View Full Version : Mr Drew...

10-05-2014, 09:36 AM
new programme on the tele Mr Drew's Boys

here we go

Mr Drew, a teacher who featured in Educating Es*** (I believe) has taken a group of unruly lads, kids that are basically out of parental control, these attend this school and their parents do also.

I really, really do question how kids are allowed to get as bad as these...and I'm not stupid enough to believe there aren't far worse examples up and down the country, these kids are ones that do have it within themselves to learn changed behaviour.

it's obvious from the way they talk to their parents that they have zero respect for them, and the majority of blame must lay with the parents.

the initial feeling I get when I watch their antics is...they need a swift clip around the ear, the harder the better...without drawing blood of course!

makes me wonder if there should be a test for prospective parents, parenting isn't an easy thing and some people just aren't cut out for it...there's many an example in this programme.

no wonder