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View Full Version : "Game changing investment"..."Think Liverpool"?

01-02-2014, 07:20 PM
Did McCabe really say that?
Was it tongue in cheek?

Or did I miss hear and it was "A shame about the game changing investment we now have to think Dinglepool" ????

02-02-2014, 12:20 AM
The Prince may come to the party in the summer but somehow I would have thought a bit more of a splash in the JTW might have eased their relegation worries...still don't think they'll go down, that Scougall looks like a good find & I think given time Clough will build something there...can't help but like Nigel Clough, comes across alright BUT...will he get that time.

02-02-2014, 04:56 PM
Less sure myself..
With more than half their remaining games against top half sides, (top scorer a defender), surviving the drop is a tall order.

Scorn needs to heaped on blunts for their supine acceptance of silence from mccabe and prince flatulent. At the time I joined Owlsmad, it was car park protest..shoes off...wilson out etc... the promises made by these clowns remain unfulfilled and they've allowed any confidence generated by bogroll's arrival to completely evaporate...blade fans appear to be rolling over meekly and accepting it.
If princes league 1 team doesn't win, he creams off instead at either his world beating fantasy football stuff or 1 of his yankee projects.

Re clough, weren't there similar comments around the time of weir's appt...a project...built from the ground up...which would take time...arghh!

As far as it all hotting up in summer or beyond, we'll that just moves it out onto the long finger...and neverland.

02-02-2014, 06:49 PM
It will be ok because they're going to spend big in January transfer window. XD

02-02-2014, 08:12 PM
It will be ok because they're going to spend big in January transfer window. XD

Too be fair, they did spend more than Man City. >:)

17-02-2017, 04:21 PM
Any updates on this then RavPIG


18-02-2017, 10:41 AM
Any updates on this then RavPIG


Aw did old Rav upset your piggy feeling so you got him banned? aw diddums. Stick your dummy back in and stop rooering. Typical Wendy boo hoo hoo hoo. Old Rav is going nowhere. ;D


20-02-2017, 01:16 PM
Aw did old Ravpig upset your piggy feeling so you got him banned? aw diddums. Stick your dummy back in and stop rooering. Typical Wendy boo hoo hoo hoo. Old Rav is going nowhere. ;D


I've never asked for anyone to be banned PIG, you don't scare me with your pig snout and your curly tail. >:)