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Thread: Credit Where Due!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Minn Junta View Post
    I understand Mick, one size doesn’t fit all.

    As I understand it the ‘up to 80%’ scheme is based on a grant being available to employers although I’m yet to follow it up to the letter. I’m waiting for the full picture to emerge first, being self employed I’m also keen to see what Whitehall are working on, an announcement was expected early this week but nothing has emerged yet. I only have one lad on PAYE, the rest are subbies, obviously our situations are very different. Even so, my point is, too many people are threatening the rest of us because they’re being blase’.
    Your last sentence sums this up Minn.

    Many employers are doing the right things like myself but then you get 20 odd West Midland morons having a barbecue and street party today to celebrate the Corona Holiday😫

    I’ve lambasted one of my lads at work who told me he was off to Galashiels this weekend to see a mate and that it’d be alright because his mate is rural and he doesn’t go out much!

    F king moron......totally clueless as to the fact he could be taking the virus northwards and spreading it at every petrol station and in a rural community.

    He’s 27 and went to school with my son.....non of this generation had schooling in moral responsibility and they just don’t get it!

    I think the government will announce a scheme for self employed tomorrow along the 80% basis.

    As long as you’ve got a year or twos books you’ll get £2500 a month which is a start.

    I only pay myself £8700 in “wages” so I’m f hooked🤭

    The issue is around how is the money going to get to people on the 80% scheme and when!?
    Last edited by mickd1961; 24-03-2020 at 11:16 PM.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    Your last sentence sums this up Minn.

    Many employers are doing the right things like myself but then you get 20 odd West Midland morons having a barbecue and street party today to celebrate the Corona Holiday��

    I’ve lambasted one of my lads at work who told me he was off to Galashiels this weekend to see a mate and that it’d be alright because his mate is rural and he doesn’t go out much!

    F king moron......totally clueless as to the fact he could be taking the virus northwards and spreading it at every petrol station and in a rural community.

    He’s 27 and went to school with my son.....non of this generation had schooling in moral responsibility and they just don’t get it!

    I think the government will announce a scheme for self employed tomorrow along the 80% basis.

    As long as you’ve got a year or twos books you’ll get £2500 a month which is a start.

    I only pay myself £8700 in “wages” so I’m f hooked��

    The issue is around how is the money going to get to people on the 80% scheme and when!?
    Interesting that you think "non of this generation had schooling in moral responsibility"

    Who do you believe is primarily responsible for ensuring they received this schooling in morality?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 9goals2hattricks3pen View Post
    Interesting that you think "non of this generation had schooling in moral responsibility"

    Who do you believe is primarily responsible for ensuring they received this schooling in morality?
    You know exactly what I mean!

    Of course the parenting hasn’t been good enough but if you went to school in the 60’s and 70’s like a lot of us on here did you’d fully understand my comment.

    Many of my teachers had lived through or served in WW2 and there was a tremendous discipline about them and they took no messing around.

  4. #24
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    You know exactly what I mean!

    Of course the parenting hasn’t been good enough but if you went to school in the 60’s and 70’s like a lot of us on here did you’d fully understand my comment.

    Many of my teachers had lived through or served in WW2 and there was a tremendous discipline about them and they took no messing around.

    Totally agree Mick! At my school you had the ruler and girls cleaned the loos but it worked!!! Goes back to why did England fans not cause trouble in Russia? Why don’t people shop lift in the UAE?

    This country is far too soft and ****s need more discipline!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    Your last sentence sums this up Minn.

    Many employers are doing the right things like myself but then you get 20 odd West Midland morons having a barbecue and street party today to celebrate the Corona Holiday��

    I’ve lambasted one of my lads at work who told me he was off to Galashiels this weekend to see a mate and that it’d be alright because his mate is rural and he doesn’t go out much!

    F king moron......totally clueless as to the fact he could be taking the virus northwards and spreading it at every petrol station and in a rural community.

    He’s 27 and went to school with my son.....non of this generation had schooling in moral responsibility and they just don’t get it!
    This is the problem. It's not just the 20 somethings its many middle aged and older people who ought to know better. A mate of mine owns around 8 acres of private land. Despite signs telling everyone it is private and not accessible, he routinely gets people who decide to ignore the signs and walk on it anyway. Every time he says they come out with the same self righteous claptrap "I'm not doing any harm" No apology, just this god given right that they should do as they feel. It's the same with the current crisis. After Boris's announcement on Friday, the pubs were rammed despite 450 people dying in Italy that same day, some London pubs put signs up saying; 'Thank You Boris' loads went out on Sunday to markets, caught public transport and put 2 fingers up to the silent majority who are following the rules. There is definitely a % of morons who cut across generations - the 'Me first' brigade who even in life and death situations are so selfish that they are incapable of considering others.

  6. #26
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Minn Junta View Post
    As I said in my post earlier today, this needs clarifying today as what you’re posting now Boingy wasn’t said last night. That’s why my phone has been red hot all day with people asking me should we or shouldn’t we?

    If it’s not lockdown then it’s open to interpretation, by that I don’t mean I can’t follow the updated list, I mean some people aren’t taking this virus seriously at all so they bend things to suit their belief that it’s ‘just like the flu’.

    What about viral loading? Several exposures because of some careless selfish fckers who want to interpret the rules how they like means the virus hits you harder and overall will linger longer throughout the land.

    Lock the lot down.
    I think its really simple. If you have a business you have to decide if it can operate following the rules. 6ft distance from co workers. Some MP's are calling for just "Essential businesses" to operate but to be fair some non essential businesses could be less of a disease transmission risk than essential workers. To stop a business from operating when it is safely working wouldn't make sense. Its a decision for all businesses to make. Hairdressing for example is impossible to do from 6ft. Window cleaning can be done with no contact with customers if its only outside, so you would cancel any inside work....unless its an empty property. Common sense.

  7. #27
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by boingy View Post
    I think its really simple. If you have a business you have to decide if it can operate following the rules. 6ft distance from co workers. Some MP's are calling for just "Essential businesses" to operate but to be fair some non essential businesses could be less of a disease transmission risk than essential workers. To stop a business from operating when it is safely working wouldn't make sense. Its a decision for all businesses to make. Hairdressing for example is impossible to do from 6ft. Window cleaning can be done with no contact with customers if its only outside, so you would cancel any inside work....unless its an empty property. Common sense.
    I’m having special treatment on my lawn as badgers have ripped it up.

    The garden guy is coming next week to cut the grass and he knows he’ll have to p I s s in the Field next door and drinks will be pushed to him by a broom.

    No reason for him not to earn.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    You know exactly what I mean!

    Of course the parenting hasn’t been good enough but if you went to school in the 60’s and 70’s like a lot of us on here did you’d fully understand my comment.

    Many of my teachers had lived through or served in WW2 and there was a tremendous discipline about them and they took no messing around.
    Well I didn't know exactly what you meant and if you or anyone else is trying to pin this primarily on teachers then you, and anyone else and I are going to fall out big time. Not as I suppose this overly concerns either of us.

    My wife is a retired Primary Head and my daughter is a primary school teacher so this subject is a red hot topic in our household.

    Let's start from our day when if you got a clip around earhole and went home and told mum or dad you were likely to get another clip unless there was a damn good reason not to. Contrast that with now.

    My wife retired 10 years ago a bit earlier than she planned to. No1 reason was the grief she got from some parents and lack of support from authority with regards to discipline. She demanded high standards and old fashioned values such as good manners. She dragged the school up the league tables but although supported by the many there were enough parents who bleated their Johnny or more likely Kai or Kayden was having too much pressure put on them. So sick of lack of support she left.

    My daughter's colleague was left a mental wreck after an incident. A 10 year old boy accused her of physically assaulting him (grabbing him by the collar.) Lad's single mum went first to the playground mafia known as a facebook group with the accusation. Teacher was put on suspension until a formal investigation was arranged. It took 3 weeks during which teacher was off school with stress.There were no witnesses but fortunately there were so many inconsistencies in the child's story the case was dismissed. So who won? The mother had 2 more kids at the school and continued to gossip and post with her cronies in the playground. Teacher of course had no right of reply and traumatised by the situation left the school. My own daughter who always saw teaching as her own vocation now wants to leave the profession after just 5 years And what happened to the child. Nothing, zilch, f all. Mom and cronies and his mates all seem to think he has done something clever by stitching up this poor girl!

    All I will add is in another 10 years that lad will be one of the chavs that we talking about on this thread. Teachers would love to introduce more discipline*into classrooms but I promise you the odds are stacked against them.

    On a slightly different note did you know kids are now being sent to school not potty trained. In our time you were expected to have it sorted around 2 yo I think. The modern thinking is that today's children shouldn't be stressed by having to learn how to go to the toilet. Result is next door's 4 year old grandaughter thinks it great fun to go when and wherever in their house. My wife's mate has the same problem with her grandchild.So in our day teachers were there to teach us to read and write you can now include where to p1ss and sh1t in lessons.

    When I hear this I feel like giving up and are not surprised when so many teachers do.

    After all if toilet training is a bit to stressy for their little darlings what hope is there for a bit of discipline?
    Last edited by 9goals2hattricks3pen; 25-03-2020 at 08:00 PM.

  9. #29
    Good post - seen plenty of parents who think their little darlings would never put a foot wrong leading to arrogance and the jobs of teachers made much harder.

    I work in pharmacy (it's been absolute carnage the last 2 weeks by the way) and already seeing "self-isolating" employees taking the p1ss instead of admitting they can't be arsed to sort out childcare then express their indignation when they don't get paid whilst their co-workers are left slogging their guts out.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 9goals2hattricks3pen View Post
    Well I didn't know exactly what you meant and if you or anyone else is trying to pin this primarily on teachers then you, and anyone else and I are going to fall out big time. Not as I suppose this overly concerns either of us.

    My wife is a retired Primary Head and my daughter is a primary school teacher so this subject is a red hot topic in our household.

    Let's start from our day when if you got a clip around earhole and went home and told mum or dad you were likely to get another clip unless there was a damn good reason not to. Contrast that with now.

    My wife retired 10 years ago a bit earlier than she planned to. No1 reason was the grief she got from some parents and lack of support from authority with regards to discipline. She demanded high standards and old fashioned values such as good manners. She dragged the school up the league tables but although supported by the many there were enough parents who bleated their Johnny or more likely Kai or Kayden was having too much pressure put on them. So sick of lack of support she left.

    My daughter's colleague was left a mental wreck after an incident. A 10 year old boy accused her of physically assaulting him (grabbing him by the collar.) Lad's single mum went first to the playground mafia known as a facebook group with the accusation. Teacher was put on suspension until a formal investigation was arranged. It took 3 weeks during which teacher was off school with stress.There were no witnesses but fortunately there were so many inconsistencies in the child's story the case was dismissed. So who won? The mother had 2 more kids at the school and continued to gossip and post with her cronies in the playground. Teacher of course had no right of reply and traumatised by the situation left the school. My own daughter who always saw teaching as her own vocation now wants to leave the profession after just 5 years And what happened to the child. Nothing, zilch, f all. Mom and cronies and his mates all seem to think he has done something clever by stitching up this poor girl!

    All I will add is in another 10 years that lad will be one of the chavs that we talking about on this thread. Teachers would love to introduce more discipline*into classrooms but I promise you the odds are stacked against them.

    On a slightly different note did you know kids are now being sent to school not potty trained. In our time you were expected to have it sorted around 2 yo I think. The modern thinking is that today's children shouldn't be stressed by having to learn how to go to the toilet. Result is next door's 4 year old grandaughter thinks it great fun to go when and wherever in their house. My wife's mate has the same problem with her grandchild.So in our day teachers were there to teach us to read and write you can now include where to p1ss and sh1t in lessons.

    When I hear this I feel like giving up and are not surprised when so many teachers do.

    After all if toilet training is a bit to stressy for their little darlings what hope is there for a bit of discipline?
    I don’t disagree with a single point you’ve made.

    There’s no doubt teachers hands have been tied by the “PC” culture that’s crushed this nation over the last 30 years.

    Social Media is a vile evil in the hands of the sorts of lowlife parents and family of the people you describe.

    I don’t understand why a mobile phone is allowed during school hours,in my opinion mobiles should be locked up on the way in and allowed as kids leave school.

    Regarding teaching.

    We all know the teachers we respected and 40 odd years later we still remember their wise words and example. Teachers need to be told to uphold a strong ethic and not to be too keen to be “close/matey” with pupils......our best teachers were good people but with a no nonsense default position.

    I’m sure your wife would agree with this 923.........there’s a % of poor teachers out there and I’ll bet as a head teacher she had to deal with many during her time.

    Potty training.

    I know this and it’s disgusting parenting.

    My 3 1/2 year old granddaughter ( known affectionately in the family as the pumpkin 🎃 due to the shape her mum was at 8 months! ) was on the potty at 2 1/2 and now toilet trained albeit this means numerous unwarranted toilet visits due to her being so pleased with her newfound skill 😆

    My 2 and a bit grandson is already mastering pointing Percy at the porcelain 😎

    We do things properly in our family.......sadly,the issue we have discussed is due to people who don’t understand the concept of making an effort at anything other than updating their status on FB or being on Plenty of Fish!
    Last edited by mickd1961; 25-03-2020 at 08:26 PM.

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