I sometimes have a very pleasing orange tinge when we get a wind blowing off the sea and covering us with sand BT.

There has been an unholy alliance in the Labour party ever since Jezza took over - I am surprised that this hasn't happened before now. The trickle could quite easily become a flood and i really feel that Labour will not be in power for many years.
Most of the members (who have voting rights) are out and out lefties - and Britain will never vote for a party like that.

I get the feeling that Corbyn and his gang are very comfortable playing the role of the outraged opposition - like he has all his political life.
He realises that if he ever became PM then there would be no one else to get outraged about - and that's not his style.
But heres the Labour parties conundrum - who to replace him with? The make up of the membership makes it obvious that it would be someone very similar to Jezza. They simply wouldn't vote for a more centrist politician. And therefore Labour will continue to be unelectable.

Let's face it, if Labour are trailing in the polls despite this useless Government, then there is little hope for success in following the same plan.