
its that time again....though actually, it seems its been that time for, some time, so much so that i'm beginning to wonder if it's worth taking down the decorations....whats the point ?

well, there is a point, but is theirs the one we imagine ?.....Baby Jesus - Family gathering - oh no, not more socks and undies !.....no, not really, it's about Fertility, the Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, Brumalia the Solar Feast of Natalis Invicti, Nimrod (great grandson of Noah) and his mother/wife, Semiramis.. .

Ok, so its not about Jesus, who, it's widely thought...was born during the feast of Sukkot, in the month of Tishri, or as we know it...September, and what of the Trees we lovingly decorate and surround with gifts ?....here we return to Babylonian times - and a nutter called Nimrod, there's more to it, but essentialy, after his death...his Wife/Mother, Semiramis became ruler of her son’s kingdom - and claimed Nimrod as the Sun G*d (son of G*d ?)

She also claimed that, Tammuz, her son, was brought into being by a beam of light - Claiming the baby to be a reborn reincarnate of Nimrod himsefl (Immaculate Conception).
And so it went - Semiramis saw a full-grown evergreen tree spring from a dead tree stump, and that it was this that symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod.
So....On each anniversary of his birth, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it.....the tree symbolized that Nimrod had come to life again in Tammuz.

but hey - its about having a good time....just like the Romans, with Saturnalia -celebrating the birthday of the unconquered sun (Son).....when work and business were suspended. Slaves were even given temporary freedom -and moral restrictions were eased.

and lets not forget Father Christmas - that other long bearded G*D of Yule, Father jólfaðr, or Odin, who celebrates Midwinter with, feasting, drinking and more - Sun Worship - the Winter Solstice, birth of the Sun - Nativity of the Son....Nimrod.

Enjoy !