In an attempt to keep the politics on one thread and as election year begins on both sides of the Atlantic, let’s agree that it hasn’t been a great week for those, like me, of a ‘centre left’ persuasion.
Frankly any party that can’t defeat the dishonest and incompetent rabble masquerading as the current Government/ Conservative Party doesn’t deserve to win and, although they still have my full support, we’ve perhaps seen the first signs of a wobble from Keir Starmer in the last couple of days…certainly one which will arm and excite the ‘flip flop’ brigade.
There must also be concerns about the impact Reform UK - or whatever the reincarnation of UKIP is now called - on the Election result bearing in mind the still unresolved chaos they caused via Brexit.

More worrying still though is the ‘performance’ of Joe Biden in recent times. Now looking - and acting - every one of his 81 years it looks as if US citizens have a choice between the amoral and frankly deranged Trump v Joe Biden who is displaying the first sad signs of dementia.

Let’s not forget that this is an election of probably the most powerful individual in the World and certainly the leader of the West. Without being disrespectful, at least not to Biden who I believe to be a good man, can this really be the best the USA has got to offer and as JB shuffles onto another platform where he’ll forget his lines and confuse his countries/leaders, shouldn’t we be considering an age cut off where leadership is concerned?

I know I could no longer do the job I used to do and I’m well over a decade younger than Uncle Joe. From what we’ve seen this week I wouldn’t trust him to run our local Parish Council let alone the most powerful nation on the planet and I fear the images that we’ve seen this week are only going to provide further ammunition for Trump supporters. Where has the next Kennedy, Clinton or Obama gone…there surely has to be a stronger candidate somewhere.
