Apologies for my outburst but I want to set this b.astard on fire and when the flames are going out, set him on fire again!

He's been arrested for having images on videos of babies ( approx 6 months) to small children up to 3 years of age being raped by adult males. He's not got an ounce of remorse for obtaining them or sharing their distribution. Asked what he thought of the pain shown on these poor innocent children's faces when being raped, he mumbled 'I don't know'. Of course you f***** know!!

WTF goes on in these animals minds?

You can have *** anytime you like. You can pay for it if you haven't the confidence to date someone or have the skills to form a relationship but, to want to go down this line makes my f****** blood boil with rage!!

They are currently investigating him for suspected rape of children well under age from a few years back. They have no right in society.