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Thread: Intensity is our identity

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Intensity is our identity

    For me, Eddie's mantra of how he wants us to be defined, the poor squad and the unprecedented injuries have all created the perfect storm which has resulted in what we're seeing this season.

    I know lots of fans and pundits have rejected this idea but I honestly believe that we're so far off our game becasue the players are too tired to play the high pressing, intensebrand of football that served us so well last season.The way we're playing now is light years away from our performances last season to the extent that our press has been virtually non-existent for months now and we break slowly and ponderously (it used to be a strength of our).

    You know who we remind me of? Leed under Bielsa-they started seasons on fire, absolutely hammering at teams from the off but it caught up with them by the end of the season because it just wasn't a sustainable style of play without a bigger squad and tweaks to the style to take account of it. We've been particularly undone by the amount of injuries meaning the same players have had to play most minutes of most games.

    It does raise questions about Eddie maybe not swapping some players when he was able and not addressing the huge gap between the midfield and the defence when teams break on us (which is what Wolves are very good at, incidentally) but no more than you would question any other manager when your team is performing poorly.

    I'm astounded that any fans at all want him gone. He's not immune to criticism but, given the context of the season-and what we know he's capable of when the context is different-personally, I think it's insane.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Agree, but I would say that as it stands Longstaff is slowing the game down on the attack.

    Less so now Willock is back and drives forward with the ball, but Longstaff will play a sideways or backwards pass 9/10 times.

    Today just before 90 minutes Bruno played a nice little ball for a 1-2 and Longstaff automatically passed it back… Bruno gave him a proper look.

    Much better today, intensity and speed on the break is so much better with Willock back alongside Bruno.

  3. #3
    I love this style of football, but it does take its toll on the players.

    You’re right about Leeds, they kept it up for a while, but then it was too much for them.

    Liverpool too, they have their off seasons playing a high intensity style under Klopp.

    You need a strong squad, which we’re working on, but not there YET! So patience is required.

    They’ll be back and raring to go next season, sometimes you have to just write one off.

    A few additions are needed, but will continue to be needed season on season.

    They will burn out so a deep squad is needed, one criticism of EH is we could bet our houses on who is going to start a game.

    2 things with this, the opposition know exactly who they are up against and therefore who our weak link I’d going to for their tactics.

    And another, the players are burning out playing at such a high intensity 2x a week.

    A bit of rotation will keep players fresh, hopefully see less injuries and also keep the opposition on their toes.

    I do feel a lot is down to the options EH has in front of him, and the next 2 or 3 transfer windows will hopefully change that going forward.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Dan Burn - Back injury
    Elliot Anderson - Back injury from Sleeping
    Tonali - Gambling ban
    Murphy - Shoulder dislocation
    Pope - Shoulder dislocation
    Barnes - Toe injury

    None of these players injuries or suspensions have anything to do with 'intensity'.

    These are all totally unrelated to the style of play. Losing this number of first team players puts a greater load on the remaining squad. A knock on effect.

    Willock really didn't play much at all early season so not impacted by the extra load, however, his Achilles injury can be argued to be due to impact/intensity as a knock on effect from his hamstring issue. Not a doctor but the knee bone is connected to the leg bone and all that Bolox.

    Targett ACL - happens to all kinds of players who play all kinds of styles of football. You could argue that it is down to intensity.

    So I'll give you 2 out of 9000 injuries are related to style of play.

    My point is that if all the player has all the same types of injuries, hamstrings, soft tissue & muscle injuries like Wilson, then I would point the finger at Howe/our style of play.

    It's lazy journalism to point the finger at the manager and the style of play.

    The fact is we've got a squad of guys who have ran through the fire for us on empty energy tanks and we're still in 8th place in the league.

    Take away the amount of key players we've missed from any other squad outside the top 3 or 4 clubs and they'd all be in relegation form. Including us under previous managers, Fug, we'd be down by now under Cabbage heed.

    Any Real NUFC fan who thinks Howe should be replaced, not some under cover troll, quite clearly has never had any position of management of people or have any clue about how teams work. It's not worth engaging with these people, they clearly play too much FIFA or Football Manager and recon from their armchair they know what they are talking about.

    Successful clubs are built on consistency. I want Eddie Howe to be manager of Newcastle for at least 8 yrs 'The Pardew Contract' (FFS HAHA Really, how insane was that?)

    The clubs is nowhere near where we need to be. We're WON NOTHING for 55 yrs. We're the 8th or 9th highest Premier League club in terms of finishes. There is a lot of work to do. The Owners, Board & the Management team need to remain in place as a unit for 5+ yrs to make us a genuine force in the Prem & potentially Europe.

    If we didn't see progress then I'd be more concerned. Last Season we deserved to finish 4th, we were better than other teams.

    The above long term injury list of players includes are our Key summer signings in Barnes & Tonali.
    Barnes has proved his value & Tonali showed against Villa and in the Games before his suspension the massive step up in quality his signing is.

    Next season with another summer window, a lot of dead wood out the door, Wage budget focused on first team players on a Tonali/Bruno/Botman/Isak/Barnes level will take us another step forward.

    People need to enjoy the journey & stop whining about us not beating teams every week.

    It's just not realistic at this point.

    In 25/26 season with a full squad of that top level player, swapping like for like in each position, if we're not in the shout for UCL &/or knocking on the door of a title challenge, then and only then will I raise my concerns about Eddie Howe.

    Until then he has my total support.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    If we had a few more seasons and a decent top up of quality players to ensure a solid squad then I'd accept injuries would not be a major excuse and nor fatigue but we simply don't have that luxury change up of blend in quality when injuries like this happen.

    Eddie put together a team of excellent quality in most part but it was basically a team plus a few top quality additions backed up by bit part players and youngsters.

    I think yesterday showed what can happen when we get key quality back to form and fitness and there's still another gear on top of that to go up.

    In Eddie Howe and company I trust, wholeheartedly and (for this season) unconditionally.
    Commend him and bicker when the situations arise with each game, just like players get-and that's fine for me because we all have our say and we won't all ever fully agree.
    All the posts above are good posts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I agree that several of our injuries were ‘freak’ and not caused by overwork. But, the fact we had so many meant the fit players were overworked and they did pick up injuries as a result.
    Remember our benches with 2 goalies, kids and no-one who would normally be involved on a match day?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Would add Botmans injury under a category of incompetence. How many more could be?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by toptoon View Post
    I agree that several of our injuries were ‘freak’ and not caused by overwork. But, the fact we had so many meant the fit players were overworked and they did pick up injuries as a result.
    Remember our benches with 2 goalies, kids and no-one who would normally be involved on a match day?
    Yeah exactly Toppsterino! When we've lost lads to 'freak' injuries it's meant heavier load on others, over working them. I guess that's why we've seen one of the back room staff leave and a new fella come in.

    That was particularly low eb that match.

    Also, a slightly covert way of Howe to point out to the board just how thread bare out squad is when we do have 4-5 top class seniors KO'd.

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