The suffering going on in the Labour party gladdens my heart immensely. Labour as it stands now is finished. The war will be between the communists and the reformers, the reformers being seen as the devil.

Corbyn did nothing wrong, it was the electorate, according to Corbyn. Economic illiteracy, racism, communism, a friend to terrorism, its endless. Narcissism at its best. You could expose him to the black and white accounts of the country and he will still deny being wrong.

Another word is psychosis. There is no pill for that illness though. Rotten to the core, a bad man, an anarchist, an antichrist a fool, evil beyond belief. If he gained power in a dictatorship, the jews were headed for camps in the north somewhere.

And he came to contest a general election. Shame on the decent members of the Labour party for allowing it to happen. You are a disgrace,.

Squadron Leader Alfie Mountbatten, Big Wing, Duxford.