So 1 Timothy:10 says

Whist sat suited and booted waiting to go to church I flicked through the good book and chanced upon a passage about gambling and how it should be avoided

Now I love a gamble and always have and recently been on a good streak and am probably over 600 quid up over the past few weeks but obviously I’m well down over the years,so this got me thinking,should I finish on a win because eventually over the next few months the bookies are going to get their money back so to finish now seems like a good time to call it a day and go to church guilt free

Anyone else got any vices,gambling,excessive booze,fags or s@x maybe?

Now is the time to confess to Father Chalky and you have my word it won’t go any further than this forum (unless it particularly juicy)

See you in church you sinners!