Afternoon all. Do excuse my recent out bursts across the 'active' threads.

I don't get much time in my busy work schedule, coming to this site and chatting with the lads is one of the things that ties me to home, the city & the club I love. We have a great community of members here and I think that we have some great discourse, whether we agree or not it's always have respectful banter.

Today I had a few hours free and jumped on to catch up with the latest craic to find this mackem troll plying his grubby trade as usual.

To note, I live and work in the middle east, I'm not a Muslim however I do observe Ramadan out of respect for those on my team who are fasting. So, I'm rather 'H-angry' today.

I got a bit snappy, as I don't think we should accept the nonsense on our page from a Mackem troll.

I probably shouldn't have engaged with the muppet but enough snide comments are enough.

I know if we block this clown, like the cockroach he will pop up again under another account.

We have some good fans from other clubs who come on and have the craic.

May I please make one request that from you guys to move a bit quicker to block people who come to disrupt the fun discourse
we all enjoy.
