Quote Originally Posted by WBA123 View Post
This is maybe where I'm different to everyone else on here. I don't get the uproar.

Its just an alternative design. If you don't like it, then don't buy it.

There's plenty of other things worth getting worked up about more.

I just don't see how this affects anyone's life enough to be bothered by it. But that's my view.

Nike is a USA company so a company manufacturing anything American should f uck around with the Stars and Stripes. If this was done there would be absolute uproar as the Americans love their flag, their country and they national anthem.

In this country, some absolute k nobs say the St George flag is racist, and the woke brigade will do everything to rock the boat. If two gays want to swing from the lamp shades then that's up to them but rainbow this and rainbow that - keep it out of football FFS! What next pink tennis balls at Wimbledon?

The Government should have some balls and demand this flag is flown from every government/council building and if someone does not like it - they can resign or live elsewhere!