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Thread: O/T Coronavirus Thread (3)

  1. #441
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    So did you have a degree in politics from the University of Lancaster - I might know somebody who was on your course.

  2. #442
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ragingpup View Post

    "Eamon Holmes has every right to express his conspiracy theory about 5G phone masts being involved"-

    Got to be a wind up this surely.?

    You didn't see the footage of what he said did you?

    Nah you are winding me up.
    Holmes quotes in response to his guest stating her opinion that 5G phone masts are not involved:

    "I totally agree with everything you are saying but what I don't accept is mainstream media immediately slapping that down as not true when they don't know it's not true.

    "No-one should attack or damage or do anything like that, but it's very easy to say it is not true because it suits the state narrative. That's all I would say, as someone with an inquiring mind."

    What he is implying here is that the Government (state) has a narrative and that the story 5G masts may in some way be involved with Covid may be being dismissed as it does not suit the Government narrative. He is also (interestingly for those like us interested in conspiracy theories) implying that the mainstream media is playing the role of "slapping down" these stories - I presume he is saying that they are doing this on behalf of the Government (state).

    Great to hear that Holmes has an inquiring mind. I applaud anyone who has an inquiring, critical mind and reading up more on how the state and media act to suppress inconvenient information. I think we both know that Governments across the world do this routinely. But evidence is often hard to find, hence our suspicions taking on the unfortunate label of 'conspiracy theories'.

    My issue with what you posted is not to do with Holmes being correct or incorrect, but whether he should be promoting his own conspiracy theory arising from his inquiring mind, on a morning TV show. And if he has the right to express this conspiracy theory, then I would also like him to take up some of my own on other issues whilst he's about it.

    However, in the real world, I understand tthat ITV bosses of TVAM or whatever its called these days may not want their TV show to broadcast state questioning conspiracy theories. As it was Ofqual received 419 complaints by the next day and have to launch an investigation, which as you can imagine might piss his bosses off!

    So what you see as outrageous censorship I see as TV show managers wanting to protect the image of the show and keep it's mainstream viewers happy. However, if the Government itself acted to penalise the show, then I would be behind you all the way. I'm sure you will share my concerns at the implied threats from the current Government towards BBC and Channel 4? Now you're talking!

    This reminds me of your (and others on here) indignation of Facebook banning extremist pages, seemingly saying that a private company should be forced against its will to host views with which its leaders and large parts of it's punters find offensive. And forcing a board game manufacturer to keep producing an un-pc board game, even though it's owner, having received numerous complaints about the game in question, exorcised his right not to continue producing that game in order to protect his brand. Commercial response to public opinion, by adjusting what it produces or broadcasts, is a completely different thing to state censorship and shouldn't be confused.

    Interesting that someone on here mentioned that two Talksport presenters were criticising the Government on allowing flights into the country without testing. Great that the programme producers here allow this free speech to be broadcast, fair play to them. But that doesn't mean that every programme should allow their presenters to say whatever enters their inquiring mind, and as a fellow conspiracy theorist, I respect the right of that programme's producers to restrict the content and not piss their viewers off. There are many other outlets for such theories, from Infowars to Navara Media.

  3. #443
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Interesting that someone on here mentioned that two Talksport presenters were criticising the Government on allowing flights into the country without testing. Great that the programme producers here allow this free speech to be broadcast, fair play to them. But that doesn't mean that every programme should allow their presenters to say whatever enters their inquiring mind, and as a fellow conspiracy theorist, I respect the right of that programme's producers to restrict the content and not piss their viewers off. There are many other outlets for such theories, from Infowars to Navara Media.[/QUOTE]

    The TalkSport presenters are people who normally travel a lot in their jobs, often via aiirports. They are probably worried by what they have seen (or know about) regarding their own safety, and that of others.They actually work for Mr Murdoch's empire - maybe the old wombat too is worried by what is going on -he's in the vunerable age range.
    Last edited by mikemiller; 02-05-2020 at 10:22 AM.

  4. #444
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Another insinuation I’m a multi.

    It’s how you work. Same old approach.

    Posting misleading information, is what you do.

    Challenge up. Bring your evidence.

    Tic toc

    If not, a polite request to stop. Very poor tactic and does you no credit whatsoever.

    I didn’t make you the loser. You did.

  5. #445
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by great_fire View Post
    Well what is "socialist paradise" then?

    It can't just be capitalism and complaining.
    There's no such place as a socialist utopia if you insist on putting it inside a communist box .

    There's a place for social policies paid out of taxation that run alongside capitalism that are funded and fit for purpose .

    It's open to debate as to the depth of those social policies .

    Blair's working tax credits were one example , nationalising the railways is another one but possibly a little more debatable for many .

    The general idea is to try and distribute wealth more evenly than simply leaving everything to the market forces to decide .

    Mike Ashley = billionaire = a workforce on minimum wage and ZHC isn't an acceptable thing in my own personal view .

    Any comment on the EU Romanian fruit pickers Fire ?

    I thought the threshold for EU migrants was £26k pa these days .

    I sincerely hope your man is going to stick to the script , the heartlands didn't vote for that .

  6. #446
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by mikemiller View Post

    The TalkSport presenters are people who normally travel a lot in their jobs, often via aiirports. They are probably worried by what they have seen (or know about) regarding their own safety, and that of others.They actually work for Mr Murdoch's empire - maybe the old wombat too is worried by what is going on -he's in the vunerable age range.
    Considering there is no sport to talk about at the moment, if any sports journalists or presenters are in an airport, I would be expressing those safety concerns you mention about my employer rather than the government.

  7. #447
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by howdydoo View Post
    Another insinuation I’m a multi.

    It’s how you work. Same old approach.

    Posting misleading information, is what you do.

    Challenge up. Bring your evidence.

    Tic toc

    If not, a polite request to stop. Very poor tactic and does you no credit whatsoever.

    I didn’t make you the loser. You did.
    So I made myself a loser... what is one anyway? I've only heard you, Trump, 5 year old kids and trashy american progs use this term...hmm maybe there is a theme here...

    I know kids get bollackins for using this term in the playground tho so its obviously summat not very nice. Not being abusive again are you howdy? tut tut if you are.

    I don't know what you don't quite get about this (and you are the intelligent one) but I have repeatedly said I don't know if you are a multi or not and don't particularly care...How can I know?.. even the mods have trouble rooting out multis...why bet on something I will probably never know for sure...
    Last edited by rolymiller; 02-05-2020 at 10:49 AM.

  8. #448
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Shark27 View Post
    Considering there is no sport to talk about at the moment, if any sports journalists or presenters are in an airport, I would be expressing those safety concerns you mention about my employer rather than the government.
    Come on shark stop apologising for the govt. If Corbyn was in now you would be having a right good moan. Don't be a hypocrite man...

  9. #449
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Shark27 View Post
    Considering there is no sport to talk about at the moment, if any sports journalists or presenters are in an airport, I would be expressing those safety concerns you mention about my employer rather than the government.
    Obviously they are not at an airport at the moment (they have just been broadcasting a radio show!), but would have been in the period leading up to the lockdown, and probably will be again when the restrictions are even partly lifted There are still plenty of flights going in and out of the UK even now, and nobody is being tested at the airports - that was the point that Georgie Bingham was making
    Last edited by mikemiller; 02-05-2020 at 10:55 AM.

  10. #450
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Not sure what the Kowardydozy post is actually a reply to - could be one of many posts!
    I'm just laughing at the funny man with his swimming trunks on his head...

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