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Thread: O/T:- Wise words about Boris

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Psaw2 View Post
    From a psychiatric perspective, I am sure Johnson and Corbyn have personality disorders. Johnson has a far higher iq than Corbyn and is able to simplify complex ideas into practical understanding. He undoubtedly can see the long term and consequences, while Corbyn cant.

    Part of delivering a long term aim, which may not be apparent in the here and now is to skimp over, or ignore less important factors which Johnson does.

    Corbyn has a narcissistic personality disorder, which means he only functions in the here and now, and cant grasp consequences, or long term outcomes. Manipulation and lies are his stock in trade. Notice how he disagrees with everything, even his own party members. This is how he maintains control, power, and he gets his narcissistic feed. He is always right, even when he is wrong.

    Being in control is more important than truth, and the people around him, co dependants, are there because they feed him what he wants. He is disconnected from reality.

    Johnson is an extrovert, Corbyn is an introvert, a covert narc. I don't know enough about Johnson to diagnose him so to speak, but im sure there is a problem there. What masks it is that he is bright, maybe even genius iq. Most politicians are nuts, look at Hitler Stalin, Macron, Putin, Merkel, etc they are all crazy.

    Politics attracts the sickest people in society, that's why the world is in such trouble. At the end of the day vote for freedom or communism, whos at the top doesn't really matter. Im voting for Farage.

    Carl Jung said that unless you express the unconscious, you will be governed by it. Don't be governed by the past, or what your parents etc want you to do. Vote for what lies at your heart, in fact do that in everything. Its harder than you think.

    Madame Tussauds. Of Hale Fen.
    I think it was G K Chesterton who said something along the lines of "the only people who find their way into positions of political power are unfortunately the ones who are unpleasant enough to seek it". The reassurance who many I know get from voting for Farage is that he doesn't really want to be a Politician, nor does he desire the role of PM. People accused him of jumping ship after the vote but I think the far simpler explanation is that he thought it was a done deal and he had achieved his goals.

    It's absolutely Freedom or Communism, either by the scenic route or baptised in red. Unfortunately in my constituency it's just CommunismLite or Communism. I'll probably spoil my ballot so it at least gets counted, or something benign like the Yorkshire Party.

  2. #62
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jackal2 View Post
    As for John McDonnell, he appears on Radio Four's Today programme quite regularly and is usually quite a good performer as an interviewee, including an appearance he made just this morning. However, I stand by my comment that the other day he sounded unusually rattled because - in my opinion - he was trying to defend a policy he clearly hadn't fully thought through and where the interviewer was giving him a rougher ride than normal. Often Mr McDonnell can make some pretty extraordinary ideas sound at least superficially credible to what is quite a discerning R4 audience and I kind of admire his skill at that, but the other day wasn't his best moment. It did sound far-fetched.
    Nice try to recover that one but BFP was correct to call you out on that, you can't be above everything then fall for the media generated witch hunt against the 'Marxist' Labour Party. Leave that to Soccerman.

    Today's ridiculous 'Corbyn is an anti-Semite (most people didnt even know what one was until this campaign started) smear is that he called someone named Epstein Epstein instead of Eps****. Did we say Frankens****'s monster? Do we say Albert Eins****? No, so stop all the ridiculous fuss.

    As for the election, I give up, Boris will win, mainly because Corbyn listed to his London centric Blairite dominated party and abandoned Leave voters. The only small consolation will be seeing Chris Leslie sling his hook.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    My sources tell me that Dennis Skinner is due for a huge awakening this time round in Bolsover. Your time's up, Dennis.
    Jesus wept Sid, I’m no massive fan of Skinner, but I dread to think what sort of single brain-celled troglodyte they might elect over there instead.

  4. #64
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    Mar 2017
    If you can watch this toe-curling video of Bozo being interviewed by Eddie Mair and still retain even a shred of respect for this fool of a Prime Minister, you ought to get some help.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    Jesus wept Sid, I’m no massive fan of Skinner, but I dread to think what sort of single brain-celled troglodyte they might elect over there instead.
    The only competition is a Tory. It was a massive Leave voting area, apparently, so speen needs to be vented against an 87 year who has given it all he's got for his entire lifetime. Fecking Neanderthals out there, and in most places really.


    Tory candidate was chief spinner for offshore-owned private health firm taking NHS contracts

    Mark Fletcher is standing against Dennis Skinner in Bolsover and had a senior role with Synergix Health, a firm with offshore owners that is taking NHS contracts.

    Former House of Lords staffer Mark Fletcher was director of communications for Synergix Health, a private health firm part-owned by Carani Holdings, a secretive business based in the British Virgin Islands. The firm pays up to £130,000 a year to senior staff.

    The business’s biggest brand is Doctor Care Anywhere, a so-called ‘telemedicine service’ that replaces face-to-face GP appointments with video call consultations.

    Despite an inspection finding that Doctor Care Anywhere “was not providing safe care”, the service has secured at least one NHS contract in Plymouth.


    There you go, that's who they want in Bolsover.
    Last edited by Bohinen; 20-11-2019 at 07:05 PM.

  6. #66
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    So do you agree with that candidate’s comments that some people should be put into forced labour camps or not?
    No, but what I think about the comments was never the point of the discussion. I don't live in Ashfield for a start.

    Elite's question was to wonder what Boris will make of the comments from the Tory candidate who is standing in Ashfield.

    My reply was that a more salient question was what Ashfield residents would make of it, because Lee Anderson's comments would be calculated to connect with them rather than Boris or anybody else at CCHQ.

    You already understand this perfectly well of course, but I'll indulge you.

  7. #67
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bohinen View Post
    Nice try to recover that one but BFP was correct to call you out on that, you can't be above everything then fall for the media generated witch hunt against the 'Marxist' Labour Party. Leave that to Soccerman.
    Where do you get the idea that I'm trying to be above everything Boh? I've never tried to hide my politics. You know my views on Brexit well enough and I've said before that I've voted Conservative at (almost) every election since I was 18.

    Just because my politics are Tory and pro-Brexit, it doesn't mean I can't take a step back and look at things in abstract or from other viewpoints at times, especially if that's the way the conservation on a particular thread is going. Not everything has to be Punch & Judy. Some of my OT posts are clearly political, others are more philosophical. Unlike BFP I'm not seeking to make a political point or shoot down someone else's view with every post. I usually just say what's on my mind on any given topic.

    Sidders might recall there was an occasion some time ago when I was saying I respected the ideological integrity of Jeremy Corbyn relative to many other modern politicians, while sidders was arguing that I was being too generous to Jezza! Obviously I'm not a Socialist, but I respect politicians who give the electorate genuine alternatives rather than different shades of the same bland product, like Blair and Cameron did. I've got a mate who is a dead red socialist who used to spit feathers about the direction Tony Blair was taking his party, and I could understand why he felt betrayed, because I felt the same about people like Cameron and Soubry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohinen View Post
    Today's ridiculous 'Corbyn is an anti-Semite (most people didnt even know what one was until this campaign started) smear is that he called someone named Epstein Epstein instead of Eps****. Did we say Frankens****'s monster? Do we say Albert Eins****? No, so stop all the ridiculous fuss.
    Modern mainstream/centrist politicians and media tend to be venomous towards any radical interventionist politicians who threaten to go against the predominant (some say 'deep state') view, irrespective of whether those politicians come from the left or the right.

    Take Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump for example. They are polar opposites and hate each other's guts, and yet you could argue they have one thing in common. They both have radical change agendas which veer away from the traditional line that US/UK governments of all political persuasions are expected to consistently and blindly adopt. Their respective and contrasting foreign policy ideas around the Israel/Palestine issue being a case in point. I'm not saying that either have 'correct' policies, but they are certainly fairly radical, and it's surely no coincidence that the forces of centrist/mainstream politics and media are unleashed upon them to a degree that few other politicians experience.

    Trump of course fights back by labelling the media "fake news" and employing a 'people versus the state' narrative, and whilst Corbyn and his supporters don't use the "fake news" phrase, they employ a similar lone of rebuttal, calling out what they sees as bias, lies and personal smears - as you have done above - probably with some justification. Even as a right-winger I think many of the personal attacks and smears on Corbyn are unfair. Just because a politician has 'hard line' policies does not mean they shouldn’t be heard and debated in a courteous way. Corbyn rarely fails to be calm and polite in interviews and debates so he's entitled to expect the same basic respect in return.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohinen View Post
    As for the election, I give up, Boris will win, mainly because Corbyn listed to his London centric Blairite dominated party and abandoned Leave voters. The only small consolation will be seeing Chris Leslie sling his hook.
    By promising to force through his Brexit deal, Boris Johnson is certainly not toeing the line of the Whitehall establishment who would prefer to remain in the EU, but I think even the 'powers that be' have realised that the 52% of people who voted Leave are not going to be fobbed off. I don't think Boris is a particularly committed Brexiteer, but he was smart enough to recognise after the European elections that if the Conservatives didn't re-establish themselves firmly as the 'Leave' party, they were dead. Likewise, if he wins as you predict, he's got to deliver on his "Get Brexit Done" mantra, otherwise the venom directed at the likes of Soubry, Hammond and Gauke in the past two years will likely be child's play compared with what would follow any further perceived betrayal of the Tory grassroots and other leavers.

    I agree with you about Corbyn. Given that I previously praised his ideological integrity, it's ironic that he abandoned his eurosceptic beliefs on the issue that mattered most. If Corbyn had trusted his instincts and campaigned for Leave at the EU referendum, instead of bowing to the Blairites and disappearing for weeks, he could have emerged as the only major party leader (at that time) who could claim to be truly in touch with the majority view, especially in the north of England. He missed that opportunity and the Conservatives have now recovered their 'leave' credentials. Who knows how Labour could have been polling now in the old Labour heartlands if Corbyn had gone with his gut feeling? Was the remain vote from the champagne socialists in the south ever going to be sufficient to compensate?

    All of that said, I still believe anything is possible at this election, because there are so many variables in the various individual marginal seats. I doubt the polls tell the whole story as it will pan out on the ground.
    Last edited by jackal2; 20-11-2019 at 10:32 PM.

  8. #68
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jackal2 View Post
    No, but what I think about the comments was never the point of the discussion. I don't live in Ashfield for a start.

    Elite's question was to wonder what Boris will make of the comments from the Tory candidate who is standing in Ashfield.

    My reply was that a more salient question was what Ashfield residents would make of it, because Lee Anderson's comments would be calculated to connect with them rather than Boris or anybody else at CCHQ.

    You already understand this perfectly well of course, but I'll indulge you.
    I don’t understand that perfectly well at all. Elite asked one question and it’s alright for you to change it to another that you preferred to answer, but it’s not alright for me to change it again? I’m glad you disagree with the Ashfield bloke though.

    To answer the original question, Johnson and his cronies will be furious about comments like this because it gives a little insight into what Tories actually think about people who they feel are beneath them. If I remember rightly that nob they’ve got standing in Mansfield said something similar a while back.

    The Tories are largely a party of class and wealth and privilege. The act that they, along with their friends in the press, manage to carry out just convincingly enough to get enough people to vote for them, is mightily impressive.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bohinen View Post
    The only competition is a Tory. It was a massive Leave voting area, apparently, so speen needs to be vented against an 87 year who has given it all he's got for his entire lifetime. Fecking Neanderthals out there, and in most places really.


    Tory candidate was chief spinner for offshore-owned private health firm taking NHS contracts

    Mark Fletcher is standing against Dennis Skinner in Bolsover and had a senior role with Synergix Health, a firm with offshore owners that is taking NHS contracts.

    Former House of Lords staffer Mark Fletcher was director of communications for Synergix Health, a private health firm part-owned by Carani Holdings, a secretive business based in the British Virgin Islands. The firm pays up to £130,000 a year to senior staff.

    The business’s biggest brand is Doctor Care Anywhere, a so-called ‘telemedicine service’ that replaces face-to-face GP appointments with video call consultations.

    Despite an inspection finding that Doctor Care Anywhere “was not providing safe care”, the service has secured at least one NHS contract in Plymouth.


    There you go, that's who they want in Bolsover.
    Sounds like he’ll have nothing but the best interests of the people of that part of Derbyshire at heart.

  10. #70
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Bohinen View Post
    Nice try to recover that one but BFP was correct to call you out on that, you can't be above everything then fall for the media generated witch hunt against the 'Marxist' Labour Party. Leave that to Soccerman.

    Today's ridiculous 'Corbyn is an anti-Semite (most people didnt even know what one was until this campaign started) smear is that he called someone named Epstein Epstein instead of Eps****. Did we say Frankens****'s monster? Do we say Albert Eins****? No, so stop all the ridiculous fuss.

    As for the election, I give up, Boris will win, mainly because Corbyn listed to his London centric Blairite dominated party and abandoned Leave voters. The only small consolation will be seeing Chris Leslie sling his hook.
    The anti - semite smear has you call it isn't helped when the Jewish members of the Labour party have resigned or condemned Corbyn for not doing enough. This all adds fuel to the fire.

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