What a pain in the arse this is,it's all right if you are a millennial and was born with a mobile in your hand but I was persuaded by my local bank to set one up to make my life easier and what did they do when I did,f@#king well closed my local branch
I've been completing the application form for my early retirement and one of the first questions that they want to know is your bank details and the branch that gave it,well it closed two months ago so I don't know what to put but there was a live chat on my online banking so I decided to ask them,I couldn't make them understand what I wanted and they gave me the address of a bank in Leicester,sooo I decided to phone them up instead,no joy there either as they kept saying that the bank's wasn't open on a Saturday ffs,so now I've got to travel five miles away in my lunch break as I'm on 8-6 next week just to ask one f#@king question!!!