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Thread: O/T:- Is Boris a mini Trump?

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    Er ‘we won, you lost, get over it loser’.
    Well done sir, you've come round ( no pun intended ) at last.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by seriouspie View Post
    So that Sajid had no option but to resign so giving way to Rishi Sunak who happens .........

    to be the husband of the daughter of an Indian billionaire. The billionaire thinks "this is brilliant, my daughter is now married to the Chancellor of the British government and I want him to keep the job as it's good for my business". " I know Mr Johnson wishes to do big business with India so I will reciprocate and use my contacts to help Mr Johnson".

    Boris has planned all this and Javid is sacrificed .......... so what? End of.
    In my life experience, most people who s h i t on others finish up in the toilet themselves.

  3. #113
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post
    So just to be clear, 'taking back control' means sacking competent people to engage in clientelism with rich Indians?
    Yes, the man doing a 'fantastic job' is ousted at the instruction of Cummings - plenty of people voted for Javid - how many voted for Cummings? A country now led by an unelected advisor. Who'd have thought that's what taking back control would mean.

    I'm afraid it will only get worse. Everyone knows that a word said against Johnson in Cabinet and the exit door will beckon.

    Meanwhile over the pond, the Attorney General says he can't do his job properly because of the President's tweets. Bye bye Mr Barr I think pretty soon.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by seriouspie View Post
    LOSER! ........ (Laughs at in derision )
    Is all you have to say. And I note you ignored my post before where I asked a perfectly simple question.

    You call me a loser, that's fine. I call you coward.

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyfists View Post
    This is exactly what the old fossils and morons don't understand. The world isn't like it was and we can't do as we did ESPECIALLY where the economy and trade deals are concerned. Makes me sick when idiots like serious say the winners don't care and look forward to a prosperous future. There are no winners, only the old cnuts like him who've retired and it doesn't affect them, the young people know their future earnings and job opportunities are going to be impacted which is why they voted remain.

    It's going to be the death of this country, you think our best and brightest are going to stay living here when all the best jobs and best international companies are based abroad?

    Stupid fool.
    Too much of one to answer the question of what we can actually do now that we couldn't before, certainly.

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    In my life experience, most people who s h i t on others finish up in the toilet themselves.
    Hey Sidders ....... I know how you must feel being one of life's 'Leftouts' but never mind, we understand your life experiences are somewhat limited, but don't worry, most teachers are never going to be entrepreneurs are they? It's dog eat dog in the business and political world, always has been - sentiment doesn't come into the equation.

    I'm enjoying baiting the Losers after all the endless anti Tory and Trump opinions on here. You know why? Very easy my friend because everything anti spouted by your crew ..... from Brexit to the election, from Boris to Trump, from BFP's protest marches to the
    forecasts of economic doom by the Labourites in parliament have so far proved laughably false.

    Now why is this? How did Bozo the clown (in your words) achieve his huge majority eh? How will Trump easily get another four years in the White House (£20 you'll be paying the Newark Conservative Club when you lose) Why has the pound remained acceptable and our economy hasn't slid into recession? The answer has always been clear to me but you wouldn't understand, that very often it's kind to be what appears cruel at the time when positive action is taken ................ and although it appears 'strange' possibly to you, an awful lot of older folk appreciate a leader that can "make things happen" and prove the negative doomsters wrong. What did the Donald say of Corbyn? Wasn't it something like "Over here the guy comes over as negative" - quite true and was later proved to be the case.
    Last edited by seriouspie; 14-02-2020 at 02:20 PM.

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by seriouspie View Post
    forecasts of economic doom by the Labourites in parliament have so far proved laughably false.
    So far? It's been a whole two weeks since we left the EU, what did you think would happen? It will probably be next year (when we really leave the EU) when the economic downturn will commence. Your mindless gloating after two weeks is laughable, it's like celebrating victory tomorrow after we win the toss and decide which way to kick!

    ps if this is your idea of 'baiting', I think you need to change your little worm.

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post
    So just to be clear, 'taking back control' means sacking competent people to engage in clientelism with rich Indians?
    How do you know he WAS competent, you can only read this. To answer your query Drillo .......... Boris can hire and fire who the hell he likes ........ it's his job to run government. You're out of context with your "taking back control" quote, that appertains to leaving the EU but yes, just to be clear, If Boris did pressurise Javid to resign then he did it for a reason , it's the way of re shuffles and competence doesn't come into it. Should that reason be my tongue in cheek suggestion, then of course it's fine to demote Javid if he feels in some way the other guy does a better job. I notice no complaints from any of those kicked out and I might add that none of them are reliant on their MP's salaries to keep the wolf from the door.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    So far? It's been a whole two weeks since we left the EU, what did you think would happen? It will probably be next year (when we really leave the EU) when the economic downturn will commence. Your mindless gloating after two weeks is laughable, it's like celebrating victory tomorrow after we win the toss and decide which way to kick!

    ps if this is your idea of 'baiting', I think you need to change your little worm.
    Only going on what the BBC and others said even before we came out. Negative prats .... like most Lefties.

    I can fit another another worm quite easily to a bigger one. Mind you, being unskilled you won't know what I'm referring to, do you?
    Baiting? I doubt whether you've ever fished ........ but the smallest of baits can hook the biggest fish you know.

    Anyway Karl - keep smiling, I am!

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by seriouspie View Post
    Mind you, being unskilled you won't know what I'm referring to, do you?
    Out of interest, what makes you think I'm unskilled?

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