the transfer process where he is involved from start to finish and he gets the final say.Now a straightforward question if you'd like to answer.Do you think Winkler and Stendal are both liars.?And who are you going to target now GG's gone.?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hoss Conway is the target now Bill. Ez tha got any stuff I can use ?

    A think thaz been reading Gally's spin on what was sed at the last BBS/ Goat Love In regarding the recruitment process. Goat laid it art in detail some months ago in the Chronicle

    Stage 1 --Goat asks coach for a Player Profile Specification ie the TYPE of player he would like, not the ACTUAL player eg height, weight, pace,age, appearances, position,goals,assists. For example "Ad like a centre heyf built like a brick sh1tarse"

    Stage 2 --Recruitment admin feed this into Spreadsheet software and it throws out a list of names (under 25 years old)

    Stage 3---Recruitment admin team look at list in greater depth eg promotional videos featuring player and produce a "long list" of around 10 players

    Stage 4--Goat looks at them from a financial aspect--potential fee, wages, potential sell on value and identifies three players who are financially viable

    Stage 5---Stendel involved by asking him which of these he would like, in priority order

    Stage 6--Goat works down list to try to get deal done within the financial boundaries set for each player. Deal either done or not done. Stendel has to work with the one that arrives.

    The odd one such as Bahre may have by passed the system as a price for securing Stendel's services

    (For "Goat" now read "Hoss" )
    Last edited by SBRed48; 01-02-2019 at 03:42 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    Hoss Conway is the target now Bill. Ez tha got any stuff I can use ?

    A think thaz been reading Gally's spin on what was sed at the last BBS/ Goat Love In regarding the recruitment process. Goat laid it art in detail some months ago in the Chronicle

    Stage 1 --Goat asks coach for a Player Profile Specification ie the TYPE of player he would like, not the ACTUAL player eg height, weight, pace,age, appearances, position,goals,assists. For example "Ad like a centre heyf built like a brick sh1tarse"

    Stage 2 --Recruitment admin feed this into Spreadsheet software and it throws out a list of names (under 25 years old)

    Stage 3---Recruitment admin team look at list in greater depth eg promotional videos featuring player and produce a "long list" of around 10 players

    Stage 4--Goat looks at them from a financial aspect--potential fee, wages, potential sell on value and identifies three players who are financially viable

    Stage 5---Stendel involved by asking him which of these he would like, in priority order

    Stage 6--Goat works down list to try to get deal done within the financial boundaries set for each player. Deal either done or not done. Stendel has to work with the one that arrives.

    The odd one such as Bahre may have by passed the system as a price for securing Stendel's services

    (For "Goat" now read "Hoss" )
    Thankyou for your reply Doolali sorry I mean SB.I posted on here a few weeks back of how the transfer system worked at Oakwell pretty much like GG and your good self has said,but only last week in Winklers last interview I think he said that Stendal was involved with the recruitment staff from the onset to conclusion ,Stendal confirmed this.We can now put to bed the silly rumours about GG scouting,picking,training and signing players without the manager/coach knowing. Anyway I like Hoss for our co owner /ceo.What names have you got for the rest of the board? This should be a laugh.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by bill46 View Post
    Thankyou for your reply Doolali sorry I mean SB.I posted on here a few weeks back of how the transfer system worked at Oakwell pretty much like GG and your good self has said,but only last week in Winklers last interview I think he said that Stendal was involved with the recruitment staff from the onset to conclusion ,Stendal confirmed this.We can now put to bed the silly rumours about GG scouting,picking,training and signing players without the manager/coach knowing. Anyway I like Hoss for our co owner /ceo.What names have you got for the rest of the board? This should be a laugh.
    When this policy takes the club up 21 places instead of it dropping down 21 places then I'll give it the thumbs up bill .

    The devils in the detail mi owd .

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bill46 View Post
    Thankyou for your reply Doolali sorry I mean SB.I posted on here a few weeks back of how the transfer system worked at Oakwell pretty much like GG and your good self has said,but only last week in Winklers last interview I think he said that Stendal was involved with the recruitment staff from the onset to conclusion ,Stendal confirmed this.We can now put to bed the silly rumours about GG scouting,picking,training and signing players without the manager/coach knowing. Anyway I like Hoss for our co owner /ceo.What names have you got for the rest of the board? This should be a laugh.
    Tha gud at asking the questions Bill but not so good at answering. I ev brought forward ageean Post 20 on the "Invite" thread (below) and good manners would require an answer.

    The wording of the reply above is suspiciously similar to one I ev read on BBS using a different Username. Please confirm that the name on here is your only name on Barnsley FC message boards.

    "Big Chien" and "The Lovely Grace" are the ones I ev used so far.
    Last edited by SBRed48; 01-02-2019 at 04:57 PM.

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