Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
That’s true. Just lie to them instead. Works every time.

I’ll pay the bet as well, the polls are very disappointing as has Starmer’s performance for the last 6 months or so. His lack of political experience and know how has sadly shown through.

He would still though have done a far far better job than that buffoon who’s currently calling himself prime minister. Take your pick, Covid, Brexit, ‘trade agreements’ , Northern Ireland, Hancock. pathetic culture wars, Cummings. The whole thing is a disaster zone. It would be of course all very amusing if it wasn’t people’s lives and jobs at stake.

They get away with because of the many voters like seriouspie who think the likes of Johnson are better than them because they have posh accents and went to expensive schools.
Very poor reply son but there we are. You seem to have a fetish about certain people who speak - in your words .... 'posh'. If you ever had a bit of brass you wouldn't send your kids to a decent school would you? Of course you would.

So carry on my friend calling Boz a buffoon, carry on with your protests because that's all the Labour party are now, a gang of left wing protesters who have destroyed a once formidable political force and very unlikely to ever be in power again. By the way, I'm waiving all bets so nothing to pay out. I only made the bets to make you and Elite bite on what at the time, you thought was a winner. I'm only interested in winning, the money means nothing especially when it's like taking candy from kids.