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Thread: Tony Stewart has his say on last January

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by wendun View Post
    mellow, I tried to explain the "underlying problem". TS has simply realised that wages and fees are increasing exponentially and he can no longer p*ss money down the drain. No way could our Championship status have been maintained for more than a season or two.
    That doesn't explain why players didn't want to sign for us in January.
    The "money theory" always gets trotted out but the problem seems to be more fundamental than that.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The nice guy Warny argument does not sit with me. Not one of us knows what goes on in that changing room before a game after a game or at half time, it's all just guess work from our point of view. We all know what uncle collin is like in a changing room as we have seen it on TV but you very rarely here him pull down his players to the media after a game, he is more like Warny in that respect that he says that he is proud of his players etc that they gave all they had and he couldn't ask for anything more from them.

    Paul will have learnt a lot from good old uncle collin. Lets give Paul the chance to show us what he can do over the next 3 years I know that is what I will want to see from us as supporters.

    The job he trying to do is not one of those jobs where you can pick up everything you need to get the job done from a local builders merchant, it's not that easy I'm afraid.

    Last edited by BigLadonOS; 22-05-2019 at 09:40 AM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    I do realise our chairman is doing a mainly good job and we would probably be in the brown stuff if it wasn't for him. But I think that most miller's just want honesty.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    BigLad, I always enjoy your contributions and hope we get on well on MM but reading your recent posts I'm concerned that you may have been kidnapped by aliens or something. Is this really the same guy who posted a while back "...we have not learned anything from the last time we were in the Championship!" Of course these sentiments are not mutually exclusive but I did have you down in the past as being a bit more of a critic. Btw, football is a hard master: PW has already had 2 1/2 seasons but now you're suggesting we suspend judgement until he's had another 3!!??

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Infrastructure is where money is being spent, getting that sorted is key.

    The pitch at AESSEAL New York Stadium has always been excellent, and whilst the training ground has also been noted for the standards of surface, we have made moves to install some new drainage systems which will vastly improve what was already an impressive area.

    “We made significant investment in facilities back in 2017, and this is the next stage in the development. We are striving for the best, and the latest investment at Roundwood will take it onto the next level. Work is already underway, and when completed we'll have some of the best training pitches, not just in League One, but in The Championship.”

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2008
    If we look at what we've said that we fans wanted from our club a few years back we'd have said

    We want a stable finacial footing because of what had happened in the past.

    We want to play in the Championship.

    We want a youth system that developped players so that we could see them play int first team.

    We want to be able to develop the players that we had and sell them on for profit so that we can get better.

    We don't want to be lied to.

    We ant the pork pie and orange sausage roll back.

    We want a good run out song

    The list goes on depending who writes it but the fundemental things that make a football club are there to be seen. We have had 2 people who work at the club get gongs for work they have done for the community.

    We are in a good place and to stay there we need to get better. Before you can get better you need to identify what is wrong and that has been done and it keeps on being done and we are getting better!

    Paul Davis has done his job by interviewing TS and TS has answered the questions. Jees it wasn't so long ago that TS was banning certain local newspapers from the stadium.

    If we don't like what he's said then it's tough titty we don't get a choice other that buying a ticket or not buying a ticket.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    It's not our call "The BOSS" has changed his business plan and decided that organic growth is the best way ( it is ) and Paul will get his chance to fail.

    Forgetting that Paul has had more chances than any cat has lives already the theory is sound. Alas the only problem is that the root stock must be capable of achieving the growth required.

    Is it ?

    To achieve in the championship we need men with an edge - a winner - will someone like that pass the PW tests. If not we are in essence limited.

    I watched a programme about racehorses this week and the head trainer was preparing his prise possession - a winner - and the trainer said the the horse knew he was good - even a bit arrogant....even horses - so such as Dom Ball who was undoubtedly talented ( Spurs thought so ) at least good enough to become something better via a good coach. He soon lost interest in being a Rotherham player. He wanted out when a good coach left - the bad apple is bull - he just thought he was a thoroughbred. And we need them.

    They still need a firm hand and to be pushed to achieve their best BUT to freeze thoroughbreds out instead of coaching them leaves us with the likes of Yates.....and I know which one I'd choose - but only my opinion.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Frog, I'm clearly missing something. Firstly the media aspect is at least debatable and my own view is the relationship is rather too cosy . If TS has "answered the questions" I've missed it because anumber of questions haven't even been asked imo. And how on earth do you conclude that the club has identified what is wrong and put it right and continues to put things right? What did we do wrong and what are we now doing differently?

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by EasyAndEarly View Post
    It's not our call "The BOSS" has changed his business plan and decided that organic growth is the best way ( it is ) and Paul will get his chance to fail.

    Forgetting that Paul has had more chances than any cat has lives already the theory is sound. Alas the only problem is that the root stock must be capable of achieving the growth required.

    Is it ?

    To achieve in the championship we need men with an edge - a winner - will someone like that pass the PW tests. If not we are in essence limited.

    I watched a programme about racehorses this week and the head trainer was preparing his prise possession - a winner - and the trainer said the the horse knew he was good - even a bit arrogant....even horses - so such as Dom Ball who was undoubtedly talented ( Spurs thought so ) at least good enough to become something better via a good coach. He soon lost interest in being a Rotherham player. He wanted out when a good coach left - the bad apple is bull - he just thought he was a thoroughbred. And we need them.

    They still need a firm hand and to be pushed to achieve their best BUT to freeze thoroughbreds out instead of coaching them leaves us with the likes of Yates.....and I know which one I'd choose - but only my opinion.
    Every manager fails at some point and your obsession of wanting Warne out will one day come true.

    People can be nice family men and have an edge. Our problem has been that the players we've had just weren't good enough. The price of the players determine who we can buy surely. If we don't have the money to pay for a player then the club can't have that player.

    Are you saying you want organic growth which will be at less cost short term to the club or would you prefer TS to spend money that isn't permitted to be spent under the FFP?

    Dom Ball was a player who went out on loan to Peterborough and then was sent back for arguing with the manager because of team selection. Spurs released him because they didn't think he was good enough. They could have sold him but didn't, they just let him go. He's been on the bench at Aberdeen for most of the season and if he'd started a game he'd been subbed. There has been a thread running this season that has highlighted all of our players out on loan.

    I think that what you insinuate about the players not being coachd to preform better is wrong. You could say that Icky, Ajayi, Vaulks, Williams, Wiles, Smith to name a few are better players today than they were a year ago.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wendun View Post
    Frog, I'm clearly missing something. Firstly the media aspect is at least debatable and my own view is the relationship is rather too cosy . If TS has "answered the questions" I've missed it because anumber of questions haven't even been asked imo. And how on earth do you conclude that the club has identified what is wrong and put it right and continues to put things right? What did we do wrong and what are we now doing differently?
    I would agree that it is too cosy and he could and maybe did ask more questions. I think that Paul Davis sees it as a publi relations job sometimes but it does allow him to get close to the club.

    Investement into the youth system that wasn't there and now is and is proucing players.

    Changing the recruitment personel after the last one failed to deliver.

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