View Full Version : MH370

10-03-2014, 11:25 PM
Has this plane simply vanished into thin air? Crashed and left absolutely no wreckage? Found a space/time rip and flew into 2092? So many questions.

11-03-2014, 12:21 AM
It all sounds a bit Bamuda Triangley. I dont have a clue whats happened but i found this link quite touching. I believe if enough people pray and send positive energy miracles can happen. Just like when Fabrice Muamba heart stopped for over an hour. I prayed for him like millions of others and i believe this was the reason he pulled through. - view external link (http://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/malaysianairlinemystery2014/the-world-prays-for-missing-malaysian-airline-mh370/article1-)

11-03-2014, 02:11 AM
I haven't seen/read any news today (or yesterday now, it's 2.10 am) so need to catch up with the story. Just had a very quick look now on net. Is that right that the oil slick seen wasn't from a plane? Seem to be conflicting reports? Any word on the passengers who checked in but didn't board? Sorry, I'll catch up tomorrow, well, later today, and do a better post. Seems really strange that there's seemingly no evidence at all of what happened?

11-03-2014, 08:05 PM
Caught up a bit today. I guess as is happening, the longer it goes without any news the more theories are being generated ...

Awful for the families just not knowing what happened, with that bitter sweet faint touch of hope added to the mix.

I read about the guy from WA handing over his wedding ring to his wife for his sons before the trip in case anything happened to him. May have been more about concerns about working away in Mongolia rather than a flight premonition thing, but really poignant all the same.

11-03-2014, 10:37 PM
Just awful for the families and friends although with that many people on board there was bound to be a couple of utter *******s who's demise is sparking subdued celebration. I read the latest report with the military saying the plane was tracked way off coarse and traveling in the wrong direction.

KL should have some good deals right now. Flying is still very safe. Isn't it like one death per four million passengers?

12-03-2014, 02:58 AM
Just awful for the families and friends although with that many people on board there was bound to be a couple of utter *******s who's demise is sparking subdued celebration. I read the latest report with the military saying the plane was tracked way off coarse and traveling in the wrong direction.

KL should have some good deals right now. Flying is still very safe. Isn't it like one death per four million passengers?

I've a terrible memory for numbers, so I'm not sure of the figure, but I know that statistically it's still by far the safest way to travel.

Ironically, I think in some ways, after these kind of events, it's the safest time to fly, as security measures, safety checks etc become so much more stringent.

I think there's a kind of psychological vulnerability we feel when flying. We can reassure ourselves with the stats, but we know when we're up there, if something goes wrong, there's not a thing we can do about it. I t

12-03-2014, 11:20 PM
It may be safer Win but really slow through customs until they can rule out terrorism. It's the absolute helplessness of being in a plane that's dropping out of the sky. The shear terror.

I read the Army has since denied having had a Radar fix on the plane. A kiwi on a boat has claimed he saw a plane on fire but whole. But to my way of thinking a fire would have given some time for the pilots to issue maydays. Another day for the families to hang on. :blue:

13-03-2014, 01:23 AM
This is a copy of the email sent by the Kiwi.I hope it's big enough to read. It's tying in with the Chinese satellite reported location. Meanwhile the Malaysians are coming across as totally incompetent.


Yay it worked!

13-03-2014, 09:44 PM
Thanks for posting a copy of the email, Oz. I've not seen it in full before, just a couple of lines quoted from it. It seems incredible that the Malaysian government seemingly ignored (assuming they received it) that kind of detailed and precise information. Would have thought that it was a gift to them, even if nothing came of it. Worthy of a pronto check at the very least. Most people, myself included, would only be able to wave their arms vaguely in the air pointing 'it was kind of over there, oh, no maybe over there'. If it proved to be correct, then one less day (each day must feel like a month) of what must be the absolute torture of not knowing, for the friends and relatives. I'm sure it wouldn't be news they would want, but I think imaginary scenarios they must be creating/playing in their heads of what may have happened can only be so much worse.

I double checked the Concorde crash after you mentioned the fire, as I couldn't remember if there had been communication with th

13-03-2014, 09:55 PM
Interesting read Oz, not sure that's been widely reported in UK.

Indian Ocean. :? :?
That suggests a hijacked plane as that would be more off course than one of my sliced tee shots.

Real old mystery, although they'll be a simple explanation at some point in time.

No Bamuda or Bermuda equilateral Triangle stuff, engine failure and a plane that didn't fall apart on impact with the sea perhaps.

24-03-2014, 03:50 PM
I've just seen that satellite analysis has indicated that the plane went down in the Indian Ocean. All passengers presumed dead. The relatives were sensitively informed of this by text message. :blue: I know there's no nice way of breaking this kind of news, but couldn't they have done better than that? Hope they are given the support they need and that the answers to exactly what happened are found soon.

24-03-2014, 10:11 PM
Yep Southern Indian Ocean, still a lot of question left unanswered?????

A long long way from where the plane's last known point

25-03-2014, 08:23 AM
Winnie the texts were sent to those families who the airline had failed to contact directly (Phone off or busy) and the text was seen as the next quickest method.

As yubbs says this leaves many questions. As far as I'm aware there's still no physical evidence to prove the satellite call is correct.If it's correct why has this plane flown so far? It's made a deliberate turn and then just kept going. Was everyone dead already? Toxic fumes from fire? This is shaping as one of the greatest aviation mysteries.

Hopefully the families will be able to grieve now.In private. But they will want answers.

25-03-2014, 09:03 AM
That's reassuring to hear Oz. Everything I've seen/read so far has just stated that they were all informed by text. Unfair reporting at the expense of the airline in that case. I guess once they had started phoning people, if they couldn't get hold of the relatives in person, then they had to quickly find a way of letting them know before they found out elsewhere, so fair enough.

Yes, still no physical evidence as such, just 'sightings', but then there have been sightings of debris in other areas which have turned out to be nothing so ... So many possibilities still. Obviously, the answers mainly needed for the poor families, but also for everyone else in terms of flagging up security/safety issues. I just read that the black box only pings for up to 30 days, so a big race against time in such a big search area ...

08-04-2014, 11:14 AM
So the weeks drag on with big flash 'found something' headlines but in the end we still have nothing. A couple of independent journalists have written about the tremendous amount of garbage that's been found. Huge amounts of fishing nets and general rubbish. This in a fairly isolated part of the southern ocean. Can you imagine what state the more commercial oceans and seas are in?

Meanwhile still no plane with a gradual decrease in media interest.

09-04-2014, 04:44 AM
And only a couple more days before the black box signal will expire, too. I really hope that the recent pings they have 'heard' are significant and that there is enough time to locate if they are. I read something yesterday by an Oceanographer which said that the odds of them just stumbling across the upings of the plane in such a vast area equates to picking the right lottery numbers. And I guess that's assuming that the satellite information was correct in the first place ... Fingers crossed.

As you say, as time goes on, the media/public are increasingly losing interest. I understand that it's estimated that the search so far has cost in the region of A?30m. At the moment the countries involved in the searches are saying cost is no object, but I'm wondering if that will still be the case once the story has died down even more. So much agony for the families. I just can't imagine being in their position ... :blue:

As you say Oz, it's deeply concerning re the amount of garbag

09-04-2014, 04:48 AM
(Btw slightly o/t, but as we're talking about oceans and whales etc, I just loved your whale cartoon 'Yesss!!' to that whale!! So pleased that the Japanese government have agreed to abide by the ruling. Dreadful practice, and the excuse that they were killing the whales in the of 'research' was just appalling. Well done to the Aussies (and NZ?) for pushing it through. I think your consuming the world cartoon spoke volumes - pictures can say so much more than words - we are sucking the earth dry - literally.)

09-04-2014, 05:17 AM
Black box batteries are apparently dead.


Soooo many questions.

10-04-2014, 12:18 AM
Oh ok I haven't heard that, Yubby. So many conflicting stories out there. I was listening to a Perth based Aviation expert today who said they've probably got a bit more time than thought, as the 30 day battery life is the set standard, but in reality it's probably got up to another 10 days on top of that?

15-04-2014, 09:29 AM
Well still nothing. The deep sea probe sent to search the seabed had to be hauled up after exceeding it's max depth of 4,500 metres. They're going to have to scale this hugely expensive search down. No signals and it's just too deep.

If that's how events unfolded. The no wreckage is puzzling.I can't imagine a plane of that size crashing into the ocean and simply disappearing with no wreckage. So many things on those planes will float to the surface. Also the prevailing winds in the search area are westerly which should have pushed wreckage onto the beaches of Western Australia.

The aviation mystery of our times.

15-04-2014, 10:17 AM
One reason for the plane disappearing is the possibility it went into a vortex and into another dimension. - view external link (http://m.youtube.com/?reload=16&rdm=ysu4q349#/watch?v=ywlw1Y85Fj8)

15-04-2014, 10:38 AM
That was the wrong link. I know you think I'm stupid oz but this is interesting and would value your opinion on this as I'm only just been investigating the topic. I think it could be the real reason the plane vanished. - view external link (http://m.youtube.com/?reload=16&rdm=ysu4q349#/watch?v=jvbfsGUdkls)

15-04-2014, 06:27 PM
Well still nothing. The deep sea probe sent to search the seabed had to be hauled up after exceeding it's max depth of 4,500 metres. They're going to have to scale this hugely expensive search down. No signals and it's just too deep.

If that's how events unfolded. The no wreckage is puzzling.I can't imagine a plane of that size crashing into the ocean and simply disappearing with no wreckage. So many things on those planes will float to the surface. Also the prevailing winds in the search area are westerly which should have pushed wreckage onto the beaches of Western Australia.

The aviation mystery of our times.

You imagine that by now some wreckage would have pitched up somewher.

I suppose there is a possibility it floats towards Antarctica and so with no human population when bodies and wreckage does come ashore no-one's going to see it to report it. If that does happen, it might get frozen for all time encased in ice forever.

15-04-2014, 06:29 PM
That was the wrong link. I know you think I'm stupid oz but this is interesting and would value your opinion on this as I'm only just been investigating the topic. I think it could be the real reason the plane vanished.

What do you mean Bongo - that they got trapped in a ben & Jerry's frozen yoghurt never to be seen again. I don't get it :?

16-04-2014, 05:28 AM
A lot of water to cover, currents, and very deep ocean.

I don't know how they can just disappear fro radar?

16-04-2014, 07:02 AM
One reason for the plane disappearing is the possibility it went into a vortex and into another dimension.

Links don't work. Again. Check them before you post. So another crack pot theory with a vortex and dimension shift. Can you keep this rubbish in your own bigfoot type topics.

16-04-2014, 07:05 AM
Well still nothing. The deep sea probe sent to search the seabed had to be hauled up after exceeding it's max depth of 4,500 metres. They're going to have to scale this hugely expensive search down. No signals and it's just too deep.

If that's how events unfolded. The no wreckage is puzzling.I can't imagine a plane of that size crashing into the ocean and simply disappearing with no wreckage. So many things on those planes will float to the surface. Also the prevailing winds in the search area are westerly which should have pushed wreckage onto the beaches of Western Australia.

The aviation mystery of our times.

You imagine that by now some wreckage would have pitched up somewher.

I suppose there is a possibility it floats towards Antarctica and so with no human population when bodies and wreckage does come ashore no-one's going to see it to report it. If that does happen, it mi

16-04-2014, 05:16 PM
Yes, definitely seems strange that no wreckage at all has been spotted, given how certain they say they are that they are looking in the right place. I think plane debris was spotted 5 days after the Air France crash? I think they're still doing tests on the oil found, but there's been oil spills found elsewhere, so I guess it doesn't mean an awful lot at the moment. I did read something yesterday which suggested that it could take between 3 and 6 months for any wreckage to wash up on the WA beaches, and, even then, it might still not be spotted immediately due to the long isolated stretches of coast there.

I see the 2nd launch of the sub was aborted due to technical difficulties, and still then, nothing. Massive operation with huge depth issues as already mentioned. I see the US are talking about it potentially taking months for the sub search too be completed but understand Tony Abbott is talking about reviewing the situation if nothing is found in a week?

Not sure if it's old

25-04-2014, 12:27 AM
Not much has come of that, Winnie. There was some excitement yesterday when some wreckage was found on the south coast but the turned out to be corrugated roofing. Now suggestions of a landing somewhere are floating again.

And so it goes on.

25-04-2014, 01:22 AM
And we've had this underwater camera/sub thingy go down for over a dozen trips at 12 hours each time, I think it does 5 square klms a dive.

Still nuthin

26-04-2014, 09:52 AM
Really hard to know what to think, especially as time moves on without anything. I see the Aussies are now talking of expanding the search area ...

I saw the Malaysian PM has said he's not going to declare the plane and passengers lost at the moment out of respect for the relatives who are holding onto hope. Just putting myself in their shoes, although, logically, the chances of them being alive are slim, I think I might struggle to fully accept it was all over, given the lack of evidence. I think I'd feel like I was giving up on them. Horrible, horrible situation to be in ...