First a small problem: Hamas is governing the Gaza Strip ,but who fires the rockets ? Hamas or Islamic Jihad?

Hamas has held hostage the bodies of 2 Israeli soldiers for 5 years. Enough is enough.But you think we should handle Palestinians with kids gloves on??

On Aug. 1, 2014, hours after the cease-fire went into effect, Hamas terrorists emerged from a tunnel in Gaza, ambushed an Israel Defence Forces unit and killed Goldin, who was only 23. Hamas took his body and has been holding it hostage in Gaza, treating it contemptuously as both a bargaining chip and an instrument with which to heartlessly torment his family.

Hamas is also keeping the remains of another Israeli soldier killed that summer, Oron Shaul, who was only 20. To this day, Hamas refuses even to grant the International Committee of the Red Cross access to their remains.

In June, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2474, which calls upon parties to armed conflict to take all appropriate measures, to actively search, account for and return the remains of all persons reported missing “without adverse distinction” and “consistent with applicable obligations under international humanitarian law and human rights law.”

Holding the bodies of soldiers killed in action and refusing their return to their next of kin for burial is a flagrant and indisputable violation of the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law, as is wantonly using the soldiers’ bodies as bargaining chips and intentionally withholding information about missing persons, which Hamas continues to do.

BT : You are too soft !!!