Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
Lots of hot air with absolutely no substance.

We get that from Starmer, we don’t need more.

Oh for a Margaret Thatcher type, someone with the balls to actually grab a problem and lead……regardless of whether you agree!

Spineless nonentity politicians these days, absolutely no true conviction in anything.
Neither Labour or the Tories can free themselves from importing cheap immigrant Labour , both welded to it because business demands it .

The Tories were elected in 2019 to do one thing , they had one job , bring down immigration , I'm pretty certain nobody voted for Johnson because of his great economic mind .

Bringing down immigration is the second most important issue for UK voters and yet these charlatans have actually increased it because business told them to .

Who runs this fecking country ?

Now then this is what the country is facing unless immigration is brought down massively .

We need to start building 500k affordable houses every year , we are currently building about 150k .

We are going to have to create 10 new city's the size of Birmingham in the next 30 years to facilitate the growing population .

Only 15% of current legal migrants have any skills that will enable them to obtain higher wages , in other words your skills aren't relevant all we want you to do is the low paid work .

Because of the nature of the work current migrants are undertaking and the low pay it will actually cost us more as a country to import this Labour , it already is a cost you use the per capita measurement .

All this of course and I haven't even mentioned the NHS , schools , the amount of traffic on our roads or even cultural divisions .