A total of 19 points from 3 games, what a poor do. Spaldy was the most consistent picking up a point from each game Ozwhites though managed four from one game so well done to him and someone else got 3 points and crawl ahead of Me.

K enders up next and out shortly on a separate post ; Father Xmas came early today and I am well pleased with the performance as I thought we would make a mess of it. Please, please, please do the same on Boxing Day otherwise I'll have to go into hiding.

That's it, oh what ever you are doing over the following have a great time and don't get in too much of a mess.

Silent 29
Bath 25
Tichi 25
Monaco 25
Orgoner 24
Hopeless 24
Belfast Andy 24
Sniffer 23
Billy 23
WhiteStomper 23
Spaldy 22
Me 21
OzWhite 21
Rev 19
Ubique 15
Alf 14
OzLeeds 11
Oranje 9
Clive 1
Joel 1