This is an interesting, thought provoking thread.

I don't believe in a God as such, as a creator, but feel that there is something spiritual, beyond our physical bodies. I don't think we die when our physical bodies do ... It's like a journey, or a path ...

Westy, I feel the same as you about man made religion, and like Mondaze and yourself, I try not do do harm. I don't intentionally but I know it is possible to hurt others without being aware of it ...

Yubby, that's really profound. That is such a good point about looking at our own heart and responses and fears to help us control how we respond to others. I really need to be doing that right now.

To be able to love someone who has treated you badly is such a wonderful thing to be able to do. I can do it with people who are already in my heart, but with those not there, my instinct is to remove myself from them, so they can't hurt me any more. I think feeling love towards them is the stronger and more powerful reaction though and I wish I was strong enough to do it ... I tend to be really hard on myself, but that is a good point about trying your best ...

I've had a few experiences that make me believe in Guardian angels ...