View Full Version : Fluoride

28-02-2014, 10:06 AM
Why do they put this in our water? It's not good for you so there must be another reason.

01-03-2014, 08:03 AM
To help prevent tooth decay. Controversial though.

02-03-2014, 09:28 PM
Thats what we have been taught winnie but the advice we give is not to swallow toothpaste because is harmful.

Its really bad for you - view external link (http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/health-hazards-to-know-about/where-the-yellow-went)

03-03-2014, 12:28 AM
Bongo, it's put in the water to stop you getting bad colds ;D

03-03-2014, 12:53 AM
Let's all stop drinking water until severn Trent stops putting fluoride in it. It's probably a way to suppress our minds. I know spiritualists advise to avoid fluoride if you want to be spiritual.

05-03-2014, 12:10 AM
You would need to drink 20 litres of water a day to get anywhere near high levels. The question is on the evidence the practice inhibits cavities when really it's ineffective against the ultra sugary western diet.

Fluoride, GM food,Food chemical additives, Agriculture chemical,household chemicals,produce grow fast hormones, it goes on and on. These companies don't care that their products cause cancer and other illnesses.

The average person gets a cancer diagnosis and gets treatment. He doesn't do a study on what caused his cancer. Could have been any number of chemicals that he's ingested during the previous 40 years. Some like the common variety DDT are now banned. But try proving your cancer came from DDT. Besides the occasional class action these companies are making billions. Enough to afford an army of lawyers and PR creeps that will lie to your face while smiling.

05-03-2014, 09:00 AM
Yes, as you say Oz, we are all injesting such a huge ****tail of toxins in one way or another that it's so hard to isolate the cause. Additionally, the average man or woman has no chance of funding the legal costs involved in taking on these companies who can just throw their squillions at their lawyers, without risk of losing their home. While it would have to take a huge dent in the companies' pockets to get them to change their practices, for the individual, no amount of money can ever compensate for the loss of one's health, so completely different parameters, which also works to the advantage of big business ...

06-03-2014, 10:04 AM
I wish there was a solution beyond a revolution.

Hmm not bad. There's a song there somewhere. :D

Meanwhile Win, Tony Abbot the Australian Prime minister who no-one will admit voting for is busy waging war on the environment. His latest move in a long list is attempting to undo a world heritage order currently protecting 'some' of Tasmania's magnificent old growth forest. Undoing a decade of work that resulted in a historic agreement between loggers and conservationists.

I just loathe this man. >:( >:(

06-03-2014, 01:07 PM
I wish there was a solution beyond a revolution.

Hmm not bad. There's a song there somewhere. :D

:D Clever! I like it!

Unlike Tony Abbott, whom I most definitely do not like. I must admit whenever I see his in any kind of headline, my first thought is always 'What has he done this time?'.

Yes, I read about him wanting to overturn the World Heritage Order in Tasmania, yesterday. I understand you Aussies just have too much forest in your National Parks?! (rolls eyes). So little respect and appreciation of how long it takes for forests to mature, yet they can be destroyed in an instant. I understand even the Timber industry are against his proposals as people are reluctant to buy timber from non sustainable sources?

I was also maddened to read about plans to dredge/dump vast quantities of silt in the Barrier Reef to expand the coal port at Abbot Point. The reef is so fragile anyway, and I understand the sea grasses/dug

06-03-2014, 02:21 PM
This is why we should be using hemp to save the trees. It only takes a month or so to grow the crop unlike decades for a tree to grow.They also did a study where a man smoked weed for a month with little effect on his health. Someone else ate mcdonalds for a month and almost died!!!

08-03-2014, 01:51 AM
Didn't Hitler use fluoride to control the masses?

08-03-2014, 06:40 AM
I think that was Zyklon B.

The Hitler/Fluoride connection is an urban myth with the first large-scale fluoridation in history carried out in Grand Rapids, Mich. in 1945.

Interesting that David the goose Icke was one of those pushing the connection.